Dangerous demo's


Orange Belt
Look if your doing a demo and your going to pick someone out of the general public and flip them, Make sure they know how to break fall first, Flipping people around like rag doles dose not only look bad, But could do serious damage as its designed to do. Onther thing is most Martial arts places have as far as im aware a medical cert that needs to be filled out before engaging in activities such as this. I thought id add this link to show you what not to do.
The next link is on the Martial Art some say is not but it most certainly is, So im proving it here.
John Ang is a good master and a very easy going bloke.
The head band stuff people say about any martial art that provides a headband etc is a circus so to speak well call it what you may but certainly a headband is really here or there. I guess if you wanted one it was avaliable if you didn't you did not have to by one. Probably a draw card for the novice, who wants to try something new. As far as im aware no torminents are engaged by the Ninjukai Association.
Add any bad demos and explain your reasons you thought they where bad examples or what not to do.
Please try not to rant on about what Martial art is better than the other, There all good to some degree and alot has to do with the individual ie how much effort they put in how much training some live and breath it. im sure all thats been done here somewhere when i want views on that i will look for it.
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Would you mind explaining the point of your post?
You seem to be rambling all over the place without rhyme or reason.
Nothing about that demo was particularly dangerous, and a simple controlled hip throw on mats is fairly harmless. It most certainly is not flipping people like rag dolls.

And what does the ninjukai link have to do with the topic? And what is that link supposed to prove? It would be easier to understand you if you were not rambling so much, tried to write coherent paragraphs and not mixing different topics.
Ok not enough info, well when doing a demo and you take someone from the public you don't just flick em over your shoulder. When you start training the first thing you learn is to break fall other than stance but defenetly before throws. Look at the flick yes theres matts that dosn't matter The guy could have damaged a shoulder, Defenetly could have winded him and could have even damaged ribs. My point uncontroled fall by someone who has no idea. In a situation like this there should have been two trained people (thats my point).
Heres some more just for kicks.

The Ninjukai thread was added to show which Martal art the demo was from.
So in your opinion that demo was fine? (Nothing wrong with it)? Ok your intiteld to your opinion.
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Hi Eazy,

This isn't going to be easy, as here at Martialtalk there is a no fraudbusting rule, however....

John Ang is not someone I would look to for any form of guidance at all (for those outside of Australia, John claims to be one of the "last three Grandmasters of Ninjukai", which he used to claim as Ninjutsu, but changed it a few years back, with a rank of 6th Dan, is a Lawyer, although most things I have seen from the group in articles and demos over the years would classify as aggrevated assault, and his group (World Ninja Society) runs a "Hire a Ninja" program, where you can hire these vigilantes to come over and help with any trouble you may be having. They are also very well known in Perth for travelling the train system (in full uniform, including "headgear/mask" and motorcycle gloves.... yes, they're traditional!), looking to "aid people in trouble. Think Ashida Kim here, frankly....). This is not saying that it is a bad martial art, just that it is.... well, yes, it is a bad martial art. Sorry, couldn't think of a positive spin on John and his guys, and believe me, I tried. The guy can't really do anything, has no verifiable link to anything whatsoever, and has little to recommend him. Why do people go to someone like this, just cause he looks like the movies?

In terms of this demonstration, it hardly seems to be that. It is a fairly unskilled member of the group demonstrating a throw (badly) on a very young member of the public half his size, then getting the youngster to try the same thing, without being able to teach any part of it himself. The young kid, uh, lands badly, and the girls filming it laugh. I would have been laughing even without the "demo" there at all, really.
Good points and everything you say here is true, I did it for a while because i was on the street there and it was across the park from the hostel i was staying at.
Well i sorted my self out and moved on. I gave me a confidence boost though and i did learn stuff.
I found some of your comment funny i had to laugh because of the truth in it.
My main point was the sloppy demo wich just backs up what you say.Haha,
("Look kido this is how where going to throw you if you much around on the train")
Ok not enough info, well when doing a demo and you take someone from the public you don't just flick em over your shoulder. When you start training the first thing you learn is to break fall other than stance but defenetly before throws. Look at the flick yes theres matts that dosn't matter The guy could have damaged a shoulder, Defenetly could have winded him and could have even damaged ribs. My point uncontroled fall by someone who has no idea. In a situation like this there should have been two trained people (thats my point).
Heres some more just for kicks.

The Ninjukai thread was added to show which Martal art the demo was from.
So in your opinion that demo was fine? (Nothing wrong with it)? Ok your intiteld to your opinion.

