Question for Rick Tew Part Du

Enson said:
its one thing to get answers and then say okay... but its another to get answers and use them to start a smear campaign against someone you have never met... meanwhile acting like you never got answers.:rolleyes:

check how many times i tried to answer to the best of my ability. then you look at a thread about someone elses teacher with honest questions and all you get is bad rep and a locked thread. favortism?... oh yeah!

Question: Why is the sky blue? I do not know, I think it is becuase of the light?

So, I ask again, until I get the answer which is the refraction of light through the ozone layer. This is a complete answer.

When I am asked, what my rank is, I am able to reply I have this rank. One of which is student, as there is no formal ranking system. There is noithing wrong with this. When I am asked about with whom I trained, and how long I can give the dates to at least the years if not the months, that I trained with whom and most likely where. It is the vague answers, that make people go HMMMM? I wonder, and ask more questions. If Mr. Tew has nothing to hide, even though he is a busy man, then he or his publicity officer should be able to answer the questions.

Just my opinions and thoughts on this issue.

You gettin' all this? Any part you need clarification on???

Rich Parsons said:
Question: Why is the sky blue? I do not know, I think it is becuase of the light?

So, I ask again, until I get the answer which is the refraction of light through the ozone layer. This is a complete answer.

When I am asked, what my rank is, I am able to reply I have this rank. One of which is student, as there is no formal ranking system. There is noithing wrong with this. When I am asked about with whom I trained, and how long I can give the dates to at least the years if not the months, that I trained with whom and most likely where. It is the vague answers, that make people go HMMMM? I wonder, and ask more questions. If Mr. Tew has nothing to hide, even though he is a busy man, then he or his publicity officer should be able to answer the questions.
Questions were asked.
My questions.

The answers were different depending on who at Tew & Co. replied.

The inconsistancies are the problem.

He trained under 1 confirmed fraud, and 1 very questionable person.
He holds no legitimate training in any Japanese art.
He is not Japanese.

But he teaches "NinJitsu" and calls himself "Sensei".
1 is confirmed to be a misuse, the other nonsence.

His background is full of illegitimate training, which is why he harps on ignoring backgrounds.

Hey, if I did not have any legitimate training, I would do the same if I wanted to make some cash fast.

Your questions about Hatsumi were answered, repeatedly, and consistantly by those who train with him, under him, etc. You do not like those answers, so you continue to cry how unfair it is.

Your teacher is little more than the martial arts equivilent of a "Used Car Salesman", and you are either too stuborn or "tew" stupid to deal with it.
Bester said:
Questions were asked.
My questions.

The answers were different depending on who at Tew & Co. replied.

The inconsistancies are the problem.

He trained under 1 confirmed fraud, and 1 very questionable person.
He holds no legitimate training in any Japanese art.
He is not Japanese.

But he teaches "NinJitsu" and calls himself "Sensei".
1 is confirmed to be a misuse, the other nonsence.

His background is full of illegitimate training, which is why he harps on ignoring backgrounds.

Hey, if I did not have any legitimate training, I would do the same if I wanted to make some cash fast.

Your questions about Hatsumi were answered, repeatedly, and consistantly by those who train with him, under him, etc. You do not like those answers, so you continue to cry how unfair it is.

Your teacher is little more than the martial arts equivilent of a "Used Car Salesman", and you are either too stuborn or "tew" stupid to deal with it.
HA so, TSU MI. now thats funny!:D

i will let sensei know so he can get on here and defend his honor! oh man i didn't know that he had to answer to a couple of internet trolls. i will let him know to open an account w/ martial talk asap!:rolleyes:
You might also suggest he hit Ebudo, BudoSeek, MartialArts Planet, hell, any major forum.
He, Dux and Bussey are pretty much consistantly listed as questionable at best, and full out frauds at worst.
Bester said:
You might also suggest he hit Ebudo, BudoSeek, MartialArts Planet, hell, any major forum.
He, Dux and Bussey are pretty much consistantly listed as questionable at best, and full out frauds at worst.
within your own circle... right
Look Ahondara,
You are not as dumb as you seem. Go to those sites, hit search, type in those names, and read what is posted. Do not take my word for it. Do your own reading. What do real martial artists (not internet warriors) say about him?

I am not refering to "soke" councils, or "hall of fame" either.

If you can not do that much research, then you truely are "Enson no Baka", Ne?
Bester said:
Look Ahondara,
You are not as dumb as you seem. Go to those sites, hit search, type in those names, and read what is posted. Do not take my word for it. Do your own reading. What do real martial artists (not internet warriors) say about him?

