Questions on Rick Tew

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If you are the only RTMS practitioner here, then why does MartialTalk need a special area for it? If Rick Tew needs a forum for his system, I believe this guy named Faith or Keith or Kaith or something like that builds them. Rather than tell you "happy hunting" I looked up the information for you.

The Hosted Forum information is here:

As a perk, you even get to pick who you let into your clubhouse.
Bester said:
If you are the only RTMS practitioner here, then why does MartialTalk need a special area for it? If Rick Tew needs a forum for his system, I believe this guy named Faith or Keith or Kaith or something like that builds them. Rather than tell you "happy hunting" I looked up the information for you.

The Hosted Forum information is here:

As a perk, you even get to pick who you let into your clubhouse.
the "an" forum is not specific for rtms... but we do hope to grow it one day to have more members. thanks for the concern.:rolleyes:
Gentlemen, please, enough. The various issues and complaints from all sides are under discussion by the admins and supermods. Due to the large number of complaints, please give us a few days to properly process them.

Please refer to the warning now stickied on this forum.
No more flaming or other abuse will be tollerated.
Bester said:
Honestly, my name is Alfred Bester xxxxxx. My parents were fans of his writing, but he died in 1987. I think he would have been amused. The fact that there is a scifi character by the same name is a coincidence, however he is one of my favorite characters on that show. The other bits are part true/part humor.
Actually, as a B5 geek myself... the character on the show was named after the author.

2. sensei studied a few arts. the most well known arts he studied were as follows:
growing up he studied "the controvesial" dux ryu. he as the youngest black belt and was the fastest to get promoted in the dux ryu's history. becoming disillusioned with dux's illusions(hee hee! that one made me laugh:D) he went on to look for another more effective art. he moved to europe and began to train under dr. roy martina tja kai martial science system. after recieving his ranking there... he went on to go earn his dan's in hapkido. After his stay in europe sensei came back to the states and moved to texas where he became a student of robert bussey's. he became an insturctor under rbwi and then went off to create RTMS.
RTMS has not been around as long as other arts but continues to grow and add to itself to abstain from becoming stagnant (sp?).

3. that i'm not sure of but refer to question 4 for more details why.

4. there is no difference in rtms and tew ryu ninjutsu. tew ryu was a name he gave at the beginning when he first started to develop his art. as the style evolved he got tired of the confusion of many (the whole traditional and modern arguement of the ages) and decided to change the style name to rtms. tew ryu is now what we call the students. we are the ryu... school. a network of students from around the globe. that is why we don't associate ourselves with iga or koga... we are tew ryu.

hope this answers questions for the future.
just keep this info current.
5. things added to the arts would be high kicks (from hapkido). different stances also. we use many differen stances but some are:
*horse stance (earth)
*bow stance (water)
*cat stance (wind)
*defensive stance (earth)
*power stance (fire)
*low defensive (water)
*fighting (fire)
and others

Enson said:
just keep this info current.
5. things added to the arts would be high kicks (from hapkido). different stances also. we use many differen stances but some are:
*horse stance (earth)
*bow stance (water)
*cat stance (wind)
*defensive stance (earth)
*power stance (fire)
*low defensive (water)
*fighting (fire)
and others

Boy do those stances sound familiar. In fact, I had quite a few people dumbfounded last night trying to figure out how to, standing in a "defensive stance" then going to the "power stance" then turning 180 degrees back into "defensive stance" and then to "power stance." Try it. Do you move your left foot first or your right foot? Remember now, you have to turn and face the opposite direction and still end up in the "defensive stance" in 3 steps or less. (I did it in 2 step while retaining headlevel).

Are you sure that the bow stance isn't earth and not water?

Do you have a reason for why TR does these stances? (hint: 6 words)
Bester said:
I looked at his marketing, I mean web site. My answers weren't there.
I did do a search, but found little to answer my questions. Therefor, I asked them, politely, and clearly. You study his system. Despite your personal issues with me, is it that hard to answer specific questions about your teacher and the art you study?

Or are those answers only reserved for those who accept them without question and who agree with you?

If my questions have been answered here, rather than tell me to "Search", maybe you could give me a few links to the correct information? A search here will reveal many things.
I will add to your thread
You will waste time reading it with no new answer.
You may learn from this the power of the search function (I hope as have seen to many "tell me known" type posts like this.)
If you read & truly search on the questions posted you would have asked better questions.
And gotten more thoughtful answers
5 hand swords said:
I will add to your thread
You will waste time reading it with no new answer.
You may learn from this the power of the search function (I hope as have seen to many "tell me known" type posts like this.)
If you read & truly search on the questions posted you would have asked better questions.
And gotten more thoughtful answers

I fail to see how the questions Bester asked (below) were in any way shape or form rude, or soooooo insulting that they could not have been easily answered by folks from the Rick Tew camp.

1- How old is he?

2- What arts did he study?
2A - How long did he study each art?
2B - What ranks did he reach in those arts?
2C - Who did he study under or with?

3- How old was he when he founded his RTMS?

4- What is the difference between Rick Tew's Martial Science and Tew Ryu Ninjitsu?

I looked for answers to those same questions on his website and didnÂ’t find themÂ…Â…I did find A LOT of stuff for sell though.
I clicked all the non-marketing links that would seem to have lead me to info on his training backgroundÂ…Â…I found none. In fact none of the websites I visited with a GOOGLE search gave me any info on his training either.

As for thoughtful answers……well it seems any “non-ninja” folk that ask any sort of question on this part of MT get pounced on by a certain Mod and his sidekick……

The Topic is 'Questions on Rick Tew' - Not let's see who's got the Most Testosterone.. Gentlemen, Two of this threads' members have had their Accounts suspended- Yet the sniping continues. I'm locking this thread pending Admin Review and strongly suggest you all take a breather, relax and post germainely.

Thank you,

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