Modern Arnis Lineage List or chart



Cut and Pasted from the WMAC forum
Hello Modern Arnis Clan,

No doubt, good, bad, and indifferent, we are just that a very large worldwide group of Modern Arnis practitioners.

I have been assigned the task by a major Martial Arts Publication to compile a list of all the senior students of Professor Presas and form a chart of sorts as to lineage in the system.

This will be a non political attempt to share this information with readers worldwide and establish some form of order and progression as to who has been a part of the art and for how long.

I will also ask for assistance from key people to research the worldwide web search engine for names connected with Modern Arnis and try to include as many practitioners as possible.

Criteria will include Name, Rank, date received, Country, time in the art, certification directly from Remy A. Presas, and a minimum of a 3rd degree black belt grading. This may have to be changed to 4th or even 5th degree depending on the size of the list.

No major statements will be listed with each name, if you have people in mind and would like to include this information for status of position and recognition for inclusion it may help in deciding who will be listed but it is not a who has done what article only a listing of potential lineage practitioners to be included in the article or chart.

This is a big request, especially to keep non political, but like I said it is for a Major Publication and only a certain amount of time will be allowed to voice your contribution and list those you feel stand within the perimeter mentioned.

I will confirm information with other instructors who may not even like or respect each other but I think it is important enough to open the door for all to be listed who have contributed support to Modern Arnis and Professor Presas.

To some degree individuals such as Bruce Jutnick and Rick Alemedy could be included(many are historical references) but for the most part "recognized active involvement" in the art of Modern Arnis should be a part of the criteria.

If an individual has passed away he could be included as well if his contribution to the art is valid, he will be listed as deceased but part of the seniority lineage.

This opportunity may never come again so speak now or forever complain!

You may list the names here, or e-mail directly to [email protected]

Thank you for your input...

Kelly S. Worden
Taken from the WMAC forum
In general here are some names from the tribe in no specific order:
Terry Wareham-Colorado
Tony Silverio-Conn. 4th degree started 1985
Willie Annung-Philippines (Deceased)
Randi Shea-Texas 5th degree
Rodillio Dagooc-Philippines 8th degree started 1969
Vicente Sanchez-Philippines 8th degree started 1970
Jay Spiro- Detroit 4th degree started 1986
Micheal Donovan-Ontario 4th degree
Jim Ladis- Chicago 5th degree started-1989
Shishir Inocalla-Canada-Philippines Datu
Chuck Gauss-Michigan 5 th degree started 1989
Bob Quinn-Atlanta 5th degree
Roland Dantes-Austrailia-Philippines 8th degree
Remy Presas Jr.- Philippines-California Punong Guru started 1969
Demitrio Presas -Philippines-California Punong Guru
Mary Ann Presas-Philippines-California Punong guru
Roland Rivera-N. Carolina 3rd degree
Dieter Knuttel-Germany "Datu" 6th degree
Scott VanDerzee-Mich. 3rd degree started 1986
Dan Carr-Buffalo 5th degree
Ernesto Presas-Philippines Grandmaster Presas Style
Roberto Presas-Philippines
David Hoffman-Boston "Datu" 5th degree?
Tim Hartman-N.Y. "Datu" 6th degree
David Ng-N.Carolina 4th degree
Richard Roy-Mass. 5th degree
Brian Zawilinski-Conn. 5th degree 1985
Ric Bong Sun Jornales-Michigan "Datu" 6th degree
Dan McConnell-Ohio 3rd degree started 1992
Lee Lowry 6th degree
Murlino Hufano- Washington 4th degree
Jerome Barber-Buffalo ?
Micheal Bates-Phil. ?
Ken Smith-Chicago 5th degree started 1990
David Converse-Chicago 5th degree
Bram Frank-Florida ?
Jeremias de la Cruz-Philippines started 1970
Joe Breidenstein-Phil. 4th degree
Tom Bolden-N.Y. ?
Al Garza-Texas 3rd degree started 1990
Doug Pierre-N.Y. ?
Gabriele Roloff-Germany 5th degree started 1984
Mike Morton-Washington ?
Jeff Delaney-Texas 5th degree started 1990
Kelly Worden-Washington "Datu" 6th degree started 1982

