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@Dirty Dog
Saw one of these today, however I am not sure if it was an original or a replica.... it drove by way to fast... mostly I just saw the back of it disappear into the distance

Noticed something yesterday.
I have a place in Maine, and at the moment I am in Southern California looking at Catalina Island.
When on the coast of Maine I an in awe of he Atlantic Ocean, its power, an extreme cold, I am rather impressed by it and could look at it for hours. In California, when I see the Pacific, I instantaneously relax, and again could look at it for hours. Just wish the 2 were not so far apart. Another interesting thing about the Pacific is that I get the urge to start listening to Bob Marley, which I would never consider on the east coast
I wouldn’t go into the water in Hawaii for love nor money. The Pacific isn’t passive, not by a long shot. Scary water filled with scary things.
you are kidding right? Is it the gray suits that you fear?
Well...its a typical vacation.... its going to snow at my house tonight and into tomorrow.... 6 to 12 inches predicted which means, when I get home, 2 days later, I will need to climb over the plow made snowbank, trudge through the snow to my garage, get my snow blower out and clear he driveway, before I can get the car in t unload the luggage. Since we are getting home late, should be well after midnight before I am all done.... and I am supposed to go to work the next day.... happy happy joy joy

I suppose it could be worse,.... 2 years ago they predicted 6 to 12 inches and we got 30.... hopefully they are not wrong again..
Well...its a typical vacation.... its going to snow at my house tonight and into tomorrow.... 6 to 12 inches predicted which means, when I get home, 2 days later, I will need to climb over the plow made snowbank, trudge through the snow to my garage, get my snow blower out and clear he driveway, before I can get the car in t unload the luggage. Since we are getting home late, should be well after midnight before I am all done.... and I am supposed to go to work the next day.... happy happy joy joy

I suppose it could be worse,.... 2 years ago they predicted 6 to 12 inches and we got 30.... hopefully they are not wrong again..
You've got the wrong vehicle...

@Dirty Dog
Saw one of these today, however I am not sure if it was an original or a replica.... it drove by way to fast... mostly I just saw the back of it disappear into the distance

With original 427 Cobras selling for $650,000-$1,500,000 it was almost certainly a replicar. Nobody drives the originals, which is a shame. Given the quality of some of the replicars, I would absolutely take one.
I’m not kidding, no.
I don’t know what a gray suit is, but if I did I’d probably be afraid of it.
I'm assuming they're referring to a banana hammock. They're pretty darn scary.

I got the oil pressure level sensor fixed. It was a bad pin where things connect to the fuse box. But it's been snowing off and on since Thursday night. There's absolutely zero chance that I'm going to test drive it before things melt off, but it runs fine in the garage.
It rarely fails.... I go on vacation and there is a snowstorm at home..... another thing that generally occurs. when I do return home, it is in a storm...the day I get home there is a storm, starts with snow, then freezing rain and then heavy rain with high winds...... I am not a fan of flying, I dislike it even more landing in a storm...... and once we land..... I will need to go get the car, and drive it to the terminal to pick up the family and the luggage.... rough landing followed by getting soaked...... well, on the up side, it will probably clear my driveway so I will not have to shovel the snow to get into my house....and I will no longer have the desire to listen to Bob Marley songs

GREAT!!!! I'll start when I get back from vacation.... One question though..... what do I do with all those states in between?
They go wherever you put the dirt... I'm forseeing a new continent around the North Pole. That's good, the planet always seemed a little off kilter with Antartica on the bottom and no Arctica on top!
They go wherever you put the dirt... I'm forseeing a new continent around the North Pole. That's good, the planet always seemed a little off kilter with Antartica on the bottom and no Arctica on top!
I’m thinking mountain range in central Canada
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