Sapper6 said:
take issue with it, that's your right. should i have narrowed down my statement...? maybe, but the majority of the EPAK people i have come into contact with, both on forums and in person share this attitude.
I agree with you sir, and I myself have been the subject of many attacks because of my non mainstream view of the art. Althought, that is also the reason I make my home on MartialTalk. Disagreements are acceptable, but disrespectful behavior is not tolerated.
albeit, an interesting observation on my part is that this type of egotistical mindset isn't coming from the EPAK seniors, but rather, their students. i just would have figured the seniors would have instilled a little more humility into their students.
Although I cannot speak for others students, I can guarantee you my students will not be among the offenders. The bulk of my own students don't participate for the very same reasons you observed, so you would be preaching to the chior with them. But that is no excuse for how we choose to conduct ourselves. I personally choose to ignor persons who have a negative confrontational reputation and simply don't answer their questions or particpate with them. My students that do participate are advised to do the same, or walk away. Dropping to their level serves no useful purpose.
very true, that i've never heard anything derogatory coming from yourself, Mr. Kelly, LaBounty, Mills, Tatum or any of the other more knowledgable people in the AK community. again, i hear it from the students, black belt students. i just wonder why.
So do I.
i'm sorry, but i've seen more egotistical boastful conversation on this board than anywhere else.
Clearly you have never been to Kenponet.

AKA "Bash of-the-month club." I think I personally hold the record for negative subject matter there.
i don't expect cordialness or polite continued postings. i would have expected that a long time ago, but not toward myself, but amongst yourselves as American Kenpo students.
But that's the point. You have a right to not only expect it, but demand it. But, your actions have to speak to it as well.
i will try not to make such a "blanket statement" in the future.
Myself and others would surely appreciate that. I have no problem whatsoever with you speaking your mind or defending your position against those who choose to be less than polite. In fact, I'll come to your defense and join you should that occur.
my apologies for taking this thread even more off topic.
No apologies are necessary sir. I think we needed to clear the air, and I find that very much on topic. I very much look forward to our continued discussions.
Ron Chapél