Additional names will be added as the information comes available, I want to thank those who bumped an e-mail and provided names. Further clarification on current status- active or inactive status may be included depending on space.
Historical references might be added separately to the lineage chart for those who have come and gone if space permits.
Just to reiterate a point of reference, a certain amount of research will be conducted to establish this Lineage Chart and clarify status in Modern Arnis. Those not willing to provide their information will be left out, this is history being colaborated, step up or step out!
Thank You,
Kelly S. Worden
Thanks for the support.
Info taken from the WMAC Forum
During conversations with different people about this project there seems to be two thoughts of validity. One is that only current people should be included, the other is that all people who acheived rank should be included and it should be broken down into generations. After consideration I think the most important direction would be to include all students that acheived at least Blackbelt rank to give a valid reflection of Professor's impact on the Industry.
Due to the nature of Professor Presas' travels and different phases of the art, the lineage will be broken down into the following Generations.

Generation 1 includes those involved in founding of Modern Arnis, this list is fairly complete now.

Generation 2 includes those that were a part of the group during the NARAPHIL era.

Generation 3 will be those involved with Professor when he arrived here in the U.S. early 70's.

Generation 4 will be those involved from late 70's until his passing.

All individuals will be concidered for inclusion, but ranking directly from Professor is required to be in the Lineage Chart.
You may list the names here, or e-mail directly to [email protected]

Thank you for your input...

Here are more names submitted via e-mail:

Lorenzo Presas - cousin of Remy
Leonard Trigg-Oregon
Barbara Bones
Janesa Kruse
Jeff Arnold
Rocky Pawsik
Jun Makanano
Dean Stockwell
Frank Scalercio
Dr. Lengson
Max Pallen
Jose E. Bueno
Fred King
Herb Blue
Dan Verdugo
Fred Shadian
Kelly Yuen
Rick Alemany
Bruce Juchnik

Kelly S. Worden
Info taken from the WMAC forum
Hi Kelly,

here are the my students, that received a Modern Arnis rank after a grading directly from the Professor. There are at least half a dozend more 3rd Dans, but they got the rank for example from the grading with Roland Dantes this year or from our German ranking commission, like Alfred Plath for example, who made 3rd Dan in 1991 already and of course some of my Scandinavian students.
There are no other 4th or 5th Dans within the DAV. They are complete and examined by the Professor.

The years of the beginning of the training are with some people approximate, could be wrong by one year.

Anyway, were is the list of the German black belts from 3rd to 6th Dan.

Name - rank/year of the rank - start of the Arnis training

Datu Dieter Knüttel - 6th Dan/1996 - 1978

Hans Karrer - 5 th Dan/1999 - 1979
Jorgen Gydesen - 5 th Dan/1999 - 1983

Peter Rutkowski - 4th Dan/1999 - 1984
Carsten Hemmersbach - 4 th Dan/1999 - 1988

Helmut Meisel - 3rd Dan/1996 - 1984
Michael Jux - 3 rd Dan/1996 - 1982
Simone Schlötels - 3 rd Dan/1996 - 1987
Sunny Graff - 3 rd Dan/1999 - 1985
Kall Wall - 3rd Dan/1999 - 1984
Albert Diemer - 3rd Dan/1999 - 1984
Sven Barchfeld - 3rd Dan/1999 - 1985
Bernd Vieth - 3rd Dan/1999 - 1988
Roland Schültke - 3rd Dan/1999 - 1991
Siegfried Derwisch - 3rd Dan/1999 - 1985

So much for that, good luck with your lineage. I am sure it is a lot of work.

Best regards from Germany

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modenr Arnis
ABANICO Video Productions
Modern Arnis Germany
Info taken from WMAC forum
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Lineage
Date: Friday, November 22, 2002 3:54 AM

Datu Worden,

You might also include Janet Aalfs 4th from Massachussetts. She started in
1981 when Lee Lowry did. I believe Doug Pierre is a 4th as well. Bob Quinn
started about the same time. Bob, Tony Silverio and Brian Zawilinski all
trained with Lee Lowry at that time.

