New anti Sine Wave pattern deliveries on Youtube

Sir, when you write a text or two, (how about publish an article or two) and have it read by tens of thousands of people let me know if any readers or even you yourself might not think there might have been a better way of writing something. Perhaps that is why instructors consider texts to be a good reference but not a substitute for the instructor..

That's why I asked for actual quotes of Choi from the classes of which you speak. You can at worst paraphrase, since you apparently remember them...
That's why I asked for actual quotes of Choi from the classes of which you speak. You can at best paraphrase, since you apparently remember them...
Not exactly. I took notes at each course. I kept a small notepad and pen in the folds of my uniform. Later I was able to compile all notes by topic on the computer. So, it was not from my memory now but from my notes at the time.
Not exactly. I took notes at each course. I kept a small notepad and pen in the folds of my uniform. Later I was able to compile all notes by topic on the computer. So, it was not from my memory now but from my notes at the time.

Why didn't he devote any chapters to SW? He outlined 5 very short principles. He never defended his revision, all he did was say that the old way "makes no sense" in various seminars on Youtube.
Why didn't he devote any chapters to SW? He outlined 5 very short principles. He never defended his revision, all he did was say that the old way "makes no sense" in various seminars on Youtube.

Sir, Why do you think you get to set the parameters as to what should be done. There is no question he never meant a book to be a substitute for a good instructor.

You seem to think I am in some small minority of those who disagree with you or what you claim your instructor says. Find me some people who went through 6 or more IICs with General Choi and then perhaps we can address who agrees and who disagrees with me. If you can't find someone who has been to 6 who disagrees with me, how about 4? Maybe 2?
Sir, Why do you think you get to set the parameters as to what should be done. There is no question he never meant a book to be a substitute for a good instructor.

You seem to think I am in some small minority of those who disagree with you or what you claim your instructor says. Find me some people who went through 6 or more IICs with General Choi and then perhaps we can address who agrees and who disagrees with me. If you can't find someone who has been to 6 who disagrees with me, how about 4? Maybe 2?

You wrote yourself that the incorrect notion people have is due to limited observations. This raises the question why there is an incorrect notion in the first place. If there wasn't a removal of hip twist taking place, why did they act as if there was? Clearly because their instructor had this interpretation...
You wrote yourself that the incorrect notion people have is due to limited observations. This raises the question why there is an incorrect notion in the first place. If there wasn't a removal of hip twist taking place, why did they act as if there was? Clearly because their instructor had this interpretation...
Almost correct - their instructor had a misinterpretation.
Almost correct - their instructor had a misinterpretation.

Don't you see how arrogant that is? The notes you provided are ambigious, and a hip twist interpretation is strenuous. The notes prescribe to engage your entire body. Big surprise. And it describes two system of power generation...
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Don't you see how arrogant that is? The notes you provided are ambigious, and a hip twist interpretation is strenuous. The notes prescribe to engage your entire body. Big surprise. And it describes two system of power generation...

Not arrogant at all. Why? Because from first hand experience I could see how stuff was misinterpreted (just as I and my instructors had) . Also, sometimes when he taught I did not initially understand his meaning. I would then ask others if they understood what he was trying to convey- sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. If they did I asked them to help me understand. Later, after more explanations / demonstrations the point became clear. Also, sometimes at courses due to my prior experience when he would say something I would see a puzzled look on someone's face and ask if they understood what he meant - if they said no, I would then help them understand. There was a technique I developed in grade school and used thru post grad work. As a child if the teacher said something you did not understand and you asked a question others might call you stupid for not understanding. To counter this before i would ask question I might ask at least 2 people around me if they understood. If they did I would ask them to explain it to me. If they didn't I would ask the question taking comfort in knowing there were at least 2 other people as stupid as I was.

You consider my notes ambiguous and the interpretation strenuous (strained) only because you seem to have a language processing issue, weren't there, nor was anyone who feels as you do, and you want to take this position. Tell me someone who feels as you do but shares firsthand experience similar to mine?

As far as arrogance goes , if you consider my position that I am neither smarter nor dumber than average - then I guess I am.
Not arrogant at all. Why? Because from first hand experience I could see how stuff was misinterpreted (just as I and my instructors had) . Also, sometimes when he taught I did not initially understand his meaning. I would then ask others if they understood what he was trying to convey- sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. If they did I asked them to help me understand. Later, after more explanations / demonstrations the point became clear. Also, sometimes at courses due to my prior experience when he would say something I would see a puzzled look on someone's face and ask if they understood what he meant - if they said no, I would then help them understand. There was a technique I developed in grade school and used thru post grad work. As a child if the teacher said something you did not understand and you asked a question others might call you stupid for not understanding. To counter this before i would ask question I might ask at least 2 people around me if they understood. If they did I would ask them to explain it to me. If they didn't I would ask the question taking comfort in knowing there were at least 2 other people as stupid as I was.

