For a bit of fun, since we are on the subject of Google Translate...
Here is the original paragraph in Russian:
"Тяжелый стон, вырвавшийся как будто из стесненной сильным отчаяньем груди, его внезапно пробудил. Он открыл глаза и при свете огня, еще не погасшего в камине, увидел подле себя Дашу. Вид ее очень его удивил, но его еще более поразило ее одеяние. На ней было совершенно такое платье, как на портрете Прасковьи Андреевны; розовый букет был приколот к ее груди, и в руке она держала старинное опахало."
Here is the Google Translate version:
"A heavy moan, escaping as if from a tight, cramped chest, suddenly awakened him. He opened his eyes and, in the light of the fire that had not yet been extinguished in the fireplace, saw Dasha beside him. The sight of her surprised him very much, but his attire struck him even more. She was wearing a dress absolutely like the portrait of Praskovya Andreevna; a pink bouquet was pinned to her chest, and she held an old fan in her hand."
Here is my translation:
"A heavy groan bursting seemingly from a heart in a grip of desperation woke him up suddenly. He opened his eyes and in the light from the fire still burning in the fireplace saw Dasha next to him. He was very surprised by her presence and even more so – by her appearance. She wore exactly the same dress as in the portrait of Praskovia Andreyevna; a bundle of roses was pinned at her chest, and she held an antique fan in her hand."