Last Poster #7

Obviously I went directly against your suggestion, and clicked on a random recent post. It's people arguing about whether or not homosexuality is a choice. I didn't know people were still debating that.
considering that people are arguing that the earth is flat....
And that was why The Study went away... It was a shame, because we did have some good conversations there, but around the 2008 elections, the politics became a major problem.
we had a couple of players who seem to have since gone silent.
The Basement (or was it the attic?) was a special place, I asked staff to push a closet in front of the door on my end.
Can you imagine it had still been around in 2016?!
we had a couple of players who seem to have since gone silent.
The Basement (or was it the attic?) was a special place, I asked staff to push a closet in front of the door on my end.
Can you imagine it had still been around in 2016?!
I believe it was kept in The Sewer...
And that was why The Study went away... It was a shame, because we did have some good conversations there, but around the 2008 elections, the politics became a major problem.
There were some interesting discussions.

But… 2008. What could have happened around that time that would make some people lose their minds? I just can’t imagine! 😅
Folks, I’m getting grumpy and impatient and having a hard time not posting what I’m thinking after reading some posts. I am getting easily annoyed by silliness, ego and arrogance and the continual parade of folks showing up telling others how much better their chosen MA is to anything anyone else is doing. Heck, I’m even having a hard time typing this and not going on a tirade and naming names….. I will likely be back, could be back next week, next month, next year, been here done this before. Anyone wants to contact me, PM me.

Time for a hiatus…. actually, time to take a page out of my saying I associate with Xingyiquan….”Shut up and train”
Folks, I’m getting grumpy and impatient and having a hard time not posting what I’m thinking after reading some posts. I am getting easily annoyed by silliness, ego and arrogance and the continual parade of folks showing up telling others how much better their chosen MA is to anything anyone else is doing. Heck, I’m even having a hard time typing this and not going on a tirade and naming names….. I will likely be back, could be back next week, next month, next year, been here done this before. Anyone wants to contact me, PM me.

Time for a hiatus…. actually, time to take a page out of my saying I associate with Xingyiquan….”Shut up and train”
Understandable, it's always a tricky balance discussing this stuff. All the best, a break from many things is very restorative :)
Yeah, I decided not to go there. I only wanted to pick a fight, anyway.
I have another competition this weekend. I am very proud of how far I have come in terms of managing pre-competition anxiety. I remember my third competition I showed up early and I sat in a corner by myself for two hours with my heart at my throat - I genuinely believed that day was the day I was going to die. Now here I am, about to do my fifth competition, motivated and ready. I am hoping that if I perform well, I can go back to Scotland in September with a blue belt waiting for me.
I have another competition this weekend. I am very proud of how far I have come in terms of managing pre-competition anxiety. I remember my third competition I showed up early and I sat in a corner by myself for two hours with my heart at my throat - I genuinely believed that day was the day I was going to die. Now here I am, about to do my fifth competition, motivated and ready. I am hoping that if I perform well, I can go back to Scotland in September with a blue belt waiting for me.
That's so darn awesome man, proud of ya too. You've come a long way :)
Having had a clandestine conversation yesterday with my healthcare provider....
What does one do when the clinic with the top caring professionals is falling apart because the management is stupid and fails to hold up their end of the contract (like paying for services rendered on time)
It's an urgent care doc-in-the-box type place, I like them, because they have the equipment to deal with most small emergencies and illnesses, they generally are very thorough.
But as of late their office hours are greatly reduced. Which somewhat defeats the purpose.
And they have not had a doctor on staff in a while now. I thought that was a mandatory thing.
I think I will be looking for a new place.
I hate it, but what can you do!
But first, I will drop some good chocolate off for them.
I have another competition this weekend. I am very proud of how far I have come in terms of managing pre-competition anxiety. I remember my third competition I showed up early and I sat in a corner by myself for two hours with my heart at my throat - I genuinely believed that day was the day I was going to die. Now here I am, about to do my fifth competition, motivated and ready. I am hoping that if I perform well, I can go back to Scotland in September with a blue belt waiting for me.
Great! Let us know how it turns out.
Cool thing, we found a toothpaste our dog loves. Now instead of us relying on dental chew toys, or forcing him to open his mouth, we put the toothpaste on and he immediately lets us do our thing. Gets annoyed with us when we put it away
I find it funny when you can tell that someone is actively not interested in debating, and shuts down when they realize the opposing side is more than just the strawman they build up in their minds. They make it so obvious that's what's happening.
Life is... confusing. Challenging, uncertain... and been really really struggling the last little while. Few years actually, but finally have reached a bit of a tipping point. One of the services helping with work is offering free counselling services so am gonna take it. Just not coping that well with life.

Been dragging my feet for way too long on it and been meaning too, but always hard making that leap. So I'm feeling a bit more hopeful and a bit lighter. Big day.

That's all. Hoping you're all well, please take care of yourselves
Also @Steve hope you're all doing okay. Here's a coffee vid I did recently I thought you, and maybe others might enjoy. Have never done one like this for coffee, only karate, also did the music which was fun
