My reading of the matter is that people who come here to lead a crusade against someone are not welcome.
But if someone asks a question about someone, then others are free to chime in with either bad or good opinions.
If someone has problems with their story and it looks like they are a fraud, then that can be brought up within reason.
I like what Kreth wrote,
It seems that all of these people seem to have lied. Reading through this thread, I see that someone studying Ninjukai made a claim that there was an active dojo in Kyoto, Japan. When asked for proof of this, they stopped posting. So it seems that the person that tried to use that tactic knew that the claim was false. The same goes for the people that Kreth mentioned like Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan and all the rest. AFAIK, they all claim to have learned ninjutsu from a teacher but find excuses for why they can't even prove that.
I do not think that martialtalk is a place where people have to accept any claim being made without question. I have been looking over some threads by Monkey and Bruce Calkins since I registered here. They made claims, and they were questioned. When it became clear that they could not answer those questions anymore than people like Ashida Kim and Ron Duncan can answer claims as to who taught them ninjutsu, they got nasty and ended up being banned after a lot of flaming on their part.
I guess it just means that no one really has a right to use this board to start threads attacking others or stalk people posting here. But it does not mean that we have to remain silent about frauds such as Ron Duncan or Ashida Kim when the subject comes up.