Question for Rick Tew Part Du

Serious, after reading that background, and the changing answers to simple questions, how can anyone intellegent throw away their money and waste their time on fantasy training? Is power rangers still that big of a dream for children?
yariman said:
Serious, after reading that background, and the changing answers to simple questions, how can anyone intellegent throw away their money and waste their time on fantasy training? Is power rangers still that big of a dream for children?

Power Rangers are not just for kids........
yariman said:
Serious, after reading that background, and the changing answers to simple questions, how can anyone intellegent throw away their money and waste their time on fantasy training? Is power rangers still that big of a dream for children?

Obviously some people are making him a rich man.

Well there it is straight from the horse's mouth:

When I was a kid first starting out in the Martial Arts, I didn't have easy access to a school or dojo. So, I created one out of my backyard. I designed a complete training center from what materials and nature I had available. I wrapped carpet around the plum tree to make my own Wing Chun Dummy. I had every kind of bag hanging from different branches filled with beans or sand. I had the small racquet sized speed ball and the diamond shaped target pad for specialized striking and punching. I had numerous knife and star target boards. There were ropes going high up into the largest tree in the yard which had markers for areas you needed to reach when training. There were balance beams, weights, jumping areas for crash landing and back flip stations. I put anything I could fit in our tiny backyard of about 2000 square feet. I even had an obstacle course that was set up for ultimate training and offered a challenge to friends and partners.

This backyard creation is what developed my skills as a martial artist. This is also what CMS is all about - being in my backyard. Of course it grew from 2000 square feet to over 10 acres - but the point is the same. I want you to follow in my footsteps and this is why I have created a program based on my training. CMS is not just a camp for learning the marital arts. It is a place to recapture that attitude you had as a youth; one of adventure, challenge, and dreams. Playing in my backyard.

My skills were developed through this type of training. I am a massively self-taught individual. At CMS and through the martial arts, we share this power of self-development. By re-creating the training I had and the environment that gave me the skills I needed to excel - you too can achieve the same results. At CMS you have the time to focus on YOU. It gives you the training and coaching needed to help steer you in the right direction. It promotes training to design your own destiny and follow your own dreams.

Sensei Tew

Tulisan said:
Cool...can I be in a video? :idunno: :lol:
Are you any good with a stick? :D

RRouuselot said:
Well there it is straight from the horse's mouth:
Was thinking different part, same animal.

KenpoTess said:
Marital? Or Martial ;)
Very similar. Both use strange positions, strange devices, it lot of effort and sweat with mess at end, and 1 person very disapointed. :D
Both > TewRyu I think, unless you are doing it in backyard. hahaha
Shizen Shigoku said:
Nimravus: "Tew wa ninja-gokko wa yatteiru."

I'm having trouble conjugating "yatteiru." is that the word for "to be successful (at doing something)" ?

And shouldn't it be "Tew wa ninja gokko o yatte iru" ?

The rest I understand, and I agree.
Right, I was tired.