You consider my notes ambiguous and the interpretation strenuous (strained) only because you seem to have a language processing issue, weren't there, nor was anyone who feels as you do, and you want to take this position. Tell me someone who feels as you do but shares firsthand experience similar to mine?

As far as arrogance goes , if you consider my position that I am neither smarter nor dumber than average - then I guess I am.

I am not having language issues. Nowhere does it state explicitly what you claim it does. Ambigious writing is not inevitable. All it needs to state is twist your hip (when punching) and the case is settled, with no instructor susceptible to incorrect interpretation.
Not arrogant at all. Why? Because from first hand experience I could see how stuff was misinterpreted (just as I and my instructors had) . Also, sometimes when he taught I did not initially understand his meaning. I would then ask others if they understood what he was trying to convey- sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. If they did I asked them to help me understand. Later, after more explanations / demonstrations the point became clear. Also, sometimes at courses due to my prior experience when he would say something I would see a puzzled look on someone's face and ask if they understood what he meant - if they said no, I would then help them understand. There was a technique I developed in grade school and used thru post grad work. As a child if the teacher said something you did not understand and you asked a question others might call you stupid for not understanding. To counter this before i would ask question I might ask at least 2 people around me if they understood. If they did I would ask them to explain it to me. If they didn't I would ask the question taking comfort in knowing there were at least 2 other people as stupid as I was.

You consider my notes ambiguous and the interpretation strenuous (strained) only because you seem to have a language processing issue, weren't there, nor was anyone who feels as you do, and you want to take this position. Tell me someone who feels as you do but shares firsthand experience similar to mine?


I am not impressed with anecdotes. If you by your own admission have been repeatedly confused, then your own account of when you think you understood is in question. Especially with a lingustically and cognitively unreliable source, that is an elderly Korean with a second language and opinions all over the map.
I am not having language issues. Nowhere does it state explicitly what you claim it does. Ambigious writing is not inevitable. All it needs to state is twist your hip (when punching) and the case is settled, with no instructor susceptible to incorrect interpretation.

Your point seems to be "Hip Twist" Existed before "Sine Wave " was introduced and then was eliminated and only finding those exact words will satisfy you. Please point out where those exact words appear in the 1965 or 1972 Text which were the Texts in English published before the term Sine wave was later introduced.
If you by your own admission have been repeatedly confused,
Again you either have a language processing issue or are of extreme intellect. If you have understood 100% of everything every teacher you ever had told you the first time then I envy you, however your failure to grasp numerous issues with language as evidenced on this board would indicate this is not the case. Here is yet another example. There is a difference between not understanding what someone says and being confused.
Don't you see how arrogant that is? The notes you provided are ambigious, and a hip twist interpretation is strenuous. The notes prescribe to engage your entire body. Big surprise. And it describes two system of power generation...
You really, really need to research who you are trying to pick an argument with. To say you are way off base would mean your base is on another planet.
When one has a wealth of knowledge, experience and information at their fingertips, one would be better served to take advantage of it.
[QUOTE="Acronym, post: 2031750, member: 42552". Especially with a lingustically and cognitively unreliable source, that is an elderly Korean with a second language and opinions all over the map.[/QUOTE]
General Choi was neither linguistically nor cognitively unreliable. To the contrary he was remarkable teaching for hours without notes and reciting technical specification for pattern moves by number. Of course if you actually communicated with anyone who attended his courses / classes you would know this.
It would be interesting to hear from instructors on this board to see if they were ever misunderstood by their students or ever failed to fully grasp what a teacher said during the initial explanation.
General Choi was neither linguistically nor cognitively unreliable. To the contrary he was remarkable teaching for hours without notes and reciting technical specification for pattern moves by number. Of course if you actually communicated with anyone who attended his courses / classes you would know this.
It would be interesting to hear from instructors on this board to see if they were ever misunderstood by their students or ever failed to fully grasp what a teacher said during the initial explanation.

Yet we have a state in the ITF in which a significant portion are under the impression that SW jettisoned hip twist....
Yet we have a state in the ITF in which a significant portion are under the impression that SW jettisoned hip twist....
Well, you may claim a significant portion and I would ask how you come by your data. You have referenced various individuals and with the noteble exception of your instructor they were not ITF and / or had little to no direct classroom experience with General Choi.

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