Last Poster #7

I'll be honest, I'm drunk. Tomorrow is vocational day, when I find out if I've really got the stuff to become a priest. Wish me luck :)
😳. It seems like you’re going through some stuff. I hope you find the help you need, whether in your religion or outside of it. You sound like you’re dealing with some pretty heavy stuff.
😳. It seems like you’re going through some stuff. I hope you find the help you need, whether in your religion or outside of it. You sound like you’re dealing with some pretty heavy stuff.
I once knew a catholic monsignor for about 6 months who was a heroin addict that would “minister” to a hooker nearly every day that I knew him. He was apparently quite functional. I do wonder about his story and where the funds for his proclivities originated.
Funny, you mention Christians like you aren’t one yourself. You are right? Because you could just join my cult and be ordained today if you aren’t. Plus we have better drinks like Kool-aid which pairs real nice with vodka.

Everything pairs real nice with good vodka. 😊