Multiple Attackers

We do alot of the drills that have been mentioned already, spinning around 15-20 or 30 times until you can't keep your balance then either being attacked or performing a drill . We also do stuff like having a couple of people wacking you with action flex sticks while your either sparring one on one or performing drills, this really helps your concentration. We fight while going up & down stairs (with spoters) somtimes one on one , somtimes multiple attackers, with or without weapons by one or all parties. We do multiple attacks were it's one on one in a dark hallway (not much room to move) then we send in multiple attackers. WE also do stuff like if you & another person are attacked & trapped in your vehicle by multiple assailants what would you do , whats the best course of action? Most times say the driver is being attacked the passenger usually tries to reach over the driver to fight off the attack but, you soon realize that you are trapping your friend , your better off pulling them away from the attack , you may have to exit the car , (they may have kicks or busted your windows in) so what is the best course of action & the best way to exit the vehicle that you are trapped in . We also have alot of maylay battles (usually with action flex sticks) this has helped me alot , you really become aware of your complete surroundings not just whats in front of you & these maylays usually take place on unsteady ground , in the woods or on some type of uneven surface .
Connovar said:
Multifighting calls for cheating. Being attacked by multiples itself is an unfair attack and justifies a response in kind.


All's fair when it's life that's on the line.
Well firstly...BULA......hows everyone doing?

Multiples are never good.....what you train is controlled....what happens in the street is not fight to the end...fight till yiou see an opening and make like a tree and of the lone martial artist standing victorious over the fallen bodies of *insert number here* only happen in the movies. Are we prepared...we are more so than others....but victory is never a is alo not guaranteed...dont take chances.
While fighting for that gap...or chance to escape... just kepp moving and keep your assailants in a straight line in front of that they are in each others way...make your shots count...and most of all...wear your lucky are going to need alot more luck than most of us have the right to ask for!
Connovar said:
Running is always good if you are alone and faster than them.Otherwise this is where weapons come into play. It can include firearms (often just the brandishing is enough). It can include knives for places where guns are not allowed (Many fighting folders are legal just check your local laws). Non lethal choices include options such as "the stinger" which quite effective if used with appropriate striking technique.

Multifighting calls for cheating. Being attacked by multiples itself is an unfair attack and justifies a response in kind.

The only place "cheating" comes into play is in the ring. If your life is in danger from one, or multiple attackers, there's no such thing as a fair fight.
Connovar said:
Multifighting calls for cheating. Being attacked by multiples itself is an unfair attack and justifies a response in kind.

Cheating!!. In a fight, Cheating?!!!

You don't understand, if I am in a fight it is bad and there is only 1 Rule:

There is no such thing as Cheating!!!

Danny Terrell
One of the coolest things that I have heard somone say about cheating in a fight was Hock Hockhiem in a Black Belt Mag. article , he said "be the first to cheat, the last to cheat & don't forget to cheat in the middle" . Kinda says it all . In a street fight I always make sure that I cheat first :) .
sayoc FF said:
One of the coolest things that I have heard somone say about cheating in a fight was Hock Hockhiem in a Black Belt Mag. article , he said "be the first to cheat, the last to cheat & don't forget to cheat in the middle" . Kinda says it all . In a street fight I always make sure that I cheat first :) .

Great quote! :lol2:
Hello, That topic on cheating is great, beginning,end and the middle...gotta remember that and share it with the students.

For those who mention run when possible....I agree totally.

remember if you practice real fighting will learn the benfits of actual fighting multiple attackers ,how to fight back and escape. Fast and furious with no rules of attacks on the single person. If you practice slow-you will miss the point of it.

If you were in the group of multiple attackers what and how would you attack that one person? Anything goes here....chairs,throwing rocks,bottles,(cheating)..................Aloha
rutherford said:
Huh. Sometimes I wonder what it is other people do. I've never seen a tech for multiple attackers, although I've had them delt into the mix quite often. What do the folks who have these in their system think of them?

There are quite a few of these in Kenpo. Like all techniques, IMO, they give the student a foundation to build off of.

When you're grappling somebody, using their body as a sheild can be even more important that in sgtmac_46's example. Knowing how to grab a limb and force your opponent to get between you and a 2nd attacker can buy you the few seconds you need to Live.

I agree. Being able to grab someone and use them as a shield, while at the same time, inflicting some damage may not only buy you some time, but it also may be a deterant to the others.

What other mult. attacker drills do you include into your own training, in addition to the preset techniques, to better yourself in this area?
Preset techniques? I dont think I have any. We play a game where several people try to trap one in an area... on occasion we even do it at full speed with a group trying to take a single opponent down while he tries to run/fight to an exit.

Multiple-attacker sparring is the norm... and there are a good number of games which work skills that are more useful when dealing with multiple opponents than they are with single opponents; but I can't think of any preset techniques.
I have some thoughts to throw out here... What follows is my opinion

#1 Dealing with multiple attackers is the same as dealing with multiple single attackers and I think that is how it should be looked at. In my opinion there are no (single attacker techniques) versus (multiple attacker techniques), essentially there are just techniques. Well the caveat is with multiple attackers you must maintain awareness of your surroundings so that you can move to a safe spot.

