Then I suppose we are at an impass.
No intention on my part to insult about you and your father, just figured as Marines we can speak bluntly, as all Marines do.
I bleive in being informed, whether it's about religions, politics, etc. I am not a theology major. But I had many questions about religion. So I studied them to answer those questions.
But I will not compromise my faith by diluting it with something else.
Hebrews says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
If it were tangible, then you wouldn't need faith. You use "blind Faith" everyday.
By faith you wake up each morning.
By faith you start your car. (assuming it will start)
Most of your habits are performed by blind faith.
I never said studying Martial arts was wrong.
I said some may percieve it as wrong, I consider it a discipline. Like any physical activity.
I look at bowing as a salute, a form of respect one gives to someone who is more experienced. I have no problem with it.
personally i find it hard to believe that the millions of hindu, pagan, muslim, etc, etc... religions that are not christian are all damned and have been for the last ... how many thousand years.
God is much bigger than you or I, and I will not be as presumptuous as some to pretend to understand all of the whys and why nots.
This is a question I am determined to find the answer to. But suffice it to say that I believe my God to be a jealous God but he is also compassionate, caring, patient and loving.
He lets us do our thing, but gently leads us. We make our choices and he waits patiently.
I can say as Paul said; "Were it not for the grace of God, there go I."
I will continue to let God raise me in the way that I should go. Hopefully, I'll make some good choices.
Semper Fi Brother