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Currently writing a fantasy novel, i'm around 100 pages in. Taking a break from writing it to go back and edit it, and figure out what i'm going to do from here. Anyone interested in reading what ive got so far and giving me feedback?

Are you writing it for personal enjoyment, or hoping to eventually get it published?
Ah, the old bacon-in-the-butternut-ravioli gag!


Well of COURSE prosciutto didn't slug you! It's a very sweet, loving, sophisticated, and well-behaved substance. Bacon - in all its forms - shares the key characteristics of bacon lovers: laid-back, easy to get along with, and delicious.

Problem is my first wife was 100% Italian and prosciutto gives me flashbacks

you deserve to get hit, being such a Lucy about a little bacon....

Besides, prociuto is heavenly mana.....

I wasn't was prosciutto.
2) Went to an Italian restaurant last Saturday, ordered a Ravilli stuffed with butternut squash. There was a lot of stuff on top that I did not pay much attention to so I ate 2 of the ravioli... then I realized..... part of that stuff on top was..... PROSCIUTTO!!!!! Basically Italian bacon..... I've been REDEEMED!!!!! I've SEEN THE LIGHT!!!! I think I feel my love for bacon emerging.....

Just made some alterations above, am sure it's what you actually meant ;)
I have been informed by the youngest that the oldest has cut his hair and it is back to its natural color.... so no more purple or white and black, or red, or blue and most more man bun.... I will find out for sure on Wednesday when he gets home
Ayyy sounds like my hair 8 or 9 years ago, had the works, alternating purple, red, blue, green, at one time all of them (rainbow-like). An interesting phase :)
Ayyy sounds like my hair 8 or 9 years ago, had the works, alternating purple, red, blue, green, at one time all of them (rainbow-like). An interesting phase :)

But did you have a man bun? I could take the colors...but I really don't like that man bun
Nup I never had the man bun! Had the extreeemely long parted fringe down to my shoulder on the left side.

Understand about the man bun haha

I had long hair...and a beard....and a mustache in my youth...but then I hung around with bikers in my youth too.....use to frequent bars that had signs on the door, "No Guns - No Knives - No Colors"

And I would rather a man bun than hanging out in bars like that...but I simply do not like that man bun
That’s great, writing should be enjoyable....except for the times you want to rip your hair out and jump out the window.

I’d love to read it when it’s done. Or now if you want. I’ve helped some folks through the writing process over the years, several have been published. Nasty, harsh world the publishing business is. But if you want feedback I’ll give it, not according to my tastes, but in line with what I’ve learned about the business.
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