Sacred Warrior said:
1. We are not a commercial dojo, but a private dojo. Thus we don't need to worry about dues like most schools.
Let me just clarify that when I said limiting your student base, I was referring to the diversity of the students - not the dues they generate. Having taught at a YMCA for years at a loss, because I enjoy teaching, I'm happy any session I break even. My comment was not directed at money-making.
Sacred Warrior said:
2. We cater specifically to the Christian community or those interested in Biblical spirituality.
As I said, if that's what works for you, great - but it is not my choice for myself or my students. I enjoy working with people from a wide range of backgrounds, and could not do that in a setting limited to a particular religion or religious belief system.
Sacred Warrior said:
In this we are no different than schools that promote meditation, Zen, Mikkyo, Tendai, Taoism, etc. either in principle or in fact.
Here, I beg to differ. Meditation, while used by many religions, is not a religion in itself, nor is it specific to any religion, although certain meditation techniques are taught in religious institutions for religious purposes; that notwithstanding, meditation is a mental technique used by a variety of people for a variety of purposes. Certainly, meditation is used by those religions as a central precept, and is taught - but the difference is, I think, that meditation in my school is non-religious, and, while the direction is to "close your eyes, clear you mind, and get ready to learn", if I had any students whose personal religious and/or moral beliefs had a problem with that, I would modify as necessary to accommodate them - not tell them to find another school.
As I said, this is your choice, and I wish you luck with it - but you will continue to find people who have different opinions, and they are as welcome to express their opinions as you are to express your own. You will garner more support and acceptance if you accept that, than if you strike out at people whose opinions are different from your own.