I am not refering to "soke" councils, or "hall of fame" either.

If you can not do that much research, then you truely are "Enson no Baka", Ne?
isn't "baka" a bad word? okay i will look at other internet sites to find info on my sensei.:rolleyes: does that make sense? go search a chat site to see real info. if that is where you do your research i'm not the one with the problem.
You can ask those who know the arts, you can ask chatroom 'know it alls', or you can ask the instructor.

Now, how many instructors will say "nope, I'm a faker"? None, right?
That leaves those who do 'know', and those folks on the boards (sometimes the same folks).

If 1 board said someone was FOS, I'd take it with a grain of salt. If 2 said it, I might wonder why. When 10 say it, I might feel there is a good reason, not just sour grapes over some young superstars above average talent.

In the Japanese martial arts community, Dr. Hatsumi has an excellent reputation.
In the global martial arts community, his reputation is also seen as very good.

Most of these young 'sokes' and 'system creators' aren't seen in a favorable light.

As to "Baka"...

馬鹿 (baka)

The only real insult to intelligence in Japanese. This is one of the best examples of how Japanese content themselves of a single words, while Westerners long for extreme diversity. That's a very interesting cultural difference. Moreover, Japanese being so polite and respectful, they couldn't have very offensive words.

In English, "baka" (non or adj.) can mean :

Adjective => stupid, foolish, unintelligent, dumb, dense, brainless, retarded, dull(-witted), slow(-witted), half-witted, simple(-minded), thick, dim, dopey, moronic, imbecilic, cretinous, thick, idiotic, silly, absurd, ridiculous, cock-eyed, daft...
Noun => fool, idiot, nitwit, dunce, dullard, dunderhead, dolt, dim-wit, dope, thickhead, nincompoop, and so on and so forth.
No, the word isn't, but the usage probably is.

I'll do my best to put this as politely as possible. IMO, if someone is going to study under someone, I would think that they would want some quality inst. correct? I mean, I surely don't want to give out my hard earned dollars to someone not worth giving them too. If someone asks questions about the inst. training, skills, etc. I would think that the student should be able to provide answers to the questions. If not, then I would also think that the student should be able to provide a reliable source for getting those answers.

That being said, I ask this question. It was mentioned that the Tew system has been tested in NHB. It was asked what events, dates, times, etc. and as of this post, I believe that those answers have gone unanswered. There have been others as well, but I'm not going to list them all.

I can see how one would get a little upset, with people seeming like they are firing off question after question, possibly with a hint of bashing. However, if a question is asked by someone, they are looking for an answer, not a question to their question. The more evasive people are, the more red flags are going to be raised.

Enson said:
isn't "baka" a bad word? okay i will look at other internet sites to find info on my sensei.:rolleyes: does that make sense? go search a chat site to see real info. if that is where you do your research i'm not the one with the problem.
sounds like that is where you get your info from, to me.

1- How old is he?

I am 38. Not very hard to answer when a rough number such as years is acceptable. The question was not to the second or millisecond.

2- What arts did he study?

I study Modern Arnis and Balintawak

2A - How long did he study each art?

Modern Arnis 1986 to present

Balintawak 1998 to present.

2B - What ranks did he reach in those arts?

5th Black in Modern Arnis
Student in Balintawak

2C - Who did he study under or with?

Modern Arnis:
Grand Master Remy A. Presas
Senior Master Jim Power

Manong (GM) Ted Buot

3- How old was he when he founded his Art?

GM Presas was pretty young by many standards and the exact age is in dispute depending upon whom you ask. Yet you could say mid to late 20's as a rough estimate. With Early Thirties being conservative.

Manong (GM) Ted Buot learned from Founder and GM Anciong Bacon. GM Bacon was taught just like all the others in the local club before WWII stick and dagger techniques. Well GM Bacon would poke/stab people with his wodden training dagger and draw blood. The dagger was taken away from him by his seniors and peers, for safety reasons. He then concentrated on single stick and only single stick. Even though the translations work to other medium, he only worked the single stick as the most practical weapon. His innovations and differences are what made his art different from the rest of those that formed the Doces Pares after WWII. This by no means that it was superior, only different.

4- What is the difference between Modern Arnis and Balintawak?
There are many differences, the first being that Balintawak concentrated on the single stick where as Modern Arnis also added in small circle Ju-Jutsu and Presas style blade work and other influences that were made upon GM Presas.

