MMA, UFC, The Cage, what does it prove?

why would an MMA fighter bully someone in the street? most decent fighters i've met have been very affable guys. besides, why fight for free when you can get paid & have a crowd cheering for you?

What does the cage bit of the title prove? That it's a darn sight easier to put up a cage than a ring for a fight night! I've done both, we had a 20ft boxing ring with judo mats under the canvas for our fight nights and that was hell to put up with all the metalwork,wooden boards, bolts and screws etc not to mention putting the ropes on etc etc. Now we have a cage. The cage? it's bliss, much lighter and takes far less time so there you go, thats what the cage proves lol!
The main thing it's proved is to be the best combative sport. People will spend so much time seeing the negatives. But look at sports like boxing, kickboxing including Muay Thai, Karate, Judo, Sambo and Wrestling which are ALL by themselves very "limiting". None can "claim and prove" effectively to defend against the other styles listed.

All styles have weaknesses and training to "fix" these weaknesses is another positive result from cage fighting.

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