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Google translate barely knows how to translate...
IIIIII dunno.. did a pretty good job here.....
I've been doing good, but absolutely f*cking breaking down tonight. He died in his sleep at 25 years old, with no cause. How the love does that even happen? It's so unfair.
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I've been doing good, but absolutely f*cking breaking down tonight. He died in his sleep at 25 years old, with no cause. How the love does that even happen? It's so unfair.
I understand that pain, my friend. I wish I knew how to offer...comfort?...something.
I understand that pain, my friend. I wish I knew how to offer...comfort?...something.
If there was anything you could do about it, i would ask that in a second. As it is i just spent an hour on the phone with someone informing them of his passing, and they spent most of that time comforting me
I've been doing good, but absolutely f*cking breaking down tonight. He died in his sleep at 25 years old, with no cause. How the love does that even happen? It's so unfair.
I wish there was something we can do. It's truly never easy... feel whatever it is you need to feel okay, we're thinkin of you mate <3
I wish there was something we can do. It's truly never easy... feel whatever it is you need to feel okay, we're thinkin of you mate <3
Ended up sending out a group message to meet up and have our own ceremony (the actual wake and funeral occurred on the opposite coast). So far everyone except for the one in china are coming, so I feel good about that.
@granfire I have taken (I think your) advice and learned how to look busy at work. Definitely helps on todays like today where I've been doing nothing for most of the day.
WHOA! You have days when you have nothing to do at work?The last time I had a day like that was... when I was on vacation. No, wait I still had something to do at work, but it was suspended and waiting for me.
I've been doing good, but absolutely f*cking breaking down tonight. He died in his sleep at 25 years old, with no cause. How the love does that even happen? It's so unfair.

Life sucks at times.

It's no consolation, but having seen people linger at death's door, some aware, some in the twilight, going in the sleep is a blessing, regardless of age.

As Tez would say: May his memory be a blessing.
There will always be a void, but over time the good memories prevail.
Thanksgiving.....have this ominous feeling that come Friday I will just be glad it is over....never felt that way before
WHOA! You have days when you have nothing to do at work?The last time I had a day like that was... when I was on vacation. No, wait I still had something to do at work, but it was suspended and waiting for me.
Yup. My job basically depends on people with substance abuse disorders coming in. So I have no control over how much work I do or dont have on any given day. Some days I'm busy for 12 hours in a row, some days I got squat.
I translate works by great author. Classics. Immortal masterpieces. Would you let Google Translate anywhere near an immortal masterpiece? That's like using Lincoln logs to try and replicate Taj Mahal.
Yes, yes I would. For the pure laughs

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