Last Poster #6

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Nope no monitor allergy....just a healthy respect...they got big sharp nasty teeth and you know....on occasion you can find a monitor lizard in a mud puddle
Monitor lizards are cute!
You know... this should be a criterion for job seekers... unless the job makes you feel like this - physically or intellectually - don't take it. Or if you already have it - don't keep it. "To distract himself, he went to work. He felt true muscular longing, a desire to be tired, to lift heavy things, to cut, and to pound.
With the first strike of bluish English steel against the firm bamboo trunk, Horn was overcome with a paroxysm of energy, the raging strain, yearning to subject matter to himself through the constant hail of efforts, following one another in the growing sensuality of exhaustion." - Alexander Grin, The Lanifer Colony
Why not? We could sit down and discuss the meaning of life?

Not could sit down and discuss the meaning of life...the monitors meaning of life it eating..... and that's about it.... good reason to NOT sit down and have discussions with monitor lizards

Not could sit down and discuss the meaning of life...the monitors meaning of life it eating..... and that's about it.... good reason to NOT sit down and have discussions with monitor lizards

I am sure they are just misunderstood. Much like spiders.
There are also hot warrior spiders. You didn't know that, did you? I bet she never has to ask "how many hot warrior spiders it takes to change a lightbulb?" She has six appendages to do it herself or terrify someone into doing it for her.
Hot woman with extra appendages =/= spider.
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