We do alot of the drills that have been mentioned already, spinning around 15-20 or 30 times until you can't keep your balance then either being attacked or performing a drill . We also do stuff like having a couple of people wacking you with action flex sticks while your either sparring one on one or performing drills, this really helps your concentration. We fight while going up & down stairs (with spoters) somtimes one on one , somtimes multiple attackers, with or without weapons by one or all parties. We do multiple attacks were it's one on one in a dark hallway (not much room to move) then we send in multiple attackers. WE also do stuff like if you & another person are attacked & trapped in your vehicle by multiple assailants what would you do , whats the best course of action? Most times say the driver is being attacked the passenger usually tries to reach over the driver to fight off the attack but, you soon realize that you are trapping your friend , your better off pulling them away from the attack , you may have to exit the car , (they may have kicks or busted your windows in) so what is the best course of action & the best way to exit the vehicle that you are trapped in . We also have alot of maylay battles (usually with action flex sticks) this has helped me alot , you really become aware of your complete surroundings not just whats in front of you & these maylays usually take place on unsteady ground , in the woods or on some type of uneven surface .