An Aikidoka's controversial journey into MMA: Is it helpful?

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You remind me of Elroy Jetson, who was proud of being one of 3 Active people in the forum, but kind of like Wonderboy too, ready to go. Which is amusing because it was a response to the OP, but there you were, Active Boy, with your own little cape, ready for action. But it had nothing to do with the active people in the thread. So it was a hilarious juxtaposition, with you as an active user, over the seemingly forgotten background of the OP
You're less funny when you think you're being funny. Go back to "facting".
The name was not founded until then but when that name was coined then was it as it is today ???

You are the informed one who has made claims of being combat effective yet have you faced combat? and I mean for real ?

answer that or will you just resort to avoiding again ?
ND, you're really starting to rant on this one, man.
Just in general. If you are slick enough then defending doesn't matter. You still get caught.
In general, sure. I was speaking to the idea of saying "put a wrist lock on me". If I know a wrist lock is the point, and the only point, it's going to become a poor option. I can easily (unless the person outclasses me tremendously) prevent most of them or at least make them too hard to be worth the trouble. If they take me down (like a cop cuffing someone), they can do more, because they have ground leverage and I don't have movement. But just getting a wrist lock when I know it's what they're going to do? I'd need to experience that.

Now, if what you mean is using stuff to get to the lock (strikes, takedowns, etc.), then I'm with you. And maybe that was your point.
No but according to you you are combat effective and slang off recognized masters yet all you can come up with is the same again and again and again

I think a certain countryman of yours if you visited his dojo and said Aikido ddin't work and the rest might well disagree and as you also disliked the thing I said about the shenshusei then please go say that in a dojo that is run by one or better still go say it to one of the riot police guys then two things will happen if not more will see if you are and have the skills you claim as being combat effective ... you won't have to take your vid cam as you will be there first hand and most importantly you will get first hand on the job experience of what they have been taught ....

now there is an offer for you you want things proved and you claim to be combat effective and orientated so go test it with those who are taught it specifically for that

There's that stellar reading comprehension again. That would be the 5th time youve lied about something I said in this thread. Maybe you should step away from the forums for a while until your basic literacy skills are up to snuff?

I have never claimed to be 'combat effective'. As I said before, if you are going to claim I said something, quote it, as you haven't gotten one right yet

As an aside...what's the range on your no touch aikido anyway? Yesterday I slipped in training. Was that you?
That's what I was talking about when you jumped into the conversation. The argument was that Aikido underperforms in a ring environment with rules because Aikido has dangerous techniques. My counter argument is that several martial arts (including MMA) have dangerous techniques. So, we're back to the original question; Why is Aikido at a disadvantage in a controlled environment?

Saying Aikido " ... underperforms in a ring environment because it has dangerous techniques.' wasn't quite the way I understood what had been said, or I missed it. This thread is now up to 19 pages. Goodness knows what I may have missed or just plain misunderstood.

If I understand Aikido, it isn't just that it will have dangerous techniques. As you correctly pointed out, other, in fact probably all martial have dangerous techniques. But probably more along the line of say Hapkido: You can't just let loose and flow into a technique in response to an attack. In sport competition if you constantly injure your opponents you will soon run out of opponents; therefore there are rules. Some martial arts won't function as well under rules designed to reduce the amount of injuries.

I don't know if I am explaining that right. Does it make sense to you?
Saying Aikido " ... underperforms in a ring environment because it has dangerous techniques.' wasn't quite the way I understood what had been said, or I missed it. This thread is now up to 19 pages. Goodness knows what I may have missed or just plain misunderstood.

If I understand Aikido, it isn't just that it will have dangerous techniques. As you correctly pointed out, other, in fact probably all martial have dangerous techniques. But probably more along the line of say Hapkido: You can't just let loose and flow into a technique in response to an attack. In sport competition if you constantly injure your opponents you will soon run out of opponents; therefore there are rules. Some martial arts won't function as well under rules designed to reduce the amount of injuries.

I don't know if I am explaining that right. Does it make sense to you?
I would say if martial art doesn't have 'dangerous techniques' , it's not much of a martial art at all.

Even pro wrestling has dangerous techniques, but is it a martial art if it requires cooperation from the other guy to work? Hmm .
You genuinely don't know.

Martial arts don't get made up. They evolve. You're simply giving the credit where he wants credit given. Kudos to you for all your efforts. You have a black belt in pandering
So if martial Arts evolve, by your logic, modern mma is the most evolved. In this metaphor, older martial Arts are like Neanderthal to the mma. Personally, I think your metaphor is limited but i appreciate that uou are saying yhe opposite of what you intend .

But still. You're doing great. Get some sleep and hit the thread fresh. You got this.
You're implying that because I don't know you you might be a badass I'm telling you that you are not.


Stop trying to look like you are you're just looking more like a troll now
personally i agree with you and have been looking for something more.... Badass... I don't know. Just something real. Can you help me? Where can I go for some legit training?
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