Martial Arts are Witchcraft, just ask this guy!

well that's me scuppered - good job i'm not religious ;) since according to that article i must be very wicked and possessed by some evil spirit that's locked up in both my heart and mind ;)

as for praying to buddha that's the first time i've heard that....... i've heard of people praying that they'll walk out of the ring in one piece though ;)

having said that i suppose that we all try and find some zen like place in us where everything is totally calm, chilled out and peaceful allowing us all to zone in on what we're doing so that we don't get caught up with other distractions and it lets us fully concentrate on what we're trying achieve........... maybe ?????

like has been said we are all possessed by some immaculate spirit and guardian angel (i've got one of these :) )
Nonsense. I teach karate at my church. My pastor and his wife and son also attend the classes. Several churches in the area have martial arts programs as part of their ministry
I bet they don't really think it's evil, i bet they are jealous that they are not also in martial arts. Invincibility they say... With super powers too... No I only wish super powers would be involved then sparring or kata would be more interesting :wuguns:
i'd love supernatural powers when i'm in the ring and about to take a hiding ;) it'd be useful to know that no matter what i was going to come out victorious everytime (not likely to happen) instead of ending up out cold in A&E ;)
i'd love supernatural powers when i'm in the ring and about to take a hiding ;) it'd be useful to know that no matter what i was going to come out victorious everytime (not likely to happen) instead of ending up out cold in A&E ;)
Here is a cool exercise to make it seem you are a magic: Try to make all your moves look the same, out of the gate. They can't defend it if they can't read it; Do pain tolerance exercises, It still hurts and all, but you can have someone stand there and hit you while you react as planned instead of as he planned; Be faster. Pick up your heel to kick, not your knee. :)
i already lift my heel when it comes to a front kick - i find that i can get more power through the kick using the tiny backswing for extra momentum ;) gotta be some sort of devine intervention to be able to pull it off time and time again :) i've never had a leg caught yet but i have felt the impact of it though ;)

top stuff Mr Guardian Angel - putting more force on it than normal LoL :)

to get in the ring with another person requires a bit of devine intervention by your "cult" as you're the chosen one ;)
I wonder what the martial artist from long ago would think if these people told them it was witch craft... :shrug: :argue:
Maybe feel insulted
Maybe consider them a joke
Attack? (doubt it) might be a little funny to watch but quickly turn gruesome
I wonder what the martial artist from long ago would think if these people told them it was witch craft... :shrug: :argue:
Maybe feel insulted
Maybe consider them a joke
Attack? (doubt it) might be a little funny to watch but quickly turn gruesome
They would understand, considering private training was probably treasonous. :)
As with all things, it isn't that clear cut.

There are many Christians against yoga because it was combined with spiritual practices. They can't seperate it and just look at it from a physical exercise program.

Same with martial arts. It was combined in some ways with religion, but also is just a practice of physical techniques. Most martial arts do not force you to believe a certain way religiously. BUT, I do know of some indonesian arts that actually have as part of their practice, a process that you channel the spirits of dead masters to teach you and they take over your body to teach you new things. Now if that was your ONLY exposure to martial arts, what would you think?

Same with "kung fu", many people's exposure comes from the old TV show from the 40 and over people. It was always shown in the context of being combined with chinese religion. Most people's view of karate comes from the japanese influence that always combined it with zen practice and assume it is also attached to Buddhism, or the "ninja" stuff that from TV/Movies combines it with supernatural stuff like the author mentioned.

That being said, I don't find it offensive as much as I find it ignorant. This person has never taken the time to really look at what martial arts really are, and to understand that they are cultural as well as a physical art. There are MANY martial arts that are taught in other locations that do not teach/share the religious beliefs/ideas of the culture it came from.
As with all things, it isn't that clear cut.

There are many Christians against yoga because it was combined with spiritual practices. They can't seperate it and just look at it from a physical exercise program.

Same with martial arts. It was combined in some ways with religion, but also is just a practice of physical techniques. Most martial arts do not force you to believe a certain way religiously. BUT, I do know of some indonesian arts that actually have as part of their practice, a process that you channel the spirits of dead masters to teach you and they take over your body to teach you new things. Now if that was your ONLY exposure to martial arts, what would you think?

