Why Dos Everyone Mouth Off On Sport Martial Arts

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Originally posted by Bod

Bod thinks: Hmm, I could do with a cup of coffee...

Hey Kirk, did I ever mention that I'm training for UFC?

ROFL!!! That'd be one expensive cup of coffee!!!!!!!!!

Ooo, wait! I did pre-qualify it .. ya gotta bump into me

Originally posted by tarabos

man...look at all this nonsense. this is why these types of threads should just be locked immediatley. nothing productive is going to come out of this, just people arguing and others trying to mediate. the only thing good that came out of it was 7starmantis telling me about that hilarious site.

see you all in the next thread.

I'm starting to agree with tarabos here, it seems all these threads are doing is starting "flame wars" about which style is better than that style. I'm not saying I haven't gotten drug in myself, but we really need to watch out for it, because it really gives a bad image of Martial Artists in general and us on this board.

:rofl: That site is pretty damn funny isn't it!!!

Hey kirk screw you dude i dont care if i get kicked off this website no one talks about me that way. GO to hell dude / Talking about assholes. Your one to speak you sent me a letter in my in box telling me if i am ever in texas you will kick my ***. Well come up to Washington and stop by kent see what happens i dare you , Ill take my metal base ball bat and mix it up with your face , This isnt a joke and i am not laughing. You wanna go lets do it.:soapbox: :soapbox: :samurai: :2pistols: :2xbird: :EG:
Hey kirk i doubt you know anyone i train with. I know for a fact you dont know me. Last off i am putting a bad name for teenagers well bite me , Because your a real jerk for someone that should act more mature. I have seen you in other threads talk **** to people. How the hell did you become adminstraighter your a real moron. As for what i think of you. Your a punk and lets face it your proble gonna be a idoit for the rest of your natural life.

Incase i get banned a final message

Thanks for the good run i have injoyed many forms on diffrent topics, Cheers and happy runnings to all of you ,Beside kirk and tarabas or what ever/.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Hey kirk screw you dude i dont care if i get kicked off this website no one talks about me that way. GO to hell dude / Talking about assholes. Your one to speak you sent me a letter in my in box telling me if i am ever in texas you will kick my ***. Well come up to Washington and stop by kent see what happens i dare you , Ill take my metal base ball bat and mix it up with your face , This isnt a joke and i am not laughing. You wanna go lets do it.

Bit of a lie there, but thanks for the laugh!
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Hey kirk i doubt you know anyone i train with. I know for a fact you dont know me. Last off i am putting a bad name for teenagers well bite me , Because your a real jerk for someone that should act more mature. I have seen you in other threads talk **** to people. How the hell did you become adminstraighter your a real moron. As for what i think of you. Your a punk and lets face it your proble gonna be a idoit for the rest of your natural life.

Incase i get banned a final message

Thanks for the good run i have injoyed many forms on diffrent topics, Cheers and happy runnings to all of you ,Beside kirk and tarabas or what ever/.

You won't get banned, relax, take a pill. I treat others how they
treat me. You're just mad cause you got back what you've been
dishing out. I may in fact be an idiot .. but I can SPELL idiot, and
administrator. Punks go looking for a fight ... like you did with
this thread. I merely didn't stand down and go "you're right
Judo Boy, the UFC is the ULTIMATE, and MMAers are the only ones
that know how to fight. If you didn't want the confrontation here,
you shouldn't have talked about how supreme your fighting is,
and how traditional ones aren't.
I never said any where that traditnional martial arts sucked. Infact i have stated believe it or not that Martial arts is better then not having any, Are you shocked Kirk maybe if you would read my posts and you would see that i am just wounding why i get a load of crap for doing sports judo as one of my martial arts and that could add into why i made this post , Not to dog on anyone else but to ask why that is . Its true i m not the best when it comes to grammer. Then again i am really great in science and socil studys , I take honors in those 2 areas.
This is to add into why i said kenpo guys this and that blah blah blah. Because from my expereince i have heard more **** talking from kenpo guys then anyone else/ That is my experience dos that mean that every kenpo guy is a jerk No. Dos that mean i hate Kenpo in genral no. It just means i have had many bad experiences with them . For example i called a kenpo place and the first thing the guy starts to do is dog TKD and stuff, I dont take TKD but still this also sets a bad example you shouldnt have to dog another martial art to promote your own. True some times i do go a little over board but, I try to stay within reason 98% of the time.
Remeber a wal back when i posted BOWING = BRAIN WASH . Then you sent me a letter saying somthing like bring it . I have it in my folder but everytime i post it one of your admins takes it off. :shrug:
Originally posted by Judo-kid

I never said any where that traditnional martial arts sucked. Infact i have stated believe it or not that Martial arts is better then not having any, Are you shocked Kirk maybe if you would read my posts and you would see that i am just wounding why i get a load of crap for doing sports judo as one of my martial arts and that could add into why i made this post , Not to dog on anyone else but to ask why that is .

