
  1. P

    What is my biological age range from these pictures ?

    I am curious about what you guys think of my biological age compared to my chronological ( to reveal later) ? Face photo : Full body photo :
  2. Ivan

    500 pushups daily

    I just finished my first day of attempting 500 pushups daily in one go. I have done 500 pushups in a day as a challenge multiple times in the past but I have always split them up throughout the day. Today is my first time attempting to do them all in one sitting. I managed to squeeze out 361...
  3. Ivan

    Achieving the one handed pushup

    Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I last posted. To catch you up on what's been going on in my life, I finally recovered from a chest infection that impeded my wellbeing for over two months. I've been getting back to training and attempting to join my local amateur club which has been...
  4. D

    Body Durability or Toughening

    Despite your first thoughts this isn't about hitting yourself over and over again until you hate yourself. There are several kinds of body durability and toughness. In material science there is: yield strength (bending without breaking or deforming) compressive strength (crushing without...
  5. R

    Stength & Conditioning for Wing Chun

    Hi Everyone, I am wondering what kind of focus everyone has for improving strength & fitness for Wing Chun (if any). Do people just rely on the practice or do you do anything separate. I know my school does some fitness as part of a class sometimes but mostly it is something people have to do...
  6. Ivan

    Your thoughts on a new training regimen

    So as a disclaimer, this regime is quite extreme. I will be maintaining it for 5 weeks, with the fifth week being an offload week, where I do the workouts with considerably less weight and intensivity. This starts off at 0530 in the morning. I get to the gym at around 0600 and begin at 0610. I...
  7. Ivan

    Anyone have experience buying a pair of dumbbells online?

    I have just moved into my uni accommodation, and I am looking for a set of adjustable dumbbells to purchase. I looked around and I found this offer. But it simply feels too good to be true. $35 with shipping included for 30kg dumbbells is much cheaper than anything else I have come by. What...
  8. R

    Looking for a training partner in the NoVa/DC area

    Hello, Tang Soo Do and GoJu Ryu practitioner here. Looking for a training partner to practice with. Don't care what style you are since all styles have something you can learn from. Really just looking for someone who enjoys body conditioning, bunkai and sharing/exchanging knowledge...
  9. Ivan

    Optimal amount of time for training techniques daily?

    A while ago I made a post about the possibility of training for 6 hours daily. Clearly I had forgotten about the timeless adage about quality over quantity. Up until that point, I had been attempting to (unsuccessfully) go on diet/regime which involved skipping dinner, as well as practising my...
  10. Draco90x

    I became so damn heavy ! which sport should i switch to ?

    Hi everybody. Am glad to be here again . since i hit 25 years old i became so heavy specially at 30 years old with a weight of 130 kg compared to my 22 years old's peak endurance 90 kg . So right now am thinking about normalizing my weight but dont know how to recognize my healthy weight...
  11. Ivan

    Is there such thing as overworking?

    I constantly feel the need to train. It's like an itch I can't scratch but I want to know whether I should push it. For starters, here is the schedule I try to stick to every week: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Gym 0530-0645Gym 0630-0745Gym 0530-0645Gym 0530-0645 Gym 1110-1300Boxing...
  12. D

    Request: Types of Gym Workouts for this TKD practitioner

    Hey guys, I want to do some more gym workouts for my Taekwondo training with these goals: *Improving jumping height *Improve kicking speed and technique *Improve posture *Increase agility *Increase flexibility I also want to do weightlifting to increase my muscle mass and upper body strength...
  13. D

    Focused Flexibility by GMB Fitness?

    Hey guys, I found this website the other day called GMB Fitness. I came across it on my search for flexibility training, for the sake of my Taekwondo training. They have a program that is called “Focused Flexibility” that they are offering for a very big price, not a $200 big price, but...
  14. O

    Regarding Tricking

    I've recently been researching this thing called tricking which is a mix of Gymnastics, dance, parkour and a bit of martial arts. While I wouldn't recommend tricking it during a match I can see some benefits to the practice of said skill for starters it looks like great cardio, good training for...
  15. kravmaga1

    Importance of Martial Arts!

    Martial Arts is becoming increasingly popular these days: Self Defense – This is the primary reason you should learn this art. It is undeniable that violence exists everywhere. Our team of trainers will help you learn the skills and techniques that will allow you to defend yourself no matter...
  16. AngryHobbit

    Non-martial training in martial arts

    "She nodded thoughtfully, then poked the air, wrist bent and elbow out. I couldn't stand it, so I took it [the sword] from her, dropped slowly into a foil guard, lunged in high line, recovered - a move so graceful that big hairy men look good in it. It's why ballerinas study fencing." - Robert...
  17. Anarax

    Muscular Women Double Standard

    In the US there is a very prevalent double standard for muscular women. This goes beyond personal preference or what an individual finds attractive. As a society we seem to shun the look of a muscular woman and discourage it. This can be seen in television, movies, magazines, etc. Let's narrow...
  18. J

    Exercise techniques in MA classes

    I'm currently having some issues in class. The more that I am taking part of fitness outside of Martial Arts, the more I'm noticing issues with technique when fellow students are taking part in fitness and warm ups at my club. I'm not sure what to do as this is quite difficult for me, knowing...
  19. BJJCop

    Bleep test information needed! Help

    Police Officer Selection Process - Police Scotland Gotten really frustrated trying to understand this seemingly top secret bleep test scoring system for the police force (UK if anyone asks) it seems to state that persons under 29 years of age are down on Nation Fitness Standard, for meeting MSFT...
  20. N

    Keen to start learning Krav Maga

    I'm pretty keen to start learning Krav Maga, i've read quite a but about it and have been lurking my local gym called Urban Kombat which looks pretty great. What does everyone think about the gym or leaning Krav Maga in general? Positives/negatives? I'm a 24 y/o male if that helps...
  21. C

    Hello! Newbie looking for pointers!

    Hi All, I’ve recently become involved in fitness and martial arts as I’m working on a project on it – an event this July. Throughout the project, we’ll be producing articles and other types of commentary to appeal to followers and newcomers of fitness and martial arts. I thought it would...