Brett Salafia

Kelly S. Worden
Info taken from the WMAC forum

More Oregonians to the list
Name - State - Black Belt Degree

Tim Dawdy - Oregon - 1st
Dinnelle Wright - Oregon - 1st
Fred King - Oregon - 5th
Tim Gustavson - Oregon - 1st
Tyler Stone - Oregon - 1st
Kevin Worden - Oregon - 1st
Lynn Anderson - Oregon - 4th
Charles Blodgett (deceased) - Oregon - 1st

Dan Anderson
Info taken from the WMAC forum
Thank you Dan Anderson for some of the Oregon names, additionally I'm working on including all blackbelts to the list so if that is a good thing, please keep the names rolling in!

Irwin Carmichael
Rick Mitchell
Sunny Graff und Bernd Vieth
3rd Dan Modern Arnis
Tested by Professor Remy Presas
29. Oktober 1999
Frankfurt Germany
Hi Mr. Worden- I think you have your work cut out for you, but I am happy to help any way I can. I was a student of Remy from 1983 to 1985. I attended the first two summer camps in West Virginia and in Pennsylvania, and received my black belt directly from Remy.
I still have the original lists of the people who actually attended those camps, so if you ever need to verify someone's claim, I can probably help, at least for that particular time period. One note though, I am working in Saudi Arabia right now and the lists are in storage in the US. I plan to be back next June/July, but couldn't get to them before then.
Good luck with your effort. Take care. Steven C. Drape Chief Instructor, KBS System

Hello Kelly,
In response to your post on eskrima digest. thanks,
Guro Andrew "tattoo" Filardo started training under Professor Presas 1985 recieved advanced inst. certificate late 1986 from Professor, with Lee Lowery, Bowden Sween, Michael Morton, on board.

4th degree black belt 1999
Owner - M.F.A. academy, N.Y.Modern Arnisfull contact stickfightingboxing/kickboxing
Kelly S. Worden

I encourage everyone to share info. Martial talk has a large following of Modern Arnis people, so don't be shy. Either send a private email to Datu Worden or post on either Martial talk, or WMAC forum. This is an important project, so speak out or for ever hold your peace......
Thanks in advance for any help you may give to this project....
I'll give the Buffalo, NY list the best I can.

Jerome Barber 3rd
Kevin Black 3rd
Dan Carr ???
Bob Chesbro 3rd
Tim Hartman 6th
Jeff Rech 3rd
Don Zanghi ???

In Buffalo we produced 33 Black Belts that had tested in front of Remy himself. The list above are the 3rd degrees and higher. If you need any help let me know. I worked on a simular project in the past.

Respectfully yours,
Tim Hartman
1st quote Taken from the Escrima digest

This is only part of the story. Please do your own research to find out the missing pieces. (Disclaimer: this post is not intended to start a flame war or a political battle. The argument between Datu Worden and Mr. Jay De Long was long before the "Lineage request" came up....)
Mr. Worden,

You wrote that Generation 2 includes those that were a part of the group
during the NARAPHIL era.

During our last e-mail exchange back in September, in reference to my Modern
Arnis training via NARAPHIL, you took me (and NARAPHIL) to task and wrote
"NARAPHIL was a direct insult to Remy Presas!"

Could you please explain the seeming contradiction between your two
statements? Has your recent review of NARAPHIL history revealed to you that
there were many dedicated Modern Arnis practitioners in NARAPHIL loyal to
the Presases who can claim legitimate Modern Arnis lineage?

I would say that Generation 2 would be made up of hundreds of legitimate
Modern Arnis practitioners, both Filipino and non-Filipino (I guess
depending on how you define "senior student" and "ranking") And by the way,
how can you personally ascertain who was a legitimate and loyal Generation 2
Modern Arnis practitioner? Will you be plowing and poring over NARAPHIL
records covering at least a dozen years in the Philippines?