I looked at the throw again. It was slow, and as he went down, the other guy held his arm up so he landed neatly on his side. He also didn't throw him over his shoulder, but let the kid roll off his back. He could not have hurt his shoulder at all. And this kid is no different from a newbie in class who is thrown for the first time.

At no point was the kid in danger or was the throw uncontrolled or too hard.
What would the second person you suggest have added to the demo?

Aside from the fact that the kid was in no danger of injury, it was a martial arts demo and the kid knew he was going to be thrown. He was made to land well, and any discomfort from actually falling was to be expected. It is martial arts, not flower arranging.
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Yep Ok ive been out voted i except that, I'll eat humble pie.

If anyone has seen a poor demo put it in time to dicuss another demo i guess.
Thanks for your input.
I looked at the throw again. It was slow, and as he went down, the other guy held his arm up so he landed neatly on his side. He also didn't throw him over his shoulder, but let the kid roll off his back. He could not have hurt his shoulder at all. And this kid is no different from a newbie in class who is thrown for the first time.

At no point was the kid in danger or was the throw uncontrolled or too hard.
What would the second person you suggest have added to the demo?

Aside from the fact that the kid was in no danger of injury, it was a martial arts demo and the kid knew he was going to be thrown. He was made to land well, and any discomfort from actually falling was to be expected. It is martial arts, not flower arranging.

And those mats look pretty thick and comfy. Wouldn't mind being hiptossed on one of those!

But those movies crack me up :)
Good im glad someone got something out of this thread, Now just to pick it up abit and not waste it because of my first poor example.
This is souly for entertainment purposes and quite a good flick and some good skill there to.
I got to say ide like to have such a bunch of lively students in the class i go to.

Heres a link to more.
Were intitled to a laugh now and then i reckon, It dosn't have to be all serious.
Sometimes we can pick out things that may prevent injury by watching flicks like these. Enjoy
Well here an ancient Martial art i think its called Hitharduki its a martial art the whole family but can be very dangerous as you clim the ranks as most others.
its interesting to logicaly break down into its basic forms. so i may have to show a couple of examples.
Now don't Think im being funny here I used to get invovled in this type of fighting when i grew up in certain towns like this when i was under 14.
It did give me at least a hard head and face i guess.
Notice at the end of this flick the great break fall techeque.
not the swing in the arms of the opponent but still very fast, Ive seen some swing wider either way it may have hit a pressure point. Looking at the classy break fall.
Note how the other sex get involved and how the whole event is well sponsored and reffered.

Now look at this next flick, This one shows a much older form more of the true bush man Notice the chucking rock style fists and swinging club style was the take down strike, Interesting i thought.
As you may have guessed buy now i have studied some trible fighting types although this type of fighting is usualy only effective in gangs or numbers and they will form a circle around you and come in and across your path 1x1 or 2x2 with a circle of about 6-8.
In Kwinana WA or In Adelaide city Train station and parks at night are just a couple of hot spots i know for this type of activity that i have first hand witnessed and been attacked but come out good.

The two i have showed are just more in house examples if your a target then you could be looking at something of this type of behavior.

This is only a small part of my collection.
So in this one you can see they are more orginised these matches are planed, Im not sure if its a cultral thing or just a everyone got to be hardend thing.
Now dont think this comment is funny, But its almost like Kangaroo behavior when they do their boxing.
Note there are rules- They are simple don't pin em down and don't pull hair thats about it.
You can pick others once you get to these pages of course to look at if you wish.
But it gives you an idea of what to expect if your confonted in Australia by a gang like the 49rs Adelaide or Midnight Runners Kwinana etc.
No prejudes intended only for info and training purposes.
A real look at what happens on our streets.
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You can see in the last example i put in here with the Aboriginals fighting some extra pointers.
These are all real fights (Thats their training method) Learn to take the knocks and concor your fear.
They train hard.
If they had good strikes although these are committed and very Passonate and powerfull strikes if they where trained by pro boxers they would be leathal for tournanent fighting considering they are so well hardend.
Note how well they just take the first lot of knocks.
and the girls don't care about loosing teeth etc Their fully committed.

Before anyone jumps in and suggests im targeting a group, Well im not i intend now to find a couple of examples of bar fights or country boy or cowboy fights. Then some others just to show whats realy out there and where ive been working all my life in mining towns well ive had first hand experience on more occasions than i care to remember and i still have all my teeth supprisingly, or luckly.

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