Ninjukai Taijutsu

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Don Roley said:
I thought I covered things like that when I said,

"Taoism influenced all of Japan in many ways (such as the adoption of the yin-yang symbol) but people who followed Taoisim as a religion or identified themselves as Taoists were only a handfull at any point in history."
Nope, ya didn't! Now I'm dancing around on my tatami in a fundoshi throwing mean kuji your way. Enjoy!
Sorry, my question wasn't about all of them, but rather if some were/could have been.

But my point is this:

Even IF there was an outlaw bunch of ninjas (even more outlawed than there were pfff outlaws of outlaws???).........

And even IF they were Tao (which doesn't really gel with the whole external art thingo)........

And even IF these outlaws of outlaws had true scrolls etc back whenever it was that they were supposed to be around..........

Ninjukai has no direct link to that art, IF it even existed.

It at BEST........resembles an art that MAY have come from hippie ninjas a full 1000 years ago.


Genin Andrew, I've been skulking around this board since this very thread was rife with you and Don and 'Questions' bickering back and forth.

I came at first to defend, but then began to understand.

I know who you are. If you want to see true Ninjutsu go to Attadale Primary School at 7:30pm on Monday or Wednesday (access from Arno Cr). Learn from a Godan instead of a Chunin assistant intructor from the very start and you will have that blindfold you've been wearing summarily caste aside. PM me if you want more info.

DaemonLlama said:
. PM me if you want more info.

i think we all want more info! even if its just a little more!;)

oh shoot i just noticed this is my black belt post!:ultracool i wonder if i tell sensei he will give me another yellow stripe on my white belt! hee hee! :lol:
When you say "Ninjas" are you referring to ALL Ninja? every clan,from every area?

Exactly which "clans" and areas are you referring to?? Or, for that matter, which time period??

I seem to recall reading something to the effect that the specific title of "shinobi no mono" (i.e., "ninja") was specifically applied to warriors from the Iga-gumi and Koga-gumi of the latter 15th century in recognition of the skills they demonstrated in some skirmishes with the Ashikaga Shogun's forces. More than likely, they didn't even refer to themselves as "shinobi" or their arts as "shinobijutsu" before then.

Of course, I could be wrong. :asian:

but its important to know that Taoism is not a religion, it is a way of living, an understanding of life. The Tao Te Ching is by no means a bible, more a collection of philosophical poems.

No offense, but lines like this are said of most Eastern "religions" --- including Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto, Vedanta, etc. It really doesn't mean anything, considering all of the above (including Taoism) are religions anyway.

The History and grounding of Taoism in Japan is as "hazy" as the Ninja themselves.

Well, its not so "hazy" if you aren't trying to look for these vast, unnoticeable commando armies hiding in Iga and Koga for four centuries..... that, for some odd reason, no one seems to have any record of.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself! :uhyeah:

Even IF there was an outlaw bunch of ninjas (even more outlawed than there were pfff outlaws of outlaws???).........

And even IF they were Tao (which doesn't really gel with the whole external art thingo)........

And even IF these outlaws of outlaws had true scrolls etc back whenever it was that they were supposed to be around..........

Ninjukai has no direct link to that art, IF it even existed.

It at BEST........resembles an art that MAY have come from hippie ninjas a full 1000 years ago.


Well said. Laterz.
DaemonLlama said:
Sorry, my question wasn't about all of them, but rather if some were/could have been.

But my point is this:

Even IF there was an outlaw bunch of ninjas (even more outlawed than there were pfff outlaws of outlaws???).........

And even IF they were Tao (which doesn't really gel with the whole external art thingo)........

And even IF these outlaws of outlaws had true scrolls etc back whenever it was that they were supposed to be around..........

Ninjukai has no direct link to that art, IF it even existed.

It at BEST........resembles an art that MAY have come from hippie ninjas a full 1000 years ago.


Genin Andrew, I've been skulking around this board since this very thread was rife with you and Don and 'Questions' bickering back and forth.

I came at first to defend, but then began to understand.

I know who you are. If you want to see true Ninjutsu go to Attadale Primary School at 7:30pm on Monday or Wednesday (access from Arno Cr). Learn from a Godan instead of a Chunin assistant intructor from the very start and you will have that blindfold you've been wearing summarily caste aside. PM me if you want more info.

interesting...I'd love to experience Ninjutsu, i'd be completely open to it, and one day i will join a school. But a small problem i have, i live in Kalamunda (the hills) a fair way from Attadale as you know, i could still get there though, i'll see what i can do i appreciate the invite. Who is your head instructor? Because i know of a Bujinkan school in West Perth or could be North Perth, that i was gonna check out soon in the next few weeks. Are you a member of the Bujinkan? Oh and how do you know me? Did you once study Ninjukai?