Mr. Worden, as a late rebuttal to your last e-mail, I would like to state
unequivocably that I have no intention or desire to meddle in, influence or
capitalize on Modern Arnis affairs, including your lineage chart. But I
will express my opinions (solicited or otherwise, on any topic that
interests me), just as hundreds have done and do in MA magazines, internet
digests and forums, etc. Again, I feel privileged to have known and trained
with Prof. Presas, and many outstanding Modern Arnis masters in the
Philippines and U.S.

Good luck with your project; that is a daunting task.

Jay de Leon

This quote taken from the WMAC forum....
To reply to Jay de Leon or other interested and concerned individuals,

This is a task I and others are doing as a favor to Inside Kung Fu Editor Dave Cater mainly to get an idea of what is happening with Modern Arnis. The request and project is to establish an outline as to who has been a part of Modern Arnis over the years and who is still actively involved.

As mentioned in the outline or guidelines for inclusion there is a timeline on the submitting the results.
Ideally, others will have concerns or care and submit names that they feel fit the criteria, simple as that. I will with the help of other knowledgeable people put them in order of when they participated in Modern Arnis, that is why the year they started is important.

Weather I personally feel or others feel NARAPHIL or 2nd Generation practitioners had a riff or political issue with Professor is unimportant in this effort. Professor had more than one riff or conflict throughout his long martial arts career in the Philippines, U.S., Europe, or Worldwide for that matter.
What martial arts group or leader has not experienced splintering?
It is not my desire to address this issue nor my concern, only to establish the practitioners that choose to step forward and claim their spot in Modern Arnis history and lineage. The only key point here is being a part of lineage and history.
Am I going to toil away for endless hours on this daunting task searching records throughout the world? NO!
At the required deadline to submit a report I will do just that submit it! Will it have every name who ever trained with Professor on it?
No, but I do know the chart will be more complete than it ever has in the past. Additionally, that effort Mr. de Leon will be more of an effort than has been offered in the past! If you or anyone else would like to submit names, dates, and ranks of people you know, please do. I am in contact with people in the Philippines, the U.S. and other countries who will remember almost any name that may be submitted.
If by chance during this first effort names are not listed, obtained, or substantial acknowledgement of their status cannot be verified a second effort could be launched. Possibly at some time in the future when another publication or governing martial arts body requests the information additional attention may be directed to include a more complete directory of names and dates.
This current effort is one I and others are attempting, if it appears to be lacking some of the credible people of the past, let them step forth and do the work themselves, simple as that!
Like it says in the outline, "SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER COMPLAIN !"

Records that were never kept may be lost forever, all that can be done today is to try,
Sincerely, Kelly S. Worden
Personal email posted on the WMAC forum
Dear Mr. Worden:

Recently a student e-mailed me some info from the Escrima Digest, re: you drumming up a list of Modern Arnis old-timers (or something to that effect). I am assuming that commo was/is for real. SO........

I dragged out my old certificates. Got the Lakan/Basic Instructor parchment, dated August 6, 1983, signed by J. Arnold, M. Replogle, and Remy Presas. This from the West Virginia camp; I did two weeks back to back there, as did Irey Cobb (Oklahoma) and Mike Morton (KS and CO). On the second week Joe Breidenstein showed up--surely you've heard of him. He was the org secretary for some time back then. He also hosted a weeklong camp in Phily in 1985, where I retested for Lakan.

I managed to catch up with Remy here and there for the next decade or so, and in 1993 (11 July) picked up Lakan Dalawa, at Terry Wareham's North Central annual camp. This parchment was signed by Remy only.

That is to say, I consider myself an active, organizationally-unattached 2nd degree black belt, with Remy Presas as my sole instructor in the art. I had considerable MA background prior to meeting up with Remy, so it was pretty fast and easy to pick up, as you probably understand.

Over the years I've read about you, and some interview(s), and am impressed with what you seem to be doing. Hope to have the opportunity to train with you sometime.

