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We start up in an hour, but we go through quite a few actually, some retro and some new. Super Smash Bros is always a favourite, Mario Party, Mario Kart, but also weird indie games like Moving Out, Moving In, a 2D game called the Duck Game where you choose your duck, outfits etc, then just shoot each other haha. There's also a really cool game with ragdoll physics, where you try to wrestle each other and throw each other around, it's bizarre but really fun 😁
When my kids come over, we have a blast playing retro games and also the indie games like moving out, gang beasts, and overcooked. Gang Beasts sounds do a lot like the one you’re describing with the ragdoll physics.

It’s impossible not to laugh a lot while playing those. I hope you have a great time with your friends.
When my kids come over, we have a blast playing retro games and also the indie games like moving out, gang beasts, and overcooked. Gang Beasts sounds do a lot like the one you’re describing with the ragdoll physics.

It’s impossible not to laugh a lot while playing those. I hope you have a great time with your friends.
Oh bloody awesome... hahaha YES that's the one, Gang Beasts!!!!! Oh dude we play Overcooked too! Soooo chaotic haha.

Thank you 😊

Starting strong with a 30 round game of Mario Party.

Oh and @Steve ... you gotta get "Hidden in Plain Sight". Another really cool indie game.
I went to look that up. Came across this which was super interesting.

once heard an interview with an woman who was a Chinese spy. She was talking about getting hi-tech plans from the USA. They asked her how hard it was, she said it was easy. She went on to say that no one pays attention to an engineer, or what he is saying, and don't care much about his work, only the result. She said all it takes is an attractive Chinese lady to pay attention to him, and listen to what he is saying, and they will tell you everything....
once heard an interview with an woman who was a Chinese spy. She was talking about getting hi-tech plans from the USA. They asked her how hard it was, she said it was easy. She went on to say that no one pays attention to an engineer, or what he is saying, and don't care much about his work, only the result. She said all it takes is an attractive Chinese lady to pay attention to him, and listen to what he is saying, and they will tell you everything....
An obvious lie. Everyone knows the software engineers are all furries. 😂
Is this like Mario 64? What type of game is it? I'm trying to imagine what multi-player is like. I used to play smash bros at my parties as a kid.
Oh Mario Party is the best haha, they've made heaps of them, the first being on the N64. It's basically like a board game which you can have up to 4 players. You roll the dice, move around the board collecting coins and other items, and the aim is to buy and have the most stars at the end to win. After 4 players have had their turn you play a minigame (either all vs. all, 1 vs 3, 2 vs. 2 depending), in which you can gain coins.

It's insane and chaotic and the minigames are so fun. Yes Smash bros is epic haha. Kirby is a firm favourite character ;)
Wonder if I'm to old to run away to the Shaolin temple :)
There is a shaolin usa temple in NY, I heard about it. I don't know much about it or if it's a true temple or just a martial arts school. I have had this exact thoughts before too when frustrated, when I'm surrounded by a holes and society looks grim I think about going to a monastery, shaving my head and eyebrows and taking a vow of celibacy. Honestly just the thought of this helps me, it made me discover my shaolin is already within me. But maybe one day I will make the pilgrimage when I've had enough.
Go away on a meditation retreat or something. Good chance to reset and balance things out. "Leave" the world temporarily to come back to it differently :). I'm considering one at some stage soon.
I came darn close to doing something like this 30 years ago this month. Going through the divorce from my first wife, I came darn close to walking away and going to Zen Mountain Monastery...... back when John Daido Loori Roshi was still alive and running things.....but then, I meant another woman, got distracted.... and plans changed...

I came darn close to doing something like this 30 years ago this month. Going through the divorce from my first wife, I came darn close to walking away and going to Zen Mountain Monastery...... back when John Daido Loori Roshi was still alive and running things.....but then, I meant another woman, got distracted.... and plans changed...

Oh that's gorgeous 😍

Yeah I feel it helps to disconnect, in order to reconnect with something essential in ourselves. Not as an escape, but a genuine yearning to come back oneself and what's really important and of value. And there are different styles of retreats as well, some more intensive and contemplative, some hardcore, and others geared more towards relaxation and unwinding, depends what you need really.

Then I've also created my own meditation retreat, rented out an airbnb in a forest and spent the week just in many of hours of daily intensive meditation, doing walks through the woods and training. Ahhh I'm feeling the urge now haha
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