Last Poster #6

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I don't know - so far, we've only gotten into dealing with piles of leaves. That plot seems very direct-to-DVD.

Well, we got bugs, kids "GITTIN' off a my lawn....we got conflict, fun, fear, and of course action....chasin, them dang kids off a my lawn....and of course raking leaves.....what more could one ask for in a block buster can even fit mud in somehow......
Has anyone here ever had a job solely just so they could pay for their martial arts training? What I mean is, going for a job that they're not necessarily passionate about, but one they got in order to pay training fees?

I left my job a couple of weeks ago, have absolutely no idea what I want to do or where I want to go... but feel such a burning drive for training (have had to stop training due to funds, and still in my trialling-of-different-styles period)... I feel like strangely I want to prioritise martial arts and focus on that, as it feels like my heart is really just certain on that at the moment. I feel like that's the only certain thing I want right now haha...

Anyone had a similar situation? Am sure there are pros and cons here.. XD

I'd love to quit my job to train..... but that simply is not possible....technically I am about 7 years from retirement but have 1 in college and one not there yet so I have a while to work.

Quit just to train
Pros: you enjoy your day and you are physically fit....for awhile
Cons: You get evicted, end up on the street and starve....and training stops

You could look into a career in can train, one way or another, all the time.....
Well, we got bugs, kids "GITTIN' off a my lawn....we got conflict, fun, fear, and of course action....chasin, them dang kids off a my lawn....and of course raking leaves.....what more could one ask for in a block buster can even fit mud in somehow......
We don't get any kids on our lawn. Because of our precipitously inclined property, no standard American child raised on a steady diet of Cap'n Crunch, burgers, and chocolate milk has any desire to invade our lawn.
I'd love to quit my job to train..... but that simply is not possible....technically I am about 7 years from retirement but have 1 in college and one not there yet so I have a while to work.

Quit just to train
Pros: you enjoy your day and you are physically fit....for awhile
Cons: You get evicted, end up on the street and starve....and training stops

You could look into a career in can train, one way or another, all the time.....
I know in our area YMCA is CONSTANTLY looking for fitness instructors - full and part-time. So, if you have enough saved up to get a fitness certification, that is an option. It also depends on where you live. We are very lucky in this area - Asheville is very health-crazy, so there are tons of gyms, exercise clubs, various health groups, and the Y, of course. Some instructors double-deal - keep their own little studio or gym somewhere AND work at the Y.
Happy Halloween!
I'd love to quit my job to train..... but that simply is not possible....technically I am about 7 years from retirement but have 1 in college and one not there yet so I have a while to work.

Quit just to train
Pros: you enjoy your day and you are physically fit....for awhile
Cons: You get evicted, end up on the street and starve....and training stops

You could look into a career in can train, one way or another, all the time.....

Ah yeah I didn't mean quit my job and train, but get a job (that I may not particularly be passionate about, but one that allows me to pay for training) in order TO train. I should've rephrased my whole post really hehe.
I know in our area YMCA is CONSTANTLY looking for fitness instructors - full and part-time. So, if you have enough saved up to get a fitness certification, that is an option. It also depends on where you live. We are very lucky in this area - Asheville is very health-crazy, so there are tons of gyms, exercise clubs, various health groups, and the Y, of course. Some instructors double-deal - keep their own little studio or gym somewhere AND work at the Y.
Ah yep cheers, I already have my Certificate 3 in fitness instructing (got it about 11 years ago), but Cert 3 apparently is no longer good enough and most places now want Cert 4 minimum. But really not interested in getting into the fitness industry to be honest... it's... complicated haha
Ah yep cheers, I already have my Certificate 3 in fitness instructing (got it about 11 years ago), but Cert 3 apparently is no longer good enough and most places now want Cert 4 minimum. But really not interested in getting into the fitness industry to be honest... it's... complicated haha
My point was - most places require the certification even if you just want to teach martial arts. So, if you want to gather a group and train someplace that is formally a fitness establishment (the reason being - they usually have a big enough space for stuff like that), that certification is useful.
Blessed Samhain, witches! Of course, we know witches and the dead roam the earth year-round, but this is one time we are allowed to come out of the closet.

P.S. Non-witches and the living are welcome to join in, but only if you promise to be nice. No burnings, no hangings, no drownings, no crushings, no exorcisms.:)

And, of course it wouldn't be Halloween without Teddy Bear, the talking porcupine, and his pumpkin!
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