Those links were to scientific evidence. You know, the kind of stuff that we should use to make sure something's not over-hyped. It's not over-hyped if it's true. And the fact that someone can show (or even just asserts) multiple benefits doesn't imply they think it's better than everything else for any one of those (though it's possible it's better for the collective, even that's not implied). If someone claims it has benefits that aren't supported by evidence, or that it is the only/best way to get some of those benefits, etc. - that would likely be overhype.its not your point im disputing, its not you posting multiple links claim multiple health benefits for yoga.
and I've never claim yoga doesn't have health benefits, my point is that its over hyped and has no more benefits than most other forms of exercises , different benefits perhaps, but not more or superior benefits. Certainly in like for like it is not in anyway better than Pilates . It's just that Pilates doesn't have new aged mysticism wrapped up in it.
if people wish to show that yoga n has health benefits greater than other forms of exercise, then they need to show that, or except that it's just another exercise no better than many others
You are arguing against a partial strawman. You're making statements to counter assertions not made, using assertions made as incomplete evidence of them.
EDIT: It would be like if someone showed evidence that acetaminophen + ibuprofen is effective at relieving tooth pain (it is), and I said they were over-hyping it and I'm tired of people saying that combination is the best way to treat any pain (neither being in evidence in their advice).