I'd like to ask two short favors: (1) Who are the three persons Remy named as master level, other than yourself, and (2) Also--what is the publication/date?

Thank you and good luck!

Randy Fey
here's the names of my students who have 1st degrees who tested with
Professor Presas...@ the Florida camps
Jerry Pinada
Jody Mehlman-Florida
John Ralston-Louisiana
David Shor- Texas
Tony Torre- Florida
Dr David Mc Gee- West Virginia
Michael Haack- Florida
Bruce Chiu.. he's a 3rd or 4th.. now living in Virginia
W. Hock Hochheim
2nd Degree Black
Every test, every bit of training from Remy directly, in privates,
semi-privates and seminars.
1989 to 1996.
M. Replogle
Kelly S. Worden

I am posting this info for the Modern Arnis people that do not cross over to the WMAC forum. This is not an attempt to gain more readers. This is just an attempt at sharing information that seems to be important to all Modern Arnis players. If you have information that would assist Datu Worden please email him personally or post it here on Martial Talk. com or

Take care
Hi Bob.
No worries. Its a great project and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we can't wait to see the complete lineage.
Connecticut Area Modern Arnis Blackbelts

Lee Lowery 6th
Brian Zawilinski 5th
Tony Silverio 4th
Wayne Tanguay 2nd
Brett Salafia 2nd
Paul Kisckum 1st
Bill Boisvert 1st
LeeAnne Brophy 1st
Lizz D'Atri (Bradstreet) 1st
Jan Sternberg (Deceased) 1st
Not that I think most of the people are doing this , but I assume that this black belt list that Datu Worden is putting together is for promotion done by Remy and not by the organizations since his retirement. When I did this back in the 90's I had the black belts send a copy of their diplomas to prevent any problems.
People elevating their rank? In the martial arts world? No! It could never happen!

OK, seriously....
Delaware Modern Arnis (ie my people in the Delaware area)
Myself: Lakan Isa
Bruce Benson: Lakan
Lexy Malone: Dayang (inactive)
Cory Wickersham : recieved Lakan from Professor prior to training with me

The question comes up from time time so I will touch on it real briefly. I am not, and was not ever, involved with Jim and/or Judy Clapp beyond attending one "big three" seminar at their school so I can't comment on them, nor can I give the rankings of their people.
Jim recieved a 5th from Professor; Judy either a 4th or a 5th.
Below is a post that I submitted to the WMAC forum earlier today
and I believe that it fits loosely into this and at least one other thread on this forum.



="Kelly S. Worden"]Hey Dan,
Thanks for touching base and providing the information, of course any other practitioners you can pass the word to would be benificial. This really is a valuable opportunity to accumulate a list of players.
In general here are some names from the tribe in no specific order:
Terry Wareham-Colorado
Tony Silverio-Conn. 4th degree started 1985
Willie Annung-Philippines (Deceased)
Randi Shea-Texas 5th degree
Rodillio Dagooc-Philippines 8th degree started 1969
Vicente Sanchez-Philippines 8th degree started 1970
Jay Spiro- Detroit 4th degree started 1986
Micheal Donovan-Ontario 4th degree
Jim Ladis- Chicago 5th degree started-1989
Shishir Inocalla-Canada-Philippines Datu
Chuck Gauss-Michigan 5 th degree started 1989
Bob Quinn-Atlanta 5th degree
Roland Dantes-Austrailia-Philippines 8th degree
Remy Presas Jr.- Philippines-California Punong Guru started 1969
Demitrio Presas -Philippines-California Punong Guru
Mary Ann Presas-Philippines-California Punong guru
Roland Rivera-N. Carolina 3rd degree
Dieter Knuttel-Germany "Datu" 6th degree
Scott VanDerzee-Mich. 3rd degree started 1986
Dan Carr-Buffalo 5th degree
Ernesto Presas-Philippines Grandmaster Presas Style
Roberto Presas-Philippines
David Hoffman-Boston "Datu" 5th degree?
Tim Hartman-N.Y. "Datu" 6th degree
David Ng-N.Carolina 4th degree
Richard Roy-Mass. 5th degree
Brian Zawilinski-Conn. 5th degree 1985
Ric Bong Sun Jornales-Michigan "Datu" 6th degree
Dan McConnell-Ohio 3rd degree started 1992
Lee Lowry 6th degree
Murlino Hufano- Washington 4th degree
Jerome Barber-Buffalo ?
Micheal Bates-Phil. ?
Ken Smith-Chicago 5th degree started 1990
David Converse-Chicago 5th degree
Bram Frank-Florida ?
Jeremias de la Cruz-Philippines started 1970
Joe Breidenstein-Phil. 4th degree
Tom Bolden-N.Y. ?
Al Garza-Texas 3rd degree started 1990
Doug Pierre-N.Y. ?
Gabriele Roloff-Germany 5th degree started 1984
Mike Morton-Washington ?
Jeff Delaney-Texas 5th degree started 1990
Kelly Worden-Washington "Datu" 6th degree started 1982

