Last Poster #6

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I had a gigantic old Chrysler, in my misspent youth, that did the same exact thing.

A buddy of mine in high school got a Volkswagen Type III like this one, but his was red.


He got awfully mad at me one day in the winter, during a New England snowstorm, riding in his car. The problem was he had a sun roof that you had to crank open, it was snowing and I was riding in the car for the first time and saw the sun roof. I proceeded to crank it open, stick my head out, started calling out targets and elevations and told him I was the tank commander..... don't know why, but he never let me ride in his car again :D
We had a Zaporozhets.... enough said. ;)
Ahhhh.. it went so well. So powerful being up there with the band...All three songs went amazing, and transitions too! I just stuffed up bigtime in the after songs/MC bit, was so confused what we were doing haha just plonking whatever chord progressions I could even though the electric guitar and bass player may have been playing something else haha, but apart from that it was such a blessing. Reliiiiiiiief
My dad always said the percussionist was the most important person in any band, because he got to hit things. :)
I'd like to point out that the picture isn't as old as the car's design makes it look.
well, it's like the 'Trabant'
I am guessing the design originated with the Sputnik....and was still going strong in 89.
The German Democratic Republic had a really low bank robbery rate
It's tough when you have to wait 18 years for tour getaway car! (and no, you could not order it when the kid was born, you had to wait til you turned 18! So defacto a 38 year wait for a two-banger...)
New Security systems installed on the network by our NYS office. They work far they have tagged all my security tools I use as malware and locked my security PC out of the network.....yup....great stuff
New Security systems installed on the network by our NYS office. They work far they have tagged all my security tools I use as malware and locked my security PC out of the network.....yup....great stuff
Well, at least you know nobody who could do something useful will get in.
I hope that gets you some real relief, man.

The MD seems to think it will, I'll know in a couple weeks.

Interesting, and somewhat weird, thing with the hip. It is the right hip, and it has given me al sorts of problems when I lay on my left side. My wife has been treating it and for 24 hours it was good. Now it is no problem laying on my left side, but it is giving me all sorts of problems laying on my right side now.
The MD seems to think it will, I'll know in a couple weeks.

Interesting, and somewhat weird, thing with the hip. It is the right hip, and it has given me al sorts of problems when I lay on my left side. My wife has been treating it and for 24 hours it was good. Now it is no problem laying on my left side, but it is giving me all sorts of problems laying on my right side now.
That is odd.
Hopefully all the weirdness stops for a bit after the Cortisone shot. And of course the waking me up a night bits, that s getting annoying
I had a period where my hip was waking me up at night. I thought it was a joint thing, but it turned out to be a nerve that runs through the pirformis (I think I spelled that right) muscle, which apparently happens about half the time. That muscle got really tight, and overnight it would tighten up a bit more, squeeze that nerve, and wake me up in agony.

So, I feel your pain on that front. I just got lucky that stretching was all it took to end the cycle. It still acts up on long drives, but it's manageable now.
I had a period where my hip was waking me up at night. I thought it was a joint thing, but it turned out to be a nerve that runs through the pirformis (I think I spelled that right) muscle, which apparently happens about half the time. That muscle got really tight, and overnight it would tighten up a bit more, squeeze that nerve, and wake me up in agony.

So, I feel your pain on that front. I just got lucky that stretching was all it took to end the cycle. It still acts up on long drives, but it's manageable now.

Glad it worked out on its own.

I'm hoping all this fixes some issues and allows me to go back to my "martial arts crazy" life style....within reason.....meaning Taijiquan and Xingyiquan.

I believe any return to JKD would be a mistake at this point, loved the art, but love walking normally too
An old guy came up to me at work last night and said "Hey, Barney Fife, give me all your money before I kick your f'n ash". Then, without taking a breath he continued "you know I'm, kidding, right?" (I loved the Barney Fife reference, though)

People tend to forget they are on the most isolated land mass on planet earth and things can work differently here.

He is still waiting for a plane. He might have a long wait.
Ukrainian factory "Kommunar" - in the city where I was born and grew up, about 3 miles from where I lived. I did an internship there one summer - at the assembly line.
Cool. How automated was the assembly line? Professional curiosity. Having never been near that part of the world I may have a misconception about it.
Cool. How automated was the assembly line? Professional curiosity. Having never been near that part of the world I may have a misconception about it.
I can't speak to much of it, but really, you probably have some that you're not thinking low enough. Ask her about the mallet.
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