No, the word "suck" wasn't used by you, you're right. But what
you HAVE done is say things like:

1) Bowing is brain washing
2) If they don't fight in a ring, they're full of it
3) What's better, Judo or Jujitsu?
4) You never see Kung fu guys going at it in competition because uhh maybe kung fu isnt what it could be?

ALL are written to bring conflict!!! So no, you might not have
actually typed the word "suck" but you've gone everywhere
you possibly could around the word. You are constantly insulting
other styles brotherman, and you like confrontation. So I brought
it to the table.

Originally posted by Judo-kid

This is to add into why i said kenpo guys this and that blah blah blah. Because from my expereince i have heard more **** talking from kenpo guys then anyone else

Okay, so you've heard it from kenpo, and that gives you the right
to say anything you want about kenpo????? The thing is, I've
heard more *** *talking from MMAers and grapplers, but when I
point that out, you get all defensive. I guess I should've used the
cliche "I don't want to offend anyone".

Originally posted by Judo-kid

For example i called a kenpo place and the first thing the guy starts to do is dog TKD and stuff

Sorry, I don't want to offend you, but I don't believe that line for
one second. Do you just jump on any band wagon that rolls by?
How come you suddenly make this claim, now that Damian spoke
up about how much HE hears it??? (Damian .. I don't deny your
claim, sorry to bring you into this). You've never made mention of
it before!

Originally posted by Judo-kid

I dont take TKD but still this also sets a bad example you shouldnt have to dog another martial art to promote your own.

Well that's exactly what you have been doing. And if you want
to push this issue, maybe I'll go ahead and actually go through all
your posts, and paste them in here. You do it a LOT. So do quite
a few other MMAers. There's another bandwagon for ya. If you
keep this up, you could fall into the wrong crowd, and end up in
a bad place man. Do yourself a favor, and start thinking for
yourself RIGHT NOW.

Originally posted by Judo-kid

True some times i do go a little over board but, I try to stay within reason 98% of the time.

Well then your math is bad too. Answer me this .. am I the ONLY
one you've gotten into it with on this board? You're
confrontational and you DO dog on other styles. IMO you started
this. If you want it to end, lets make an agreement to NEVER
EVER reply to one another's posts EVER again. if that's the case,
then don't come back slingin' trash, just say okay. I won't say
another word to you again, and you can freely call my and other
arts garbage all you want.

As for your claiming that I said "I'll kick your ***" ... nope .. didn't
say it. I replied to your challenge saying you're the one claiming
that you can kick ANY non mma'ers *** ... so next time you're in
Texas, look me up, and we'll find out. There's a big difference,
and yes .. still .. if you want some .. BRING IT. And I'll even give
you this little tid bit of info ...I'm not saying that I CAN kick your
***! I don't know .. but you're SO insulting, and SO challenging,
and SO confrontational, that I won't walk away from finding out.
I'll even give ya this .. if YOU kick My *** ... I'll buy dinner afterwards.
Ok..... This -mess- was just brought to my attention....

A few things:

1- The diapers are on the way for a few folks in here....You know who you are.

2- Please go back and re-read the forum rules. Theres too many violations in here to mention, so I'm going to be nice and just post a warning. Next time, we're gonna drop the hammer.

3- There is an old saying "If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all." I suggest a few folks think on that one.

4- Kirk as Admin - I'll make this -VERY- simple....look to the left...no, your other left....look by the user name...we recently added in a modification that shows what level a member is at. You will note that out of all those in this thread, I'm the only one with Administrator by their handle/name.

5- Attitudes in general. With all the "this art sucks" and "TKDs a joke" and "That arts FOS" etc etc etc. Enough! already.

6- If you can't communicate in a mature manner, I suggest trying a different forum.

7- See #2.

I'm going to be -very- blunt.... you all know better. Kirk, Judo, take it private or drop it. I don't care -who- fired first. Next one firing a shot gets the axe, period.

As I said...I'm being nice right now..... by all definitions, I should be suspending/banning a few people.

To the folks who tried to have a serious conversation or keep things sane, thank you. Its apreciated.
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