Same with "kung fu", many people's exposure comes from the old TV show from the 40 and over people. It was always shown in the context of being combined with chinese religion. Most people's view of karate comes from the japanese influence that always combined it with zen practice and assume it is also attached to Buddhism, or the "ninja" stuff that from TV/Movies combines it with supernatural stuff like the author mentioned.

That being said, I don't find it offensive as much as I find it ignorant. This person has never taken the time to really look at what martial arts really are, and to understand that they are cultural as well as a physical art. There are MANY martial arts that are taught in other locations that do not teach/share the religious beliefs/ideas of the culture it came from.

What has always amazed me about this is that this type of thing says to me that someone's grip on their chosen religion is so tenuous that they are threatened by a Yoga or Taijiquan class
i think that's the sum of the parts really - people are ignorant of what MA is all about and then they are that insecure that they believe that MA will take what little belief they have away from them so they condemn it as witchcraft with it's rituals and spiritualist BS.

i'll take my chances with the ghosts and spirits that taught my coach and his coach before him any day thankyou :)

I think the individual starts off with the wrong premise; that martial arts are steeped in and children of religion. He almost gets it right in the last paragraph

While the physical side of martial arts is probably a good form of exercise, and many Christians do participate in martial arts, it may be a dangerous activity to allow the mind to become influenced by the philosophies associated with karate and all other forms of the martial arts. The false religious overtones of Buddhism are there whether they are expressed verbally or not. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to separate the philosophies from the activity, and therefore it would be wise for the Christian to use much caution before participating in this kind of activity.

There are Christians that study martial arts. It would be a shame for a Christian to study a martial art that indeed was based on and taught the principals of a different religion, providing confusion or a chance to inadvertently pick up false teaching.

But then he again shows the false premise, that all martial arts are based on non-Christian religions and principals. He has probably written what he did in good faith, based on what he has been told. He just hasn't been told everything.
What has always amazed me about this is that this type of thing says to me that someone's grip on their chosen religion is so tenuous that they are threatened by a Yoga or Taijiquan class

From my point of view as a Christian, it would be a shame for someone whose faith was not yet strong, to be influenced by something that caused doubt or back sliding. When a person's faith is not yet strong, it doesn't mean those who would protect them are wrong in wanting to protect them. You might question their methods, but surely you would respect their motive.

Although I wouldn't be sympathetic to their view of religion, I would expect almost any religion would wish to protect its practitioners from being influenced by other religions.
From my point of view as a Christian, it would be a shame for someone whose faith was not yet strong, to be influenced by something that caused doubt or back sliding. When a person's faith is not yet strong, it doesn't mean those who would protect them are wrong in wanting to protect them. You might question their methods, but surely you would respect their motive.
Although I wouldn't be sympathetic to their view of religion, I would expect almost any religion would wish to protect its practitioners from being influenced by other religions.

Why, what are they afraid of?

Merton studied all religions and all it did was to give him better insight to his own. He did not fear them, it appears he embraced them. And I believe you will find the same attitude with the Dahli Lama as well
I think the individual starts off with the wrong premise; that martial arts are steeped in and children of religion. He almost gets it right in the last paragraph

While the physical side of martial arts is probably a good form of exercise, and many Christians do participate in martial arts, it may be a dangerous activity to allow the mind to become influenced by the philosophies associated with karate and all other forms of the martial arts. The false religious overtones of Buddhism are there whether they are expressed verbally or not. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to separate the philosophies from the activity, and therefore it would be wise for the Christian to use much caution before participating in this kind of activity.

There are Christians that study martial arts. It would be a shame for a Christian to study a martial art that indeed was based on and taught the principals of a different religion, providing confusion or a chance to inadvertently pick up false teaching.

But then he again shows the false premise, that all martial arts are based on non-Christian religions and principals. He has probably written what he did in good faith, based on what he has been told. He just hasn't been told everything.

He also implies that Buddhism is a false religion, which tells you a lot.
If you are having problem with gaining your supernatural powers, try swithching your osu or domo or whatever you say when you bow for the true words.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

Good luck
i say a few words to my guardian angel when i get in the ring to fight :) it's just something that i've always done, some people say a prayer before raising a glove to the sky, others keep quiet that whichever god it is will keep them safe :)

i think that MA and religion can be kept as separate things allowing everyone to take part no matter what their cultural / beliefs may be.

for me too much emphasis is placed on the religious beliefs of a person and not enough on the quality training that's available to that person along with the many opportunities that go with it.

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