Martial arts and Christianity?

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As a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and in spite of our difference of belief, I would still share a fighting hole with you brother, watch your back, and lay down my life to protect you if necessary.

Semper Fidelis:asian:
Very informative post, Monkey King!

Were you, by any chance, a theology major? ;)

Originally posted by Monkey King

As a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and in spite of our difference of belief, I would still share a fighting hole with you brother, watch your back, and lay down my life to protect you if necessary.

Semper Fidelis:asian:

I bow to you!


Good post monkey,
however i will still argue that regardless of a persons belief in the trinity(christianity), delution of god into many aspects(modern wicca[which i do not by the way continue to practice, and won't even begin to argue about it's origins]/hinduism for the most part), or name for God(note the capital G) that the "one God" is the one God no matter what you name him. which was in large the point i was trying to make even though i may have gotten off on tangents. so imho, you can practice all the MA you want study all the religions you want, and if you think it is wrong look at it as a test of faith, to learn about other religions and stay with yours, or if not, like me, it's just expanding your horizons, and gleening wisdom from another faith. personally i find it hard to believe that the millions of hindu, pagan, muslim, etc, etc... religions that are not christian are all damned and have been for the last ... how many thousand years.

ps. monkey, actually me and my dad have about the best relationship i could ask for and debate regularly on religious philosophy... in a healthy way that is, that tempers our respect and understanding for one another, i just never could except blind faith.


semper fi.
Then I suppose we are at an impass.

No intention on my part to insult about you and your father, just figured as Marines we can speak bluntly, as all Marines do.

I bleive in being informed, whether it's about religions, politics, etc. I am not a theology major. But I had many questions about religion. So I studied them to answer those questions.

But I will not compromise my faith by diluting it with something else.

Hebrews says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

If it were tangible, then you wouldn't need faith. You use "blind Faith" everyday.

By faith you wake up each morning.

By faith you start your car. (assuming it will start)

Most of your habits are performed by blind faith.

I never said studying Martial arts was wrong.

I said some may percieve it as wrong, I consider it a discipline. Like any physical activity.

I look at bowing as a salute, a form of respect one gives to someone who is more experienced. I have no problem with it.

personally i find it hard to believe that the millions of hindu, pagan, muslim, etc, etc... religions that are not christian are all damned and have been for the last ... how many thousand years.

God is much bigger than you or I, and I will not be as presumptuous as some to pretend to understand all of the whys and why nots.

This is a question I am determined to find the answer to. But suffice it to say that I believe my God to be a jealous God but he is also compassionate, caring, patient and loving.

He lets us do our thing, but gently leads us. We make our choices and he waits patiently.

I can say as Paul said; "Were it not for the grace of God, there go I."

I will continue to let God raise me in the way that I should go. Hopefully, I'll make some good choices.

Semper Fi Brother:D
Not to start a debate, just an interesting side note... I'm a Christian... But don't believe in the trinity. I won't explain because that is not the point of this forum...

I've seen some interesting posts that have given me pause to think... and that, my friends, is a good thing. We all need to constantly analyze and look at things from many angles, because you never know what intresting things you might have missed. As Mr. Parker wrote in his "Infinate Insights" "A mind is like a parachute, it only works when open."

Thank you Monkey King and wannabemachine for the thoughts that you shared. Its much appreciated.
Originally posted by Monkey King

... just figured as Marines we can speak bluntly, as all Marines do....

... I am not a theology major. But I had many questions about religion. So I studied them to answer those questions...

you are right on the speaking bluntly, i do, and the assumption about my relationship with my father was well based on Freudian theory. so no offence taken, it just happened to not be correct in the particular case, however, not to start another debate, i think Freud usually is write.

also... i will defer as i am not a theology major either, mine was metaphysics(meta/more comprehensive, physics/a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions) which essentialy is simply the science of religion, a lot of Occult studies.

once again, peace, power, and prosperity
Christianty like the arts, is what you make of it.

If you see evil in the arts it is there. If you don't then it isn't.
Seems like those who bring up this argument..want to make something out of nothing. I joined the church 41 yrs ago. I have been in the arts 38yrs. I never even thought about "something" being in the arts.

Sounds more to me like someone just didn't like the arts and had to give a reason. There are many ministers in the arts...don't tell them they are wrong...including this one.

If anything the Ma has made my Beliefs ability not to lose my beliefs just becasue something bad happens. There is an internal strength that you find in the Arts that you ca not find in Christianity. To bad too, because if we could, there would be better Christians.

Just some thoughts.

Hi Turner,
You are not the only Christian who does not believe in the trinity.
I am a Theologian, and a minister, and I do not believe in least not the way the church teaches it.(but that is another subject) Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in that belief. There are many more of us who do not believe in it either.;)

Monkey King that was an execellent post.

I hanen't read all the posts here so if this is a repeat, mea culpa. I am a Christian and a judo instructor. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God, the second is to love your neighbor. All scripture and the prophets are contained in these two teachings. If one does not love MA before God and neighbor, then one is not violating the two greatest commandments. Additionally, in my church, Roman Catholic, we are taught that we have a moral obligation to protect life, our own, our family and others. MA can enable you to do so. Therefore in my opinion there is nothing contradictory about being a MA and a Christian.

The integration of spirituality and the martial arts goes back thousands of years. One of the most influential teachers who brought this into the mainsrteam was Ueshiba, who used Aikido as a vehicle to pass on his teachings.

I think that you could incorporate the same with Chritianity into your art if you wanted to do so. I think that when you have this integration, the art only becomes more powerful.

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