Misguided Minds...

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i guess you should know me before you try and psycho-analyze (spelling) me. just my thoughts. but good try. are you an english teacher or a psychologist? dr. roley?:rolleyes:
Oh my god.

Realistically speaking for self-defense you don't really need to be in that great of shape. First of all because of the difference between self-defense and fighting, a self-defense situation isn't going to be as long and drawn out as either a fight or a sporting match. Your only goal in a self-defense situation is to get the hell out of there. That means instead of standing there trying to fight you only engage your opponent long enough to knock him down and run.

And how the hell are you gonna run if you're not physically fit?

I'm speechless. I am without speech.
hedgehogey said:
Oh my god.

And how the hell are you gonna run if you're not physically fit?

I'm speechless. I am without speech.

You're taking MacYoung a bit out of context. Best to look at that section in its entirety:

There is good reason to be physically fit in order to fight...if you are in the military.

Simply stated physical fitness is mandatory if you are expected to be able to endure cold, wet, harsh conditions for days on end and then be able to function when the battle arrives. Without good physical conditioning you will more easily fall victim to fatigue, exhaustion and stress. In doing so you will make mistakes, perhaps lethal ones.

Physical fitness is also necessary for prolonged sports activity. Both anaerobic and muscle tone are required to endure the long drawn out demands and punishments that your body will endure in a contact sports match. Without some degree of physical conditioning you will not be able to last, much less win in an extended match.

It can often be important if you are in a lifestyle or profession where you will be called upon to engage in strenuous physical activities on a regular basis. If you are cop, fireman, lifeguard, EMT, bouncer or security guard, your job may require you to carry an unconscious or hurt person, give chase to a fleeing individual or control without harming a violent individual. And in those conditions you do need to have a certain degree of physical shape and well being.

Realistically speaking for self-defense you don't really need to be in that great of shape. First of all because of the difference between self-defense and fighting, a self-defense situation isn't going to be as long and drawn out as either a fight or a sporting match. Your only goal in a self-defense situation is to get the hell out of there. That means instead of standing there trying to fight you only engage your opponent long enough to knock him down and run.

In fact, the reason for physical fitness should be more for your health than its use in self-defense.

There really is no reason for you having to "get in shape" for self-defense. How good of shape do you need to be in in order to knock someone down and run to safety? Yes, you should be in good enough shape to do a 100 yard dash in a reasonable time. But that is not all that hard. Again though, that is more an issue about your health than self-defense.

Now granted this is not an accepted point of view by many people who insist you have to be physically fit in order to defend yourself. Well, if they think this way, odds are what they are teaching is more of a sports oriented approach. And that means that they expect it to last a long time...which if what they are teaching are sports techniques (designed not to really hurt an opponent) then it can turn into a long drawn out fight. But that is not self-defense.

It's also worth citing a bit of what he has to say about The difference between fighting and self-defense:

Let me start out by saying: Most martial arts/self-defense training will get you thrown in jail, sued or both.

That is because, while self-defense is legal, fighting is not. Most martial arts instruction is oriented towards one-on-one fighting or "dueling." As such, it is predicated on the assumption that you are a willing participant. Now you can rationalize around it saying "That isn't what we train for," but until you understand what the legal differences are between self-defense and fighting (and how the police, law and society look at the subject) you are putting yourself in serious danger -- both physically and legally.
Enson said:
i guess you should know me before you try and psycho-analyze (spelling) me.

Of course, you realize that a good indication that someone has hit a sore spot exactly on the head is when someone immediately comes up with some sort of defense mechanism that goes along the line of, "I don't have to listen to what you say because......."

To be a warrior, you have to improve yourself. Finding those dark parts of your personality and daring to face them is a big part of this path.

A blind spot is not only an area that you can not see, it is an area that you do not know that you can't see.
Don Roley said:
Of course, you realize that a good indication that someone has hit a sore spot exactly on the head is when someone immediately comes up with some sort of defense mechanism that goes along the line of, "I don't have to listen to what you say because......."

To be a warrior, you have to improve yourself. Finding those dark parts of your personality and daring to face them is a big part of this path.