#2 When dealing with multiple attackers use one or more as shields, don't throw away an attacker. When we train, we often train so that we do not throw the attacker away, but keep them close because even if you think you have only one attacker on the street, there could be one or more waiting in the crowd. Never assume there is only one.

#3 Being aware of your surroundings requires TRAINING TRAINING TRAINING. One must have some comfort level with their movement and techniques, enough so that their mind is free to be aware of what is around them, another words their movement should flow from them. If a person is focused on trying to do a technique correctly or trying to make sure they move properly, they will not have the necessary awareness of their surroundings. So normal training is very important as with that comes the freedom of mind that allows a person to be fully aware of their surroundings during a fight and their movement and "techniques" will flow from them without much conscious thought.

I think it is good to sometimes have multiple attacker drills but not too soon in someone's training and not too often. Also, I think multiple attacker drills will give the instructor an idea of where someone really is in their training.

That is my thoughts for the morning! :)
Hello, We can only prepare for the worst and hope for the best two street fights/multiple attackers will be the same. The size,shape,numbers3,4,or more people involved. When the time ever come we must react....what we choose to do will affect the outcome?

Hopefully our training will makes us do the right stuffs...hit? fight back? run? stay alive..........many good think about....Aloha
#2 When dealing with multiple attackers use one or more as shields, don't throw away an attacker. When we train, we often train so that we do not throw the attacker away, but keep them close because even if you think you have only one attacker on the street, there could be one or more waiting in the crowd. Never assume there is only one.
I don't know about "throw away", but there are definately times to let one go. You don't want to be tryign to wrestle down a guy trying to get away while another is tryign to pummel you.... drop the less aggressive one in favor of the more aggressive one.
Jerry said:
I don't know about "throw away", but there are definately times to let one go. You don't want to be tryign to wrestle down a guy trying to get away while another is tryign to pummel you.... drop the less aggressive one in favor of the more aggressive one.

I would disagree. First of all, if you are trying to wrestle down a person, it would seem you don't have control of that person and/or you are expecting to go for a competition style "tap out" or "submission". If you tie yourself up with someone in a "real" fight like that, you are most likely going to take some damage and possibly lose your life. There are many ways to control a person without "wrestling them down". If you truly have control of the person, then why would you not put the one you are about to throw away betwixt you and the agressive attacker and let him/her be a shield for you? At least that way the agressive person can attack (punch, stab, slice, or whatever) the shield and not you. PLUS, if you throw the attacker away, now you will most likely have to deal with that person again after you throw away the "more agressive" attacker. When your life is on the line, you really don't want to have to keep starting over.

EDIT: Not to sound gruesome, but even a dead attacker can be used as a shield.
A dead or unconsious attacker is always the best shield , unless he's to heavy for you to hold up :) . Thats why I work EXTRA EXTRA hard at avoiding confrontation & I am very good at it .
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sayoc FF said:
A dead or unconsious attacker is always the best shield , unless he's to heavy for you to hold up :) . Thats why I work EXTRA EXTRA hard at avoiding confrontation & I am very good at it .

This is one of the best answers yet! I work EXTRA EXTRA hard at avoiding confrontations. If many of us do this? There will be no need to go physcial, and we all can be home on time (everytime).

To get kill, hurt,sue or jail is it worth it? Best to play the coward than let our EGO's/pride get in the way. You will enjoy tomorrow more..

But if jump by multiple attackers.....first goal is to escape when and if possible....hit hard..look for openings to run...but don't plan on staying to the end.......the adrenline stress,not wanting to fight,the why's...all this going on in your mine....especially when you did not want this fight to happen...leaves you very unprepare....the best thing is get out of you agree? ...............I would...

How? Anyway you can......I see (eyes) and breath (throat)....and raise their chins...up high...............Aloha
sayoc FF said:
A dead or unconsious attacker is always the best shield , unless he's to heavy for you to hold up :) . Thats why I work EXTRA EXTRA hard at avoiding confrontation & I am very good at it .

I agree.

Last weekend out with some younger friends, and lots of people back in town for the holidays, and people drinking. A couple of guys kepts bumping and pushing when there was plenty of room, as it was tables and chairs not that crowded.

I moved. I moved again. I asked them if I had upset them, or something. They said no.

Later, I just smiled at them and said, "Careful or one of these times you are going to swing your drink around and hit me in the head and knock me out and I might accidentially roll over on the ground and break your ankle." :)

One just walked away the other just started to laugh and said that is funny "Dude" and I do not want to break anything let alone an ankle.

Not the best way, but to most young males, who hear that I agree they will knock me out, they leave or join.
Rich Parsons said:
I agree.

Last weekend out with some younger friends, and lots of people back in town for the holidays, and people drinking. A couple of guys kepts bumping and pushing when there was plenty of room, as it was tables and chairs not that crowded.

I moved. I moved again. I asked them if I had upset them, or something. They said no.

Later, I just smiled at them and said, "Careful or one of these times you are going to swing your drink around and hit me in the head and knock me out and I might accidentially roll over on the ground and break your ankle." :)

One just walked away the other just started to laugh and said that is funny "Dude" and I do not want to break anything let alone an ankle.

Not the best way, but to most young males, who hear that I agree they will knock me out, they leave or join.

Now that's good Verbal Judo! - an essential skill in avoiding multiple attacker scenarios. :)

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