Nothing to be scared of there either, really. Data collected over a 57 year period showed a massive 62 divers bitten by sharks. Not killed, that's any bite at all. Sixty-Two. That's miniscule. Most of those were doing things like spear fishing. Which might be considered provoking the sharks... Or muck diving, where visibility is pretty much nill and the animal bites reflexively on contact. I've dove with nurse, sand tiger, bull, black tip, white tip, tiger, Caribbean Reef. and hammerheads and never been the least bit threatened.
You know what animal is dangerous? Mosquitos. Those buggers kill millions. Damn near killed me once.
Here's an old video of a Caribbean Reef Shark and a Nurse shark coming to visit. The Nurse even kissed my camera.
Here's one from Nassau. There are nurse, reef, and at least one bull shark in this one. And we're feeding them.
Somewhere I have another one shot off Playa del Carmen. The bull sharks go there to give birth. We were feeding 10-12 pregnant bull sharks.
Further proof that just because you
can doesn't mean you