Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
An old guy came up to me at work last night and said "Hey, Barney Fife, give me all your money before I kick your f'n ash". Then, without taking a breath he continued "you know I'm, kidding, right?" (I loved the Barney Fife reference, though)
People tend to forget they are on the most isolated land mass on planet earth and things can work differently here.
He is still waiting for a plane. He might have a long wait.
Many years ago, when I was uniform security for NYS, I was out walking the perimeter one evening, I was carrying my hat. As I walked in front of the building I stopped to look at something on the front of the building. Then someone came up behind me and I heard this "Give me your money". I put my uniform hat on as I turned and put my hand on my maglite and said "What did you say?" I was about a half a foot taller than the guy and he stood there with that deer in the headlights look and then said "I...i....um....i..... aaaaa...need money for the bus" I told him to get the hell out of here and he ran up the street like a scared rabbit.