I can see a couple of "competing" orgs. Different focuses, different players, yet the core is Remy's Modern Arnis. Basically, a bit of a different focus, flavor if you will may be a good thing.
The problem arises when the competition is not friendly, but brutal. When the students, who only wish to learn a great art are used as pawns between warring premadonas, who's only goal is a piece of the cash prize known as Modern Arnis.
The fall out will be schools that test for cash, vs turning out trained students. Instructors who only know a fraction of the art, suddenly self-promoted to high poobah status. Etc. Etc.
And the art gets lost in the political mess.
Personally, I'd rather train under an instructor who was personally trained by Remy. Who has broader exposure to other arts (Kail, Escrima, Bondo, etc) so you get a full package vs just a part. Who those people are, I don't know. Some are here, some are not. I think when the dust settles, they will be the ones with the strong growing organizations. The rest, may survive by turning out substandard students, or learning to say "Ya want fries with that?"
Either way, when I earn my Modern Arnis Black Belt, I'll know it was from a fully qualified instructor. Not a glory hog, or some johnny come lately, or someone who just read a few books and can use Photoshop to make a cert.