Newbie today - Soke tomorrow

Way to go Bob, you have made it to the elite status.

I may start a Soke-R-Us franchise. It's only $50 down, and you get an 11th dan with every 10th promotion. :)
It's nice to see photoshop at work. There's a thread on bullshido about the motivational posters that every pseudo-corporate suit has on their walls now. I made a couple and put them up there. Good stuff there!
Thats far from one of my better PS's. It's a quicky, and I owe much to a couple of chinese menus and Mad Magazine in it's creation. ;) I've got a few commision jobs in motion doing certs for schools. They're much nicer. :)
I just spent WAY too much time on that web site. Googled some of their "World Martail Arts Masters". At least the schools listed exist. Check out the "Hall of Fame" Inductees.

P.T. Barnum was right.
Bob, I guess that this is now appropriate. :bow:

If I send you a buck, can I get a copy of the tape? You can keep the cert.
How can you guys say these things? They are 10,000% politics-free! It says so right there on the site in purple-and-white!
Hey, I'm a registered Soke for Kungate. :)

I'm not a big believer in spending alot of cash on this though, so, I'm registered through Buds Budget Sokeships LLC, in Talliwacker Florida. They had a special last week, buy a 10th dan, get a sokeship for $1. It was a grueling interegation though of my skills. I had to send them a file to review, and think I mixed up the clips. I meant to show them my cane defence system (ie hitting big guy with unbrulla then running like hell) but instead sent the "Best of Ginger Lynn". Seems they liked the stick work, so sent my award. I got this neat certificate, suitable for use as a placemat, a ring that'll eventually be a dull grey color, and the right to join the this elite group. I also for $19.95 can get an embroidered belt with my name and the word "Soke" on it, but it'll probably clash with my rhinestone studded Gi, so I skipped that.


The original link for the website is now a Japanese dating website! Don't tell the missus!
I hope that I was of some service,

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