A blind spot is not only an area that you can not see, it is an area that you do not know that you can't see.
"here we go". dr. i also have a pain in my lower back what do you think its from? dude, the thing that people like the least about you (imo) is that you are so darn confrontational. the only thing with me is i don't run away like the ninjikai guys. (don't remember the names right now. maybe not all of them) or sojobow.(not to say any of them were cowards, just probably got tired of your games) you want to be a moderator so bad that you will put down anyone that has a different opinion. let me just put it out for you. you... okay listen up... you don't know everything. you sound like an old bitter person that has had too many kids walk across your lawn. "get the poll out of your keester, and we'll get along just fine" (quote from the movie "uncle buck") let me psycho analyze you for a sec. you put next to your name a "scarey" pic on this site and also on budoseek. you try to manipulate everyone by dominating the page and scaring everyone off. you try to make yourself look and sound scarey. i might imagine that either you are a middle child and have "middle child sydrome" or are short and have "short man sydrome". (probably the latter) i've looked at the other forums and man they really get questions answered. here no one will respond because they are afraid that you will get on and start saying that japan doesn't have a log of it in the "japan times". who cares? do we all live in japan? nope. you need help and probably to live in a gated community. i never said i don't have to listen to you. i'm just saying that trying to manipulate everyone has to stop at some point doctor. let it go man. you'll feel better if you do.
Enson said:
okay listen up... you don't know everything. you sound like an old bitter person that has had too many kids walk across your lawn. "get the poll out of your keester, and we'll get along just fine" (quote from the movie "uncle buck") let me psycho analyze you for a sec. you put next to your name a "scarey" pic on this site and also on budoseek. you try to manipulate everyone by dominating the page and scaring everyone off. you try to make yourself look and sound scarey.

Wow, did I strike a nerve or what?

I actually thought that putting up a avatar of Darth Maul and a Nazgul was kind of silly on my part. There was a running gag on another site about me being a sith lord and so Maul was a logical extension of that joke. I have seen avatars of the actual people with guns, training or showing off their muscles. I seriously doubt you can find another person that thinks I am trying to be scary.

The truth is that I am a simple English teacher for my city and I am happy with that. No one around me at work knows my interest in budo. I am officially middle aged and I still play on the swings during recess.

Anyone that knows me would say that I am the last person to take myself seriously or try to project a dangerous image. I have seen hell, it is now time to play.

But I do get active when I see false information being spread. And there is a lot of it being spread on the internet. Since you are one of the ones involved in spreading an image of the ninja different from that you find in Japan, it is only natural that your misguided impressions often get singled out for correction. That must be annoying. I can understand your hatred towards me. But I am only trying to counter with the truth when I see false information being spread.
Why not walk away? It is better than having someone play Riverdance on your head.

The arguement was won by walking away. He took the only thing that the person had to argue with and that was himself.

Now Enson in this thread is saying that he never runs away. So why continue when someone is opressing you in a thread? You can always walk away from this arguement and annoy other people. No one will think less of you than they do now.

To me Enson you have a load left to learn. You need to learn respect for others on these forums as someone has some knowledge that you do not have. Even me, I know some, but not all, but I do not berate others about ho or why someone is running a thread. I just ignore it and move along. And Mr. Roley knows. The same with Mr. Seago and Mr. Severe. You should learn from these people and your ignorance may become less.
i don't ever remember spreading false information. i have always stated that i have either read or heard or have been taught. next, i have always given credit to "dr." roley, mr severe, and mr seago for their vast knowledge of japanese arts. for this i have the upmost respect for them. the thing that i get annoyed on is when a newbie starts asking questions and then they (some bujin practicioners) ask if he studies bujin... and if he doesn't they will trash his sensei and tell him he doesn't belong. (i.e. the ninjikai guys) this is if i remember an open forum. i choose to defend my postion in saying "dr." roley has some serious racial issues. did martin luther king run away? nope. if it was a question of japanese history "the doc" is the first place i would turn to. if it was question of body movement or bujinkan by-laws i would turn to mr. seago, and if it was a question about actual combat i would turn to mr. severe.(all these apart from my own sensei) now i guess i was the one who struck a nerve on the doc with my last post and if i offended you doc for that i apologize. now about respect for each other... i believe i have never faulted in respect towards any other human and especially anyone on this forum, but i have seen others do it.(i.e. the tenjindo thread) well i think i'm done now. you can choose to bash me like others out there. i know that i have no "holy rit" with my name on it. i'm just a martial artist trying to make this world (maybe starting with this forum) a better place for everyone. now can we talk about real techniques, and stop making everything a fued?
Enson said:
the thing that i get annoyed on is when a newbie starts asking questions and then they (some bujin practicioners) ask if he studies bujin... and if he doesn't they will trash his sensei and tell him he doesn't belong. (i.e. the ninjikai guys) this is if i remember an open forum.
The Ninjutsu forum is a subforum under the Japanese Martial Arts forum. Therefore, if your ninjutsu/ninjitsu [sic] lineage has no ties to Japan, you should not be posting here.

