Robert W. Smith(1926-2011)


Purple Belt
Robert W. Smith passed away on July 1st. He was an enormous influence on me along with the late Donn Draeger. The two men while either writing solo or in tandem produced works that inspired many and continues to do so.

I was able to correspond with Robert during the last few years. I sent him my dvds, some of my writing and he was always fast to respond with handwritten letters. He was very witty and funny and could expertly get at the core of a problem or series of problems with a delicate hand. He will be sorely missed for a long time to come.

Brief Bio from Koryu:

[h=2]Robert W. Smith[/h]Robert W. Smith is one of the world's leading authorities on Asian martial arts. Co-author with Donn F. Draeger of the groundbreaking Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts, he has written fourteen other books on various aspects of the Chinese martial arts. Smith has practiced, taught, and written on the Asian martial arts for more than fifty years. From his late teens he trained under eminent Western boxing and wrestling coaches and later immersed himself in judo and finally the Chinese martial arts under celebrated masters. He taught many students in the latter arts in the Washington D.C. area where he worked as an intelligence officer for the CIA.

He was an inspiration to me in many ways. His writings lent knowledge when not much was out there. He lived and studied in places I dreamed of going.
May he rest in peace


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