Martial Arts are Witchcraft, just ask this guy!

i totally agree that cat has got serious skills :) - should be allowed to compete on a bigger stage and to a wider audience ;)

i'd love some of whatever it is that my dogs been taking lately - sure it's special powers that enable him to have a really good scrap with out getting any injuries at all :) must be possessed surely ;)
I don't know whose cat that is. Somebody emailed me that pic years ago and he got it off the Internet.

The last cat I had practiced the secret ninja art of watafumo: stealth cat-farting. He would do things like get behind the sofa or under your chair, then let one loose that would make you swear that something had crawled up inside him and died. What was really funny was if you happened to see him do it. He'd be lying there under the chair, then he'd fart and suddenly sit up and look around like he was trying to put the blame on somebody else.

I miss that little monster sometimes.
my dog does (he's my avatar pic) a similar thing - he farts, smells his butt and then goes running into the other room "it wasn't me - honest ;)"

it's amazing what kind of witchcraft and skullduggery our pets can get upto and yet we just laugh about it :) now that's witchcraft ;)

leading you to believe that something is funny and not in the least bit disgusting cos you love them - gotta be something mystical and magical at play surely ;)
you'll have to get another cat and teach it some serious MA skills then you can get into a scrap knowing that your cat's got your back ;)
Agreed. It's always the fundies who seem to ask the questions about heathen religious practices in the schools, etc.

In my school currently, I have four families that I know are Muslim, one that I know is Hindu, at least four Catholics and one solid agnostic. Several others that I don't know about, but I'll assume they are probably some form of Christianity until I learn otherwise. But it doesn't matter. Once we step on the floor, we are all worshiping in The Church Of The Jumping Sidekick. :boing1: Even my cat does.


Reminds me of my dog who knew Jui Shitzu.
I remember reading an article in INSIDE KUNG FU years ago where a woman pulled her son out of karate because it teaches us to worship "the God within."
Like anything else. It depends who you train with and what they teach. Many of the traditional arts taught with Buddhist and other eastern philosophies. I believe a lot of systems that are taught in the US have gotten away from this stuff but it was there. The person who posted all that stuff must’ve had a bad experience somewhere. It’s not right to paint all martial systems with that brush. It would be like painting all Christians with the brush of Jim Jones. At least that is in my humble opinion.
Like anything else. It depends who you train with and what they teach. Many of the traditional arts taught with Buddhist and other eastern philosophies. I believe a lot of systems that are taught in the US have gotten away from this stuff but it was there. The person who posted all that stuff must’ve had a bad experience somewhere. It’s not right to paint all martial systems with that brush. It would be like painting all Christians with the brush of Jim Jones. At least that is in my humble opinion.
There are many forms of martial arts. Aikido Which relies on circular motion., many different forms of Japanese Karate, that works with Momentum to a large degree Judo, which is reliant on leverage Jiujitsu Which studies the joints in circular motion. Kung Fu, which imitates animal movements. (I am still confused about the dragon style) Did they study the movement of a real dragon? To lump these are all together and coming up with a hypothesis it is over 4000 years old seems a bit of a stretch. Well there are many instructors that want to turn themselves into God like images (which is not unusual) and perform demonstrations that make them appear to have powers that are beyond human i.e. The bed of nails where they put 100 pounds of their body weight On about One thousand nails (So each nail supports 1/10 of a pound) which is not enough to break the skin. And then put four patio blocks on top of them that are broken by a sledgehammer seems awesome! Until you realize at the patio blocks work like a bullet proof vest and absorb all the impact. I’m waiting for the time that they get the same treatment but without the patio blocks and take the sledgehammer directly to the stomach. Of course any organization it has someone in charge that dictates all the rules without question does sort of have a cult like look to it. Especially if you cannot ask questions. You just have to believe what is it, and drink the Kool-Aid. But the entire premise doesn’t seem to make sense. Farm implements such as sickles, nunchucks, Manrikigusari (Sorry for the spelling) etc. came along closer to the 1600s because the farmers were not allowed to own weapons like the samurai sword. Today there are things like physics and neurology and the actual laws that make it so that you cannot just check out your sword by cutting off your neighbors head. So whatever the origin (which I do not know what was going on four thousand years ago, All I can say is that it has been a passion of mine for over 50 years. I enjoy it as much now as I did when I started. So for those who want to appear more than human. I believe it was the words of General Stillwell: The higher a monkey climbs a pole the more you can see it’s ***. I am grateful for that confidence in my ability and the fact that I can live my life the way I choose without having to be intimidated buy some steroid head that has nothing but form with no function. I am lucky to have found the beauty in the study of self-defense. I am also proud of the fact that I have been able to pass along the knowledge I have procured to others that now have the confidence and ability to follow their own Path in life. It’s nice to feel that I have given back more to the world and I have taken from it. There are two sides to a coin. Before you choose to say is the negative extremist side, enjoy your life by giving yourself reasons to avoid and not experience some of the finer things that life has to offer. Here’s one of my friends said to me that was deeply into reincarnation “well, you’re only go around once you might as well enjoy it“. Respectfully, Grandmaster Willing

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