Ninjukai Taijutsu

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Kreth said:
I don't think this theory can be substantiated. No one culture can claim to be the sole origin of martial arts. The genesis of martial arts more likely goes back to the first time a caveman *****-slapped another one who tried to steal his share of mammoth meat... Jeff
absolutely, positively, 99% true. :uhyeah:
there is an art based in W.A Australia called ninjukai taijutsu i think there is a website the grandmaster is a chinese man called john ang

anybody have any info on this fraud

What do you mean he is a fraud?! I did Ninjukai Taijitsu there for 6 years, but was in the Midland dojo till it was closed down, i ahve met him plenty of times during gradings and when my Dad was Sensei at the midland dojo. What can you say to prove that Shian John Ang is a fraud?
Hats off to you, and i agree, i learnt Ninjukai Taijitsu for 6 years at the Midland Dojo and have met Shian a few times, he is a marvel.
But i must say he does earn money from this, and thats the only thing i could say against him. My Dad was sensei at the Midland Dojo for the last year or 2 before it was shut down, and Shian got money from it. But he is an amazing person, with a phenominal aura of strength. Its amazing and an honour to have met him
I was suprised to read there are only 3 Frauds in the world. WOW
That makes two of us. There's Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan, Rick Tew, Bussey, Robert Law, Ang, Harunaka Hoshino, Carlos Febres, James Loriega, whats-his-name from the Discovery special. And of course there's Jabba the Hutt's big brother down South somewhere.
That makes two of us. There's Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan, Rick Tew, Bussey, Robert Law, Ang, Harunaka Hoshino, Carlos Febres, James Loriega, whats-his-name from the Discovery special. And of course there's Jabba the Hutt's big brother down South somewhere.

...ohhh, you went there!
I thought this type of talk was not endorsed by Martial Talk.

My reading of the matter is that people who come here to lead a crusade against someone are not welcome.

But if someone asks a question about someone, then others are free to chime in with either bad or good opinions.

If someone has problems with their story and it looks like they are a fraud, then that can be brought up within reason.

I like what Kreth wrote,

There's Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan, Rick Tew, Bussey, Robert Law, Ang, Harunaka Hoshino, Carlos Febres, James Loriega, whats-his-name from the Discovery special. And of course there's Jabba the Hutt's big brother down South somewhere.

It seems that all of these people seem to have lied. Reading through this thread, I see that someone studying Ninjukai made a claim that there was an active dojo in Kyoto, Japan. When asked for proof of this, they stopped posting. So it seems that the person that tried to use that tactic knew that the claim was false. The same goes for the people that Kreth mentioned like Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan and all the rest. AFAIK, they all claim to have learned ninjutsu from a teacher but find excuses for why they can't even prove that.

I do not think that martialtalk is a place where people have to accept any claim being made without question. I have been looking over some threads by Monkey and Bruce Calkins since I registered here. They made claims, and they were questioned. When it became clear that they could not answer those questions anymore than people like Ashida Kim and Ron Duncan can answer claims as to who taught them ninjutsu, they got nasty and ended up being banned after a lot of flaming on their part.

I guess it just means that no one really has a right to use this board to start threads attacking others or stalk people posting here. But it does not mean that we have to remain silent about frauds such as Ron Duncan or Ashida Kim when the subject comes up.
My reading of the matter is that people who come here to lead a crusade against someone are not welcome.

But if someone asks a question about someone, then others are free to chime in with either bad or good opinions.

If someone has problems with their story and it looks like they are a fraud, then that can be brought up within reason.

I like what Kreth wrote,

It seems that all of these people seem to have lied. Reading through this thread, I see that someone studying Ninjukai made a claim that there was an active dojo in Kyoto, Japan. When asked for proof of this, they stopped posting. So it seems that the person that tried to use that tactic knew that the claim was false. The same goes for the people that Kreth mentioned like Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan and all the rest. AFAIK, they all claim to have learned ninjutsu from a teacher but find excuses for why they can't even prove that.

I do not think that martialtalk is a place where people have to accept any claim being made without question. I have been looking over some threads by Monkey and Bruce Calkins since I registered here. They made claims, and they were questioned. When it became clear that they could not answer those questions anymore than people like Ashida Kim and Ron Duncan can answer claims as to who taught them ninjutsu, they got nasty and ended up being banned after a lot of flaming on their part.

I guess it just means that no one really has a right to use this board to start threads attacking others or stalk people posting here. But it does not mean that we have to remain silent about frauds such as Ron Duncan or Ashida Kim when the subject comes up.

I read the rules a little different then.
D - Forum / Art / Individual Bashing / Fraud Busting

3 - No Individual Bashing / Fraud Busting. It is not our mission to out and expose frauds or decide who "sucks". Such discussions rarely lead anywhere other than to headaches, and lawsuits.

It seems rather explicit that there is No individual bashing. Calling people frauds, several of whom by the way do not post here, seems like reaching out for the "headaches and lawsuits" that are so hopefully avoided. From a Moderator no less.
It seems rather explicit that there is No individual bashing. Calling people frauds, several of whom by the way do not post here, seems like reaching out for the "headaches and lawsuits" that are so hopefully avoided. From a Moderator no less.
Try a quick search. None of the individuals named can show a lineage back to Japan (or in Bussey's case, any teaching credentials). Prove me wrong, and I will post a retraction.
There was a claim made, and I replied.
Would you complain like this if I called Scientology a cult?
Try a quick search. None of the individuals named can show a lineage back to Japan (or in Bussey's case, any teaching credentials). Prove me wrong, and I will post a retraction.
There was a claim made, and I replied.
Would you complain like this if I called Scientology a cult?

None of the individuals listed have posted on this thread. My point is that it was an outright attack on people who do not frequent this board.

Do you call the Kempo people frauds for not having a link back to China?

To me, this smacks of an "I'm better than you are" attitude based on paperwork, which if I am not mistaken, has been a bit of a thorn for the Bujinkan as well.
None of the individuals listed have posted on this thread

True, but still they claim to have a lineage

To me, this smacks of an "I'm better than you are" attitude based on paperwork, which if I am not mistaken, has been a bit of a thorn for the Bujinkan as well.

That may be so, but on the other hand, there's plenty of proof about where Hatsumi got his knowledge, while the induhviduals mentioned here don't seem to be able to provide that
True, but still they claim to have a lineage

This is kind of vague. By lineage, do you mean just having a teacher above them, or a license to teach from someone else?

That may be so, but on the other hand, there's plenty of proof about where Hatsumi got his knowledge, while the induhviduals mentioned here don't seem to be able to provide that

Maybe not to those outside their organizations. But I think most have.
This is kind of vague. By lineage, do you mean just having a teacher above them, or a license to teach from someone else?

Ok, by your signature you seem to be studying Ronald Duncan's system. I'm a bit hazy on my knowledge about him, I have to admit, but if I remember correctly, he claims to be a Koga ryu ninjutsu adept. Where did he learn Koga ryu ninjutsu? Who taught him? And who taught his teacher? etc. I think you get the picture... Oh and do remember, there are people who know the history of ninjutsu quite well indeed (I'm not one of them)

Maybe not to those outside their organizations. But I think most have.

Oh for goodness sakes, someone shows his (impressionable) students a piece of paper. How many do you think have enough knowledge of japanese or some other Asian language, history and customs to be able question those?
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