Multiple Attackers


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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In pretty much every art, there are techniques geared toward dealing with more than one attacker. Usually, these are preset attacks. Like all techniques, they should be used as a foundation to build off of, giving you the necessary tools to formulate a response according to what you're facing.

What other mult. attacker drills do you include into your own training, in addition to the preset techniques, to better yourself in this area?

For me, its usually set up like a sparring type situation, however, not limiting to just strikes, but instead being able to grab, manipulating one attacker as a shield to momentarily buy yourself some time in between moves.

Hello, In the real world of fighting......Run, or push them off and run, or hit and run......Fast and faster!

Don't believe any martial arts is very effective against the real world. Multliple attackers can and will use everything around them for weapons and hit you when you are not looking or prepare.

No one trains in the adrendline response, and when caught off guard and not prepare for an attack? (getting into a fight) when you don't want too?

The mind will be thinking of many things at once......I may get blasted here for what I say on this about multiple attachers.

When it happens to you and others in most will then understand "WHY" it is better to escape! when possible?

If you were a member of the multiple attackers you will see all the advantages.

Run....very fast....and live a longer life........just my thoughts...Aloha
still learning said:
Hello, In the real world of fighting......Run, or push them off and run, or hit and run......Fast and faster!

Don't believe any martial arts is very effective against the real world. Multliple attackers can and will use everything around them for weapons and hit you when you are not looking or prepare.

No one trains in the adrendline response, and when caught off guard and not prepare for an attack? (getting into a fight) when you don't want too?

The mind will be thinking of many things at once......I may get blasted here for what I say on this about multiple attachers.

When it happens to you and others in most will then understand "WHY" it is better to escape! when possible?

If you were a member of the multiple attackers you will see all the advantages.

Run....very fast....and live a longer life........just my thoughts...Aloha

Running is most definitely the best course of action but what if you can't?
I kind of understand your point about escaping being your best option but, I think that there is alot of MA training that works in the real world. I myself have faced multiple opponants more then once & have been pretty successfull. Alot of it depends on how well the attackers work toghether. We practice for multiple opponant attacks often in sayoc kali & we also practice being the multiple attackers & both types of training are eye opening & are helpfull. One thing that has helped me is that I try & carry a small impact weapon that can do alot of damage with one shot, it has a way of taking a cowards heart :) . Another thing that comes into play is that alot of people who train in MA have morals & they don't start trouble & make a habbit of cheap shoting people, like a typical street thug, so it's not always their MA training that fails them it may be more the element of suprise. All things equal, I'll put my money on somone that trains but, unfortunatly the odds aran't always in your favor on the street.
jdinca said:
Running is most definitely the best course of action but what if you can't?

Ever corner a cat? Become one! ....the outcome may not be in your corner.....hopefully survive the beatings.

Have a will and medical plan........................Aloha
MJS said:
For me, its usually set up like a sparring type situation, however, not limiting to just strikes, but instead being able to grab, manipulating one attacker as a shield to momentarily buy yourself some time in between moves.

My number one response to the question on what is the best way to handle multiple opponents if there is no escape; One at a time.

Mike, something we do is start light sparring with a good guy vs bad guy. I will select another to attack on my signal. As the second bad guy attacks the first bad guy breaks off his attack. Then a 3rd attacker attacks, and so on. As the good guy gets better the attacks get harder with the first attacker staying in longer before breaking off. This continues and as the good guy gets better and better the attacks become more and more forceful with the bad guy staying in while the 2nd and then 3rd attackers also are attacking.

Something we also do to simulate getting rocked and having an equilibrium loss is the good guy spins rapidly in a very tight circle 10-15 times and then gets attacked. To simulate the loss of peripheral vision we use goggles with the small round lens like welders goggles. This creates the same affect of tunnel vision when adrenaline hits. Makes one really have to move and survey the whole area.

i would actually assume that starters are only required to focus on one imaginary opponent
i would also imagine that fighting with multiple attackers is taught to be treated as one different separate attack at a time (with exceptions. sure!)
still learning said:
Ever corner a cat? Become one! ....the outcome may not be in your corner.....hopefully survive the beatings.

Have a will and medical plan........................Aloha

I think the cat would be much more effective if it had training against multiple dogs. :)

Ditto on the will and medical plan.
Danny T said:
My number one response to the question on what is the best way to handle multiple opponents if there is no escape; One at a time.

Mike, something we do is start light sparring with a good guy vs bad guy. I will select another to attack on my signal. As the second bad guy attacks the first bad guy breaks off his attack. Then a 3rd attacker attacks, and so on. As the good guy gets better the attacks get harder with the first attacker staying in longer before breaking off. This continues and as the good guy gets better and better the attacks become more and more forceful with the bad guy staying in while the 2nd and then 3rd attackers also are attacking.

Great drill!! Doing it as you mention, I'd also think that this will build some great endurance. Having the attackers stay in longer also prevents the defender from having a break inbetween.

Something we also do to simulate getting rocked and having an equilibrium loss is the good guy spins rapidly in a very tight circle 10-15 times and then gets attacked. To simulate the loss of peripheral vision we use goggles with the small round lens like welders goggles. This creates the same affect of tunnel vision when adrenaline hits. Makes one really have to move and survey the whole area.

Nice!! This certainly throws alot of reality into the mix!!

Thanks again,

still learning said:
Hello, In the real world of fighting......Run, or push them off and run, or hit and run......Fast and faster!

Don't believe any martial arts is very effective against the real world. Multliple attackers can and will use everything around them for weapons and hit you when you are not looking or prepare.

