Okay, here's the deal with Ninjukai. I'm not speaking for the entire martial art here, but I figure somebody should answer your questions. Also, I'm not here to start a flamewar so let's keep this civil.
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they dont seem to glorify Ninjutsu very well.[/font]We don't have anything against Ninjutsu in general, it's the commercialisation and 'impurification' caused by fakes like Ashida Kim that we don't like. We've never claimed that there aren't any legitimate Ninjutsu organisations.
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All I can say is anyone who runs around with a headband on obviously bought from Toys 'R' Us is very d**mnergous to themselves and others.[/font]I might have similar things to say about Kuji-in if I wasn't more open-minded. Headbands, or hachimaki in Japanese, are used in Kendo and Karate and presumably many other martial arts.
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From the web site it would appera that they have mixed a few martial arts together and are wrongly calling this Ninjutsu.[/font]Ninjukai Taijutsu is not Ninjutsu and has never claimed to be such. It is an original martial art, however.
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I do not believe that they have any branches in New Zealand either.[/font]No, we have a number of branch dojos in Perth and that's about it.
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Hehe, although I do like their funky camouflage Gi's[/font]Yeah, those are kinda cool.
Generally only the higher belts wear them, but they're not restricted. Some people like to wear them to the annual forest retreat.
In summary, we don't dislike Ninjutsu. Ninjukai Taijutsu is a separate martial art from any form of Ninjutsu and that's the main point of the page that talks about both arts.
If anyone else has any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
Jeff Saunders