Simple questions. Simple answers for the most part, except for the last one. Which with this could then lead to either a separate thread or side topic of the same thread.

When the questions about age and years training are not answered. (* NOTE: Not asking for his birthdate or personal safety critical information. *) then people begin to questions and wonder, and ponder what is up. If people are straight forward and pretty much honest then much of this could have been avoided.

NOTE: I worked with some Japanese friends for the last 4 plus years, and understand much of their culture of politeness, and also issues of what is ok and what is taboo. And to many, asking or questioning a person in a superior postition is just not done. While spending some time in Japan, I had the pleasure to work with many people, and those that many would classify as hourly, would be uncomfortable with me. One of the managers asked me to call a person *Last Name* Sensei, as he would be teaching me the process and procedures. This gentlemen not being engineering or management was embarassed that an engineer would call him teacher. I dropped the Sensei portion as I knew it bothered him, and it was not a positive addition to our working relationship to continue. In the end I had his and others respect for being polite listening and treating them all with respect as well.

So, I would not expect Mr Tew to have this Japanese attitude or cultural aspect, yet even if he has adopted it, being in the Western Hemisphere, he should get used to being questioned by us Americans who want to know, and are not afraid of asking and have no cultural barriers to over come to do so.

Just my opinion
These are all very logical assessments. But remember, someone using cult marketing doesn't want logic. He wants your agreement and support BEFORE you get the answers to legit questions, and that is the problem.
Tulisan said:
These are all very logical assessments. But remember, someone using cult marketing doesn't want logic. He wants your agreement and support BEFORE you get the answers to legit questions, and that is the problem.
Your right and might I add that cult marketing tactics work on weak minds that are easily intimidated or gullible.
Enson said:
1) isn't "baka" a bad word?

2) okay i will look at other internet sites to find info on my sensei.:rolleyes: does that make sense? go search a chat site to see real info.

3) if that is where you do your research i'm not the one with the problem.

1)Not reallyÂ…..however in your case I would have used a much stronger word, but most likely would have gotten booted off this forum for life if I used it. I could care less if you are minister or not.

2)You shouldnÂ’t need to if he is really your "teacher" (remember he doesnÂ’t like connect himself to Japanese stuff so you shouldnÂ’t call him sensei) You should be able to just step up and ask him face to face where, when, and from whom he studiedÂ… your case that may be difficult since video tapes donÂ’t usually answer back.

3)You can find out a lot of info on the internetÂ…..both good and bad. Hey I found out some info on you from your websiteÂ…..are you saying that itÂ’s BS as well?


I have to say thus far you have balked in your attempt to answer questions concerning Tew. You also have to be one of the biggest hypocrites I have seen on this forum. You got all over my *** to the point of rudeness for comments I made when you were a Mod and then get on some Mods case when they commented about you, and whined “how could a Mod do that?”. Grow up and stop your bitching.....act like you have a "pair".

Personally I think your actions/posts show a great deal of cowardice. Your posts often donÂ’t make much sense and your background and training method are less than exemplary, this coupled with the fact that you think you actually have some insight into the ways martial makes you a liability to any forumÂ’s readers.

There are folks on this board that have spent DECADES in real dojo sweating their asses off to learn either a single art or several different ones which basically dwarf any training or experience you may think you have. Therefore if I were you and REALLY wanted to learn martial arts I would shut my cake hole and listen to what they have to say/teach. You would be amazed at how much talent is on MT if you would lose your ego.

I think most folks on MT (certainly the Mods) that have seen my posts have come to the conclusion that I despise fakes, frauds, liars, wannabees, BS artists, and so on… fact most of them know if I see one of the above mentioned types they usually become the #1 turd in my “s ” parade.


Because those people are like a poison to the efforts made by serious MA people.
Enson said:
isn't "baka" a bad word? okay i will look at other internet sites to find info on my sensei.:rolleyes: does that make sense? go search a chat site to see real info. if that is where you do your research i'm not the one with the problem.

Actually, the internet is a great place to find info. However, in this case, there is not much about Tew, so those that had/have questions, decided to go to the student, and ran into a dead end there as well. Sooo..what other source is left? No answer from the student, the internet, or Tew or his staff.

Nimravus: "Tew wa ninja-gokko wa yatteiru."

I'm having trouble conjugating "yatteiru." is that the word for "to be successful (at doing something)" ?

And shouldn't it be "Tew wa ninja gokko o yatte iru" ?

The rest I understand, and I agree.