No one trains in the adrendline response, and when caught off guard and not prepare for an attack? (getting into a fight) when you don't want too?

The mind will be thinking of many things at once......I may get blasted here for what I say on this about multiple attachers.

When it happens to you and others in most will then understand "WHY" it is better to escape! when possible?

If you were a member of the multiple attackers you will see all the advantages.

Run....very fast....and live a longer life........just my thoughts...Aloha

I agree with the running. Getting out of the situation ASAP is important. However,as jdinca stated, running is fine if you can. Keep in mind though that there may be a chance that they can run after you or your location at the time, ie: a bar, may not provide that immediae escape.

Hello, Try person acts as if does not know what is going on...than three of you jump him (any kind of strikes,graps,tackles) all at once see if you can defend against this?....attacker behave in a aggressive manor.....bad words and all...Attack someone like you would on the street in a gang! None stop action..attacker pick-up objects around you and use them

Make each attack a little different and than go back and see the results most of the time.

Make it real (do not hurt you training partner)......Have fun with this..but make it real.................Aloha

Do this to someone walking in the Dojo?
Or when one of your fellow students is on the toilet!!! Great time and place to practice an ambush on someone either multi attack or single!!!

Element of surprise PLUS the person on the toilet might have to improvise with two feet not really being mobile lol!!!
still learning said:
Ever corner a cat? Become one! ....the outcome may not be in your corner.....hopefully survive the beatings.

Have a will and medical plan........................Aloha
A better example is watching a wolverine deal with a pack of wolves.

The way to deal with two or more attackers is mobility and angulation. Always try and keep the fight between you and just one of the bad guys, keeping his body between you and his comrades.

I was in an aiki-jujitsu class one time, and we were practicing moving around and fighting off three attackers. The instructor was pretty amused when I 'took a hostage'. I basically got tired, and grabbed one of the attackers in a rear naked choke, and told everyone to back off, using him as a human shield. The instructor told me that wasn't the point of exercise...but it was pretty creative.

At any rate, never understimate the power of 'taking a hostage'. Grab one of the bad guys, put him a rear naked choke, and tell everyone else to back or 'or you're going to go crazy and kill your hostage'. It works, guys, i'm telling you. Especially if you grab the leader. Just make sure to keep the guy with you, whether he's concious or not. This works when knocked to the ground, too, just grab one of the bad guys and drag him to the ground with you, preferably in a choke. Use him to protect you from kicks.

If nothing else, it works to buy time.
sgtmac_46 said:
A better example is watching a wolverine deal with a pack of wolves.
man, how come ur online?
nothing for xmas?
mantis said:
man, how come ur online?
nothing for xmas?
Actually, i'm working on christmas, and there's nothing to do, as the boss doesn't want us driving around in the snow storm unless there's somewhere to go. So I guess MT is stuck with me tonight. :lol:
Looks like we've had some excellent drills posted here. Anyone else have any drills that they use in their class to build on this type of attack?

MJS said:
In pretty much every art, there are techniques geared toward dealing with more than one attacker. Usually, these are preset attacks. Like all techniques, they should be used as a foundation to build off of, giving you the necessary tools to formulate a response according to what you're facing.
Huh. Sometimes I wonder what it is other people do. I've never seen a tech for multiple attackers, although I've had them delt into the mix quite often. What do the folks who have these in their system think of them?

If I had my way - and we had unlimited training time and partners, of course - we'd incorporate multiple attackers into every training drill. Fine, you're working that lock and BAM! here comes Spiderman down the building to stop you, What Are You Going to DO??

When you're grappling somebody, using their body as a sheild can be even more important that in sgtmac_46's example. Knowing how to grab a limb and force your opponent to get between you and a 2nd attacker can buy you the few seconds you need to Live.

Learning how to turn your hip over to kick in multiple directions is probably less useful, but might be more fun - depending on your idea of fun.

I'd really like to try some of Systema's mass attacks and crowd movement drills.
We have a number of multiple attacker techniques. The last 10 of 2nd degree brown belt and all 1st degree brown belt techniques involve 2-4 attackers. At the lower ranks, we do have a few techniques that involve 2 attackers. We also have several drills involving multiple attackers, that are usually done at a slower speed to prevent possible injuries. They are designed for positioning, decision making and setting up for the next strike.
Hello, Want to still know what works.....World War Two American Japanese soldiers had a saying when attacking the enemy...: "GO for BROKE" meaning go all out-fight like there is no tomorrow.

When you set up mulitple attackers on a single person..than you will learn what works.......Real fighting is alway unpredictable,weapons can be use,bats,knives,guns,chairs,biting,hairing pulling,tackling while someone is on a blind side or you on a blind side attacking. Can all attact at once or in twos and the blinds side rules for the multiple attacker (real world)

Total results of the single attacker and the mulitple attacter and study who won and the why?

Keep in the mind the attackers could be muggers,drunks,on dope,crazy gangsters.

Still think your style can win? maybe but if you lose? Will you still be alive and in good health?

Learn the results...practice those defense.......and remember the number one rule in fighting and martial arts.......AWARENESS ...teaches to see another peaceful day....Aloha
Running is always good if you are alone and faster than them.Otherwise this is where weapons come into play. It can include firearms (often just the brandishing is enough). It can include knives for places where guns are not allowed (Many fighting folders are legal just check your local laws). Non lethal choices include options such as "the stinger" which quite effective if used with appropriate striking technique.

Multifighting calls for cheating. Being attacked by multiples itself is an unfair attack and justifies a response in kind.