Kreth said:I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for someone who fails to do any research on their own and demands to be spoon-fed information.
I understand Kreth's argument, but the fact is that *THIS INFORMATION IS NOT PUBLICLY AVAILABLE*. As Brian said:
I think that what is frustrating for people going to Japan is that there are no times, dates, location, fees for training posted for training with the Japanese Shihan.
So long as Soke says that is the rule, it is up to "people in the know" to provide this information to those they deem appropriate to receive the information.
Sorry if that inconveniences you (or me or Shawn or Don), but you cannot pretend to take a place of authority (either as someone who trains regularly with Soke, or as someone who is informed about training or history or whatever) and *NOT* expect to get these types of emails.
If someone considers his "filter of acceptability" whether he knows you or not, then that is his perogative. An alternative perspective is that the evaluators could spend some time getting to know the individual and making a determination. It seems like the poster of the complaint just doesn't want to be bothered with helping people, which is not really fulfilling his role in the Bujinkan.
Granted, some individuals in Japan have never liked when I have insisted that they *HAVE A ROLE* to fill, whether they like it or not. As senior foreign members of the Bujinkan, they do. It's called giri in Japanese, and you really have no choice in the matter. You do it, because it's your responsibility.
In the end, if one's loyalties are to Soke, and Soke has a rule that says that this information should *NOT* be posted for simply anyone to access and instead should be accessed on a "need to know" basis, then those doing the evaluation will use different heuristics.
One would hope that the heuristic was *BENEFICIAL* to the Bujinkan, rather than merely being *CONVENIENT* for the evaluator.
P.S. I have certainly walked many miles in Shawn's shoes. I used to get scores of emails a week while I was in Japan regarding training. I answered them all and always did my best to assist the individual and serve Soke. That's part of training, imo. Just as some dojo in Japan will obligate certain people to mop the dojo, or wash all the stinky dogi, we in the Bujinkan have the giri to answer inquiries from around the world. Running away from this obligation is truly inappropriate, imo. But that's just my opinion, and others will clearly disagree....