Christian Martial Arts Schools

Jenna said:
But Jesus told Peter to put his sword in its place in other words at his side. He didn't say toss it out altogether. After all, He had just ordered the disciples to arm themselves. The reason for the arms was obviously to protect the lives of the disciples, not the life of the Son of God. What Jesus was saying was't Peter, don't fight or defend yourself but rather, Peter, this ain't the RIGHT TIME for the fight.

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Thank you, Jenna. You beat me to it.

Mrhnau, my point I wanted to make was what Jenna suggested. It wasn't the time. The soldiers wanted to arrest Jesus, they weren't threatening to kill him on the spot, so there is no cause at the moment for a swordfight.

mrhnau said:
Is there a time for violence? I believe so... personally I can't see Jesus hitting anyone, or killing anyone. I look at the history of the church, the number of martyrs for the faith, how they died violent deaths for the sake of God and their faith. Jesus "did not say a word in his defense", almost all of the apostles died violent deaths. In the New Testament, I don't see alot of Christians defending themselves. Was it happening and just not written in the Bible? Perhaps...

One of the only violent episodes in the early Church I can recall is the death of Ananias and Saphira (sp), but Peter did not directly kill them himself, rather by God. My memory might be dull though :)

At what point should a christian defend themselves?

Jesus could very well do so. Some pointed to Jesus with the moneychangers at the temple and routing them out as proof that he certainly is capable of doing so. That is probably the closest act of violence visible in the Bible done by Jesus without hurting others.

At what point indeed? I think it's when in true self-defense (of family, friends, and self) against physical attack. Defense is not for money, not for claim of land (for conquest purpose), not for "honor", and not just because of "what is believed to be right" (considering that "being right" is subjective anyway). The last two, people may argue whether they are of value for injury or bloodshed. I am of the opinion that these are not.

Anyway, I need not to encourage leading this thread off topic. Basically, Sacred Warrior is running a dojo that serves a need for groups of people who want this--to learn martial arts among people who share the same views. He made no secret of what he is doing and why. It is possible his dojo is probably open to others who aren't of the same faith, if they are willing to train in that kind of environment.

- Ceicei
mrhnau said:
thanks Jenna :)

Is there a time for violence? I believe so... personally I can't see Jesus hitting anyone, or killing anyone. I look at the history of the church, the number of martyrs for the faith, how they died violent deaths for the sake of God and their faith. Jesus "did not say a word in his defense", almost all of the apostles died violent deaths. In the New Testament, I don't see alot of Christians defending themselves. Was it happening and just not written in the Bible? Perhaps...

One of the only violent episodes in the early Church I can recall is the death of Ananias and Saphira (sp), but Peter did not directly kill them himself, rather by God. My memory might be dull though :)

At what point should a christian defend themselves?
Hey MrH :)

Is there a time for violence? Interesting question :) I would have to say no. But I will qualify that and say for me violence and self defence DO NOT equate. I do not want to go off on a crusade for my martial art but I am happy that I can defend myself without violent intention. I am happy that when someone has the intent of harming me I can resolve the conflict with physical intervention as necessary but in such a way that neither he nor I are seriously hurt. Some say this in itself is violence I would argue that is not so because my intention is not to hurt but simply to resolve. I believe it is my right and my DUTY to defend myself and others who I may be able to help because to do nothing especially when someone else is being attacked or abused is evil by omission. If God wishes me dead from an attack naturally then so be it but I am not willingly servile at the behest of an attacker or an abuser.

But what about turn the other cheek - that being the old mantra of the sceptics.... well even Jesus did not literally turn the other cheek when struck by one of the sanhedrin -- John 18:22,23, and I think the whole t.t.o.c. notion is open to interpretation and also folk are inclined not to be aware of the meaning of the slap to the right cheek in particular as it was in biblical times where it was an insult rather than our modern-day metaphor for a fight - a bit more akin to those duelling gentlemen of olde medieval times.....

