I have encountered many people who wanted to prove their masculinity by challenging me to a fight and this even before I started training in Kung fu. Its interesting how some of these people like to do it front of females, as if they are suddenly going to impress them enough to go home and sleep with them.
There are still these ego maniacs who like to challenge people, cause trouble and sadly some of these idiots actually practice Martial Arts. This shows me that although they have been training for 10 years or so, they have learnt absolutely nothing. Any dog can learn to fetch a stick!
It may not be their Instructor's fault but there are always people with issues who feel an urge to prove themselves. And this is what gives Martial Arts a bad name but sadly most clubs can not afford to turn people away.
I know of some that are very selective who they teach and these are the most traditional of styles. Because I was interested in another style to learn. It was another Kung Fu style which really interested me but it would been a long drive. I emailed the club, having filled out their form and I did say I already practice another style. And it was for this reason I was not allowed to come and even watch. Fair enough as they are trying to teach serious students who won't take away their secrets and misuse them, but I have to say I was very dissapointed that I wasn't accepted but I understand and admire their ethics.
Even though I never tell anyone I practice a Martial Art, someone may by accident catch me practicing in private and make a comment. So embarrassing as one time when working somewhere I was practicing my kicks and the guy who was showing me the ropes came just as I was doing it. He made some comment and I told him I practiced Kung Fu but he seemed very ignorant about Kung Fu, although he had studied Karate. Its so embarrassing when someone catches you practicing your skills but unfortunately I can't keep still. Better I suppose it be the workplace then in a park with a lot of punks.
There are still these ego maniacs who like to challenge people, cause trouble and sadly some of these idiots actually practice Martial Arts. This shows me that although they have been training for 10 years or so, they have learnt absolutely nothing. Any dog can learn to fetch a stick!
It may not be their Instructor's fault but there are always people with issues who feel an urge to prove themselves. And this is what gives Martial Arts a bad name but sadly most clubs can not afford to turn people away.
I know of some that are very selective who they teach and these are the most traditional of styles. Because I was interested in another style to learn. It was another Kung Fu style which really interested me but it would been a long drive. I emailed the club, having filled out their form and I did say I already practice another style. And it was for this reason I was not allowed to come and even watch. Fair enough as they are trying to teach serious students who won't take away their secrets and misuse them, but I have to say I was very dissapointed that I wasn't accepted but I understand and admire their ethics.
Even though I never tell anyone I practice a Martial Art, someone may by accident catch me practicing in private and make a comment. So embarrassing as one time when working somewhere I was practicing my kicks and the guy who was showing me the ropes came just as I was doing it. He made some comment and I told him I practiced Kung Fu but he seemed very ignorant about Kung Fu, although he had studied Karate. Its so embarrassing when someone catches you practicing your skills but unfortunately I can't keep still. Better I suppose it be the workplace then in a park with a lot of punks.