Even in labour the pain felt can vary hugely though and there is a psychological aspect to labour which is why great care should be taken about the mother's state of mind ie is she terrified of having pain, is she scared of being in labour, is she relaxed etc. Education works a great deal towards lessening pain as does the atmosphere and situation of where she is giving birth, a lot of factors are involved in childbirth.
I have seen several programmes on childbirth in the US, it seems 'gas and air' isn't used at all? Seems unnecessarily cruel to make mothers go through pain when they could be using something to help.
The U.S. uses the full range of options for pain control during childbirth. It's not my area, (the standard response to a labor patient in the ER is "get them out of here!!!!") but I believe the most popular is epidural.
A lot of what you've probably seen is from people who choose to deliver that way.
Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.