Kreth said:
The Ninjutsu forum is a subforum under the Japanese Martial Arts forum. Therefore, if your ninjutsu/ninjitsu [sic] lineage has no ties to Japan, you should not be posting here.

kreth buddy, check out the "newbies thread... i think its point 3. you probably signed up before that was posted.
Enson said:
kreth buddy, check out the "newbies thread... i think its point 3. you probably signed up before that was posted.
Nice try, but... it's not politics at all. It's a matter of keeping a discussion forum on topic. There is a General Martial Arts forum for non-Japanese systems. I'm sure the guys in the Russian Martial Arts forum would point me in the same direction if I went there and started posting my opinion on RMA, based on my creation of Yankee Sambo, or some other such nonsense.

Don Roley said:
Wow, did I strike a nerve or what?

I can understand your hatred towards me. But I am only trying to counter with the truth when I see false information being spread.
oh and doc i don't hate you. i don't hate anyone. peace:boing2:
Enson said:
i choose to defend my postion in saying "dr." roley has some serious racial issues. did martin luther king run away?

It seems the latest fad to try to paint the guy you hate as some sort of racist. It is a low, non-honorable method of attack. I find the very idea of me being a racist as silly. People that have seen me would too.

Quite simply put, the philosophy, ways of generating power, tactics, etc that you espouse are "wrong" from a Japanese ninjutsu perspective. As I understand it the moderators are trying to work out a way to resolve this problem. When you have people in Japan doing things one way, and thirty different groups that merely want tpo use the term "ninjutsu" as part of their title doing it 30 different ways, there is going to be some confusion and conflict.

The fact is, your teacher, Rick Tew, did not bother to really study the art of ninjutsu before he created his own style at a tender age. So much of your misconceptions come from him. The very idea of letting people know you practice ninjutsu as you have would freak out a ninja 200 years ago. The ninja were under cover specialists. They had to live a life of concealment.

Many of the types of people that now want to join ninjutsu do so in order to impress others with just how much of a macho killing machine they are. Groups like Ashida Kim with his psuedo secrecy and Rick Tew with his acrobatics, feed on this image. When I see a web site that has ninja hoods and sniper rifles, I know that the students they get are ones that are attracted to the killer commando image. The true ninja would just want to find a way to get home alive with as little trouble as possible. Some folks give lip service to that, but really are just waiting for a chance to use their deadly skills.

So, when you talk about things, you are coming from a different, wrong source than what I get from Japanese traditions. By talking about the way things are in Japan, I am not being racist. I am just stating the facts.

I think maybe you should make a sincere apology to me and reform your ways. You hove issues and you don't seem to like the way that I have described you and your motivations down to a T. As much as you claim not to hate me, the fact that you use the term "doc" for me shows that your statements are just for show with no substance to them.

So apologize and maybe you will start to learn something about yourself if you listen with an open mind.
Enson,i respect the fact that you are taking a stand and me and you have had no conflict in the past and i do not wish to start any.However i would ask that you stop using me and my art and my past posts and disagreements with Mr.Roley to strengthen your argument.

I study Ninjukai Taijutsu,whether others see it as a legitimate ninja art is irrelevent,I am interested in Japanese history and the History of the ninja,that it why i post here.I come with an open mind to learn from others and respect their various viewpoints.

Me and Don have had a head clash or too in the past but that was meerly a disagreement in opinion and i have full respect in him too as i do you.I didnt "run away" from the argument with Mr.Roley the fact was that i had stated my position and opinion and so did he,we both stood firmly and it wasnt going to go anywhere more,we got over it.So i suggest you end this and move on from this little "battle".

I think this is a golden example of how a thread shouldnt end up like...
genin andrew, i only used you as an example but what i have seen has gone way back. i never intended to use you as a campaign (spelling) poster. i would never want to have any conflict with you.

mr. roley, i apologize for confronting you. i acknowledge you as knowing much more than i do in the japanese arts. (which i have expressed before) i do apologize for confronting you the way i did. i had a point to make and i believe that i made myself understood. as far as your mulitple insults to other martial artist... well that is your opinion and you are entitled to them. i do apologize to the moderators from my part for letting emotions get the better of me. don (not doc ;) ) i guess you did know me better than i knew you. (even though we have never met) let us get on to bigger and better things. i believe that there should be no problems with two (iyo) very different arts expressing their opinions in the same forum. (w/out spreading any misinformation of course) well enough said on my part. see you in cyber space.

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