Last Poster #6

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The after school kids program that I assist at has a couple students going to break boards monday. He asked me if I would break a brick. Never broken a brick before... The instructor even asked, oh right, you never broken a brick before have you? To my response being, I've also never broken my hand before. Though for the most part I am confident.
The after school kids program that I assist at has a couple students going to break boards monday. He asked me if I would break a brick. Never broken a brick before... The instructor even asked, oh right, you never broken a brick before have you? To my response being, I've also never broken my hand before. Though for the most part I am confident.
Awesome! You got this :). Let us know how it goes!
Forgot to mention earlier - I usually donate books year-round but was lax this year... so, need to get into shape for the holidays. The book donation fund, I am sorry to say, is rather skimpy this year. However, if you know of a school, a library, or an afterschool program that needs new books, let me know - I'll see what I can do. I SO need to take a load of books to the two YMCAs I go to.
Turkey in the oil frying....

I feel like we're about a week or two away from our next forum clown. It's been a while. That should keep you entertained.
Yeah, that would have been a perfect bit of entertainment. Surely we'll have one show up during the December slow-down.

EDIT: And it'll get my post count back up.
Something to check off the bucket list - no one at today's family Thanksgiving gathering asked me, "So, do you have Thanksgiving in Ukraine?" :confused:
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