I didnt really wanna PM you, its good info (even though most of these guys are in the US/Japan) Enson seems eager enough! :ultracool

Genin Andrew said:
Enson seems eager enough! :ultracool

i must admit i am intregeed (sp?) by the art of ninjukai. at first i was a little skeptical looking at the website. especially because the photos showed imo a bunch of sloppy gis' and half awake practicioners. like where it shows the uniforms. that guy (no offense intended) looks like he just woke up, and very young. wish your sensei would write a book on the art giving his spin on things. i would buy it.
Oh and how do you know me? Did you once study Ninjukai?

Yes, I used to study Ninjukai. I thought it was obvious with the whole "I first came to defend...." comment.

It wasn't hard to figure out who you were with a net name of Genin Andrew and comparing the colour of your belt in class and your profile here (they went to yellow around the same time).

The only one I know of has two dojos,N and S of the river. Andrew and Stewart Jarvis are running them. Stay away from Wayne L. Roy schools. He resigned from the Booj and is apparently a bit loopy.

Yes Enson, I have a running gag with my mates about that guy, as if he's drunk or something. We can just imagine him up a tree, puffing fags and downing long-necks, waiting for his enemy to appear.....
DaemonLlama said:
Yes Enson, I have a running gag with my mates about that guy, as if he's drunk or something. We can just imagine him up a tree, puffing fags and downing long-necks, waiting for his enemy to appear.....
exactly! except i'm in america so
puffing fags
means something else for me!:rofl:

Haha yeh i must admit that that is a bad photo for sure...but very old. I think that guys name is Adam, Hes alot bigger now and yeh hes probably a little ashamed by the picture lol.

DaemonLama what is your first name (dont have to give full name) ? did you once instruct me? how long ago? And cheers for that about the wayne Roy schools, i've heard similiar before.

Okay let me understand this right. This ninjukai guy, who doesnt even give the meaning of kai, says that his style of ninjutsu came from singapore. Hmmm, didnt all the martial arts start in China because the rich priests were being killed by thieves? O and how in the world does taoism have anything to do with a martial art, no offense. O and if Tao is a way of life then so is Christianity if you do what the Bible says and so is Islam and Judaism and every other religion in this world. Just askin and thinkin.
ninhito said:
Hmmm, didnt all the martial arts start in China because the rich priests were being killed by thieves?
I don't think this theory can be substantiated. No one culture can claim to be the sole origin of martial arts. The genesis of martial arts more likely goes back to the first time a caveman *****-slapped another one who tried to steal his share of mammoth meat...

NIN: This word is often the subject of many interpretations. In the context of Ninjukai, the word is best described as balance or harmony in relation to the MIND. Through the Tao, one starts to examine the workings of one's mind and see the conflicts, the perpetual state of insecurity, fear, uncertainty and attachments found there. Techniques can never be in the state of flow that can allow blending with the environment if the mind is in a state of turmoil. Understanding the NIN, one transcends the conflicting mind to a level of higher awareness; through meditation one slowly learns to 'free' the mind.

JU: Again, this word means harmony & balance, but in relation to the BODY. It is about the spiritual flow of the body. A mind filled with conflicts inevitably brings tension to the muscles, which causes slow responses. Understanding JU, we learn to let go of our muscular tensions, to cultivate the balance and harmony in our movements. Our movements then reflect an efficient use of energy.

KAI: This word is about the ENVIRONMENT. It means an assembly of people. It is about the need to relate and harmonise with the people or the environment around us. The NIN and the JU must therefore relate to the KAI. The harmony and balance that one experiences in one's mind and body must now be related to the surroundings
From the ninjukai site, just fyi.
Thanks hmmm, good piont didnt every culture have a way of fighting whether it be for war or for protection or for something other and with that way of fighting a certain situation or strategy. So ninjutsu is what the warlords thought. It is a collection of fighting arts, each with its own purpose and strategy.
i've been off the board for almost two weeks! i come back to this...i was going to reply to your post ninhito but i but the others seem to be saying alot of what i would, thankyou guys. I will do as Heretic has done *sighs,raises eyebrow*
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