Kelly S. Worden

Very Nice Job, Kelly. This is quite a task to bring about to a positive conclusion and I love seeing so many names that i recognize from my
past years in Modern Arnis - my time started in 1981, in Buffalo, NY.

All of these names just make me feel that there is certinly a need for for the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium, that I am hosting in July in Buffalo. We will not have enough time and openings for everyone to take an instructional opportunity, but given just the names above, plus those that have come in since the post that I am quoted, just boggles my mind.

There are just so many people who could add so much information and background on this art. My contention from the first day that I proposed the Symposium idea was that the art is much bigger than most people realize. There are far more "senior" people within Modern Arnis than most people are aware of over the long haul of time.

I was quite fortunate to have studied with one of the first IMAF Area Representatives, Sifu Don Zanghi begining in 1981. He had contact with a number of the first major people to get invilved with Modern Arnis in the mid to late 70's. That allowed me and my fellow students under Zanghi to meet, train and talk some of those same people, like Bowden Sween, Barbra Bones, Jeansa Krause, Shishiir Inocalla, Joe Bridenstein, Tom Bolden, Steve Drake, Jay Spiro, Dan Anderson, Fred King and Dennis Toelston.

I did not personally meet all of these folks, but between Sifu Zanghi and my classmates, we met them all. Anyone who is opposed to the 2003 Symposium is really turning his/her back on the roots of Modern Arnis history. I certinly hope that this project goes forward and I also hope that some people will now, better undertand why I am going to be hosting the 2003 Symposium.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Tim Hartman 6th Degree produced the following students.

1. Kevin Black................3rd Black......Lakan Tatlo
2. Jeff Rech....................3rd Black......Lakan Tatlo
3. Jeffery Leader............2nd Black.....Lakan Dalawa
4. Ron Murcin.................2nd Black.....Lakan Dalawa
5. Mike Alfano.................1st Black.....Lakan Isa
6. Mike Antecki................1st Black.....Lakan Isa
7. A. Paul Dawdy............1st Black......Lakan Isa (Canada)
8. John CS Lehmann.......1st Black......Lakan Isa
9. Paul O’Grady...............1st Black......Lakan Isa
10.Amy Antecki................Black...........Dayang
11.David Battaglia...........Black...........Lakan (belt revoked by GM Presas)
12.Gene Cunningham......Black...........Lakan
13.George Harris.............Black...........Lakan
14.Primo Luciano.............Black...........Lakan
15.Mark Mosler................Black...........Lakan
16.Mike Milazzo...............Black...........Lakan
17.David Pajak................Black...........Lakan
18.Mike Rogers................Black...........Lakan
19.Tim Unger...................Black...........Lakan
20.Jordan Yee.................Black...........Lakan

This is a list of my students that were promoted by GM Remy Presas and were issued VALID IMAF certificates. I am missing one listing which I'll put up when I can find him in my records.
John Bryant, who recvd his black belt in the early 80s (I believe) but who has been inactive for some time, to the best of my knowledge. He opened the first Buffalo-area school; indeed, one of the first Modern Arnis schools.