the black art

Greetings Fiend,

Did you like the seminar? Was the seminar more lectures or technique driven?

What did you think about the information shared at the seminar?

I am not familiar with Red Dragon Karate. I found a clip on YouTube.

Red Dragon Karate

it was great thanks for asking! it was definately more technique driven. he taught us some kicks nothing big and some strikes on the bags and explained how to make them better and since there were sme relatively lower ranks in that class there wasnt anything over the top.
i thought the infrmation was great and he gave us his website where he posts different things to read more on.
thanks for the clip ive seen it before somewhere else too.
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I visited his son Chris' (I assume it was his son) website because some poster had mentioned studying under him. From the looks of it, he looks like a Hollywood/California-style martial artist who acts (although that may be too strong of a word) in TV and films and wears a pretty uniform.
Take it with a grain of salt.

bruce lee, jackie chan, jet li, chuck noris and other martial artists are/were actors as well. it doesnt mean that what they were doing were just fancy stuff as well. they were/are also great martial artists.
I was a little concerned when I read on the OPs thread saying she was going on this seminar and that Mr. Casamassa demanded total respect, that concern has grown a little with this thread.

he didnt though. i never met him before so i figured that he would be this total scary, deanded total respect kind of guy but he wasnt at all. in fact he was funny, and you felt very relaxed when he spoke or told you to do something.
thank you everyone for the feedback and i apprciate it. there are things you brought to my attention that i will consider now and be more open too. thank you again. :wink2::)
I am not familiar with Red Dragon Karate. I found a clip on YouTube.

Red Dragon Karate
I wasn't familiar with their inner workings, either, though they're all over the place here in SoCal. RE the clip: I understand the flash as a way to market the art, but what I was really glad to see was the empty hand demos using open hands, in which I'm a pretty firm believer--just my CMA training, I guess.
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bruce lee, jackie chan, jet li, chuck noris and other martial artists are/were actors as well. it doesnt mean that what they were doing were just fancy stuff as well. they were/are also great martial artists.

I don't think I would put Chris Casamassa in the same category as the above.
Well, the next time I'm in a theater that is showing a movie in which Chris is starring, and the audience is going crazy, and his moves are the talk of the 20-something crowd, I will put him in the same category as Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Chuck Norris.
Until then...
The nastiest, most unpleasant techs I've ever seen were some FMA techs shown us, in plain view, in the light of day, at last year's MT Meet & Greet in Buffalo. They would have given the Marquis de Sade the willies, but they were just part and parcel of the daily business of reducing your attacker to minute particles that the FMAs seem to take this very workaday attitude toward. Anything 'deadlier' than that belongs in a museum of mediæval torture.


I just happened to be flipping the the forum pages when I saw this. I believe that was me you were referring to at that Buffalo Meet and Greet last year (teaching versions of the bent-arm bar, with and without knife). I laughed when I saw your post and had to say 'thanks' for the feedback. I think I'll take that as a compliment (...I think).

All of the best,

Jack A. Latorre
Chris Casamassa was a pretty decent tournament guy back in the early 90's or so. He did MK 1 as Scorpion, that's half the reason I wanted to see it was because he was one of the only "known" names as far as martial artists went. Red Dragon is also where Jason Frank of the Power Rangers trains and runs a school or two.

I can't speak for secret arts and stuff like that, as long as you enjoyed the seminar thats what is important. I've only had one instructor who demanded anything. I left there and went else.

What style of TKD do you train in?
The ninjas, all types, learned from arts imported from China. China does not have Karate-or didn't 900 yrs ago-so I'm skeptical about this.
Now, Al Dascos had a "black art death touch" but that had nothing to do with what I've read here.

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