Anyway, personally I try to walk my own little crooked path of non-resistance. If I am insulted I do try to offer no retaliation and if someone wishes to strike me I will do my best to blend with them and put them down safely. This does not always happen. I have been hurt and I have hurt others and so what none of us are claiming perfection. But this is just how I try to work it :) So is there a need for violence? No. Self-defence and defence of others? Absolutely.

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
When I first came to this board I thought it a place for martial artists of any ilk to share and do so respectfully. I see that for the most part this is not the case. I have had my faith attacked, my character, my school, my rank and original martial art, and petty enough even my signature. There is an oft quoted scripture about "casting pearls". I think I'll heed that quote and take my leave of this forum. To those who were kind and polite, thank you and I hope to see you at another forum maybe.

Living with Purpose, on Purpose,
Sacred Warrior said:
When I first came to this board I thought it a place for martial artists of any ilk to share and do so respectfully. I see that for the most part this is not the case. I have had my faith attacked, my character, my school and even my rank.

Yeah, I do not understand what happened to your thread. I expected people to be supporting the dojo part of it not attacking the 'religious' part.

religion is where MAist get to practice their fighting skills on MT, that's for sure.

I feel sorry that happened to you.

But hey, good luck on your dojo.
I too wish to say soory, this is one of the best forum anywhere.
Please reconsider.
Well, all I can say is, I hope those folks who confused this for the study are happy. Congratulations. You've run another person off the site. Who's next?

Oh, neg rep me all you want. I have rep to spare. :rofl:

man we sure know how to make someone feel welcome now don't we?

i'd like to say thanks to those who made supporting comments to this guy. you saw that this guy was a new member posting in a new member thread and took it for what was worth. thanks a million!

to the couple others that did nothing but throw stones, questioning his belief, his purpose, his rank, etc....real classy. way to represent the forum. you brought shame upon it with your jumping to conclusions, flawed assumptions, and poor arguments in defense of your own activity.

i hate to see you go sacred warrior. for the most part, this really is a nice place with a load of information and resources. as long as you don't say too much, i guess. it would be a shame if people find out stuff about you. i ask that you reconsider your decision to go. perhaps just take a step back, deep breath, and stop in a little later.

have a nice one people.
I'll stand by what I said. Dan ranks in the Bujinkan are not issued for separate schools. Period.
Questioning his qualifications, ok. It is the debate over religion that I find offensive, regardless of the lone anonymous coward that neg-reped me's opinion. It was a school ad folks, not like he was here trolling for children, pushing a cult, etc.
Lets not forget if you are married the wife is always right, I mean almost or never which ever it is to keep her happy. You can never be right no matter how hard you try.
Edmund BlackAdder said:
Questioning his qualifications, ok. It is the debate over religion that I find offensive, regardless of the lone anonymous coward that neg-reped me's opinion. It was a school ad folks, not like he was here trolling for children, pushing a cult, etc.

Edmund BlackAdder ... and all others ...

I negatively repped Mr. BlackAdder for this post:

Edmund BlackAdder said:
Ladies, Gentlemen, and the odd non-evolved Simian that may be reading:

While I am not a member of the faith indicated here, I'll add my 2 cents. Some people like to be around like-minded individuals. There are numerous faith oriented martial arts groups around the world. The great majority of them are positive influences on their members and their local communities.

If you do not wish to join, then don't. There is really no need to negatively point out your problems with them. The OP (original poster) is offering a service to a group who may otherwise not train. He is attempting to combine 2 great loves of his life (his faith and his training) and share it. More power to him for that.

There is no need, nor productive contribution to this site in anyone going on a tear about how they disagree with him. This is not the study. This is an area to advertise a service, which the OP has done.

I suggest taking the "right/wrong" stuff to the appropriate area. I can't see any rules broken, or even nudged by the original OP. The only thing this threads decent into disapproval can do, is drive off the OP, and any like minded. I may not follow his faith, but this board, and many others would be a lonelier place with out their input.

It seemed rather like a lecture to me. I didn't bother to sign it because, it really didn't seem worthy of signing. Further, as my reputation is disabled, it is my understanding that my red dot/green dot selection does not affect his juice, anyhow.

