It’s not the same warmup as everyone else did. If they did every single thing the rest of the class did, they’d never catch up. It’s a condensed warmup to strike the balance of being warm enough and getting in as quickly as possible.
There’s a couple that comes to class 10 minutes late every Tuesday night due to their work and childcare schedule. The teacher knows this and finds it acceptable. It’s better to take 80 minutes of a 90 minute class than miss the whole thing. They do the required pushups, squats, stretches, etc. as a warmup, not as punishment. Their warmup on Tuesdays is more intense, but not harder when all things are considered.
And if it is used as punishment and/or a deterrent, it’s usually stated up front when the student first joins. If they don’t like the policy, they can find another place. Same with all of these policies you seem to take issue with. That’s not a cult. It’s “this is what we do and how we do it. If it fits your idea of the right way, welcome aboard. If not, all the best to you.” An entire school or any organization shouldn’t change what they do because one person takes issue with it. If that were the case, no place would ever function for very long.