I think that you have received a lot of good advice and intelligent opinions so I do not see the need to offer my own in regards to the original subject of how to counsel your son, you seem to have good instincts, are not afraid to ask advice and I am sure that you will do well.
That said, I do have a view of the situation that I do not think has been addressed on this thread and think that it might be thought provoking for you especially and others as well.
I do not know you, your husband or your family so what I am saying is pointed broadly and generally and not towards your family or you specifically.
Within the military it is generally accepted that not all warriors are created equally. Within the units and teams there are always a few that will do more than others and do it better. Warriors can be made but born warriors are into a class by themselves. Reading your original post reminded me of this fact and the issues that it brings up. In todayÂ’s society true warriors have a difficult path and will face many challenges and it will only get more challenging in the future. Girlbug2 you know your son and you can decide for yourself on what his character is/will be and MOST important how you want to shape it. As difficult as it may be to look at the child today and see the man of tomorrow I believe that you owe it to your son and to yourself to do so. What kind of man do you want your son to be? Do you want a Alan Alda sensitive man, one in touch with his feelings and ready to and willing to cry at the slightest urging, or do you want a man that sees strength as being silent and tough holding his feelings and emotions in check to only be examined in private using the two extremes as examples? In reality most men have a little of both with one or the other being more prominent in their make-up. It is important Girlbug2 to decide that now and get it in your head so that you can help guide the boy into manhood.
What does that mean to you (in my opinion)? It means that if you want him to be the sensitive type you will need to practice and start the influence right away. The male models in his life should reflect that type of male understanding. The sports and hobbies that he participates should build upon the traits that you see as important. This is in my opinion much more important for a young man that tends toward the stereotypical warrior/protector man type due to the stigma that modern society tries to place upon the type. If your son tends toward this type he will need a lot of guidance and patience and understanding. Importantly and why I am writing this post is that you girlbug2 will need much more patience than you can even imagine at this moment. Your boy will do things that you will have no idea of why he chose to do them and he will not be able to articulate why himself. You will have to decide in advance to support him in his decisions and actions even when others will point and blame. He may be a fighter and if so he will fight. There will be consequences of his being willing to stand up and lay his enemies before him. He will get into conflicts and battles and will not always understand or able to articulate why but will only know that it needed to be done and he did it. Those consequences might be his getting kicked off of a team, in trouble at school, and a minimum of good friends in his young life. As a parent of a warrior/protector you will need to come to the conclusion early on that the consequences fair or not (and most will be unfair) be damned his actions are worth it and you will have to help him understand that sometimes the cost of taking a stand must be paid and the benefits may not appear for years and years if ever. As the parent of a warrior/protector you will need to guide him to put his instincts to a higher service otherwise he may find himself fighting merely for the sake of fighting.
The rewards will be few but deep. He will be able to look into the mirror and be ok with what he sees. He will be able to look other men in the eyes and have them value the looking. He will be looked to in time of trouble and will be stronger for it and if lucky and blessed he will find a mate that not only understands but values his abilities and character and able to support him and appreciated and need his support. He will live his nature and make the world a better place for doing so.
Anyway a few thoughts and perhaps a glimpse into the future
Warmest regards
Brian King
I think that you have received a lot of good advice and intelligent opinions so I do not see the need to offer my own in regards to the original subject of how to counsel your son, you seem to have good instincts, are not afraid to ask advice and I am sure that you will do well.
That said, I do have a view of the situation that I do not think has been addressed on this thread and think that it might be thought provoking for you especially and others as well.
I do not know you, your husband or your family so what I am saying is pointed broadly and generally and not towards your family or you specifically.
Within the military it is generally accepted that not all warriors are created equally. Within the units and teams there are always a few that will do more than others and do it better. Warriors can be made but born warriors are into a class by themselves. Reading your original post reminded me of this fact and the issues that it brings up. In todayÂ’s society true warriors have a difficult path and will face many challenges and it will only get more challenging in the future. Girlbug2 you know your son and you can decide for yourself on what his character is/will be and MOST important how you want to shape it. As difficult as it may be to look at the child today and see the man of tomorrow I believe that you owe it to your son and to yourself to do so. What kind of man do you want your son to be? Do you want a Alan Alda sensitive man, one in touch with his feelings and ready to and willing to cry at the slightest urging, or do you want a man that sees strength as being silent and tough holding his feelings and emotions in check to only be examined in private using the two extremes as examples? In reality most men have a little of both with one or the other being more prominent in their make-up. It is important Girlbug2 to decide that now and get it in your head so that you can help guide the boy into manhood.
What does that mean to you (in my opinion)? It means that if you want him to be the sensitive type you will need to practice and start the influence right away. The male models in his life should reflect that type of male understanding. The sports and hobbies that he participates should build upon the traits that you see as important. This is in my opinion much more important for a young man that tends toward the stereotypical warrior/protector man type due to the stigma that modern society tries to place upon the type. If your son tends toward this type he will need a lot of guidance and patience and understanding. Importantly and why I am writing this post is that you girlbug2 will need much more patience than you can even imagine at this moment. Your boy will do things that you will have no idea of why he chose to do them and he will not be able to articulate why himself. You will have to decide in advance to support him in his decisions and actions even when others will point and blame. He may be a fighter and if so he will fight. There will be consequences of his being willing to stand up and lay his enemies before him. He will get into conflicts and battles and will not always understand or able to articulate why but will only know that it needed to be done and he did it. Those consequences might be his getting kicked off of a team, in trouble at school, and a minimum of good friends in his young life. As a parent of a warrior/protector you will need to come to the conclusion early on that the consequences fair or not (and most will be unfair) be damned his actions are worth it and you will have to help him understand that sometimes the cost of taking a stand must be paid and the benefits may not appear for years and years if ever. As the parent of a warrior/protector you will need to guide him to put his instincts to a higher service otherwise he may find himself fighting merely for the sake of fighting.
The rewards will be few but deep. He will be able to look into the mirror and be ok with what he sees. He will be able to look other men in the eyes and have them value the looking. He will be looked to in time of trouble and will be stronger for it and if lucky and blessed he will find a mate that not only understands but values his abilities and character and able to support him and appreciated and need his support. He will live his nature and make the world a better place for doing so.
Anyway a few thoughts and perhaps a glimpse into the future
Warmest regards
Brian King