And, I wonder to whom he was referring when he addressed some as a 'non-evolved simian'? If that is not an ad hominem attack, I don't know what is.
"I'll stand by what I said. Dan ranks in the Bujinkan are not issued for separate schools. Period."

I feel compelled to answer this one before I take my final leave. I have been studying the Bujinkan arts for over 23 years. Back when I first started training we did indeed receive ranking in TOGAKURE RYU. As a matter of fact a good friend of mine received his 9th dan in Togakure ryu, as did Hayes, Navon and a host of others who trained back when the Bujinkan first started in the U.S.

It was in the mid 80's that Hatsumi sensei decided to change that. It then became Ninpo Taijutsu and finally Budo Taijutsu. I merely maintain the original usage that my original rank was given in, though some of my rank certification says "Budo Taijutsu".

Now, back to the petty bashing of my religion, signature, character, etc.


Living with Purpose, on Purpose,
Sacred Warrior said:
"I'll stand by what I said. Dan ranks in the Bujinkan are not issued for separate schools. Period."

I feel compelled to answer this one before I take my final leave. I have been studying the Bujinkan arts for over 23 years. Back when I first started training we did indeed receive ranking in TOGAKURE RYU. As a matter of fact a good friend of mine received his 9th dan in Togakure ryu, as did Hayes, Navon and a host of others who trained back when the Bujinkan first started in the U.S.

It was in the mid 80's that Hatsumi sensei decided to change that. It then became Ninpo Taijutsu and finally Budo Taijutsu. I merely maintain the original usage that my original rank was given in, though some of my rank certification says "Budo Taijutsu".

Now, back to the petty bashing of my religion, signature, character, etc.


Living with Purpose, on Purpose,

To Jake even though you are probably gone... :( this is really sad. Sad for two reasons first because of the vehemence of folk who like schoolkids will use any platform to jump on the anti-christian bandwagon every time it comes down their street throwing promises of kudos and peer credibility and secondly Jake because you do not feel it is worth sticking around here to discuss and defend the validity of your school.

Nonresistance is one thing. Some confrontations however we should NOT walk away from

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Sacred Warrior said:
I feel compelled to answer this one before I take my final leave. I have been studying the Bujinkan arts for over 23 years. Back when I first started training we did indeed receive ranking in TOGAKURE RYU. As a matter of fact a good friend of mine received his 9th dan in Togakure ryu, as did Hayes, Navon and a host of others who trained back when the Bujinkan first started in the U.S.

It was in the mid 80's that Hatsumi sensei decided to change that. It then became Ninpo Taijutsu and finally Budo Taijutsu. I merely maintain the original usage that my original rank was given in, though some of my rank certification says "Budo Taijutsu".
If this is the case, then I will apologize. The lack of detail in your bio, plus the use of Togakure Ryu as opposed to Bujinkan Budo/Ninpo Taijutsu, made the claim look very suspicious.
Jake, I hope you didn't take my questions as an attack. They weren't intended as such. I'm not always super warm and fuzzy when I ask questions but I sure wasn't trying to pick a fight...just honestly curious to hear your views.

Hope you do come back. This actauly is not the kind of board where posters get followed from forum to forum, dogged with criticisms from past threads. Bob doesn't allow it, neither do the mods...and I think a lot of fulks like me pay for a membership here because the board is pretty clean. That's not to say everyone agrees....but the discussion usually stays on point.

Ther are arguments and debates and a bit of good natured chiding. I think Kreth called me a witch on my first day here when he saw I was from Salem, Mass. I got over it. So did he, after I turned him in to a newt. ;)
Carol Kaur said:
I think Kreth called me a witch on my first day here when he saw I was from Salem, Mass. I got over it. So did he, after I turned him in to a newt. ;)
I got better... :uhyeah:
Moderator Note:

The following posts have been split from another thread for a Christian based dojo which listed in the Schools and Instructor's forum.

Posts 27 through 79

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Sr. Moderator

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