Last Person Thread #4

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From now on tea is no longer welcomed in my household... yesturday I made some tea. Then I grabbed the cup. Its hot. I spill it all on the floor and burn my hand and part of my arm. Left a pink mark it did.(out of all the colors in the rainbow it turns bright pink) I would have been happy with a red or purple arm but pink? luckily today its almost gone. Just in time for karate tommarow. so everything is right in the world again :)
Your story, as told by you, could not have occurred. As I said, the mechanics of the process just wouldn't have allowed for it.

Personally, I do not place by stock in Truth By Blatant Assertion. I have provided links to two sites, but of which demonstrate that what I described can, in fact, occur. Rather than refute them or even explain why you think I (and the lawyers who wrote the articles I linked) are wrong, you simply call me a liar. Really? That's the best you can do?

I'm not sure why you've become so prickly lately, Steve, nor so unwilling to address actual facts and information. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but it seems to me that there was a time when you actually looked at what people posted and responded without calling them names.

Have a nice life. I don't see any sense in talking to someone who just screams "LIAR!!!" instead of addressing the information provided.
From now on tea is no longer welcomed in my household... yesturday I made some tea. Then I grabbed the cup. Its hot. I spill it all on the floor and burn my hand and part of my arm. Left a pink mark it did.(out of all the colors in the rainbow it turns bright pink) I would have been happy with a red or purple arm but pink? luckily today its almost gone. Just in time for karate tommarow. so everything is right in the world again :)

I can certainly see why you'd blame the tea. Or maybe the tea is blameless, and it's the cups fault?
Personally, I do not place by stock in Truth By Blatant Assertion. I have provided links to two sites, but of which demonstrate that what I described can, in fact, occur. Rather than refute them or even explain why you think I (and the lawyers who wrote the articles I linked) are wrong, you simply call me a liar. Really? That's the best you can do?

I'm not sure why you've become so prickly lately, Steve, nor so unwilling to address actual facts and information. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but it seems to me that there was a time when you actually looked at what people posted and responded without calling them names.

Have a nice life. I don't see any sense in talking to someone who just screams "LIAR!!!" instead of addressing the information provided.
while attorneys do have a limited number of peremptory dismissals, the scene you described wouldn't be possible. It just couldn't have happened. As I said, maybe things are different in Colorado, but I doubt it. The attorneys just didn't get to ask questions and dismiss everyone who answered in a particular way. maybe we are just have better judges, I don't know.

For the rest, Why not just stop? Why the need to take one last dig? DD, I frankly don't understand how after being such an elitist jerk, you still feel like you have a moral high ground to take.

As for my prickliness, I know it would make you feel better to believe it's something other than just you being a jerk, but when I let you know you were getting close to a line, you chose to double down. I didn't ask you to suggest that I must be undereducated and gullible. You did that. Own it. Apologize for it and it's water under the bridge, But I expect you won't, You will, instead, deflect.
Folks. I don't know what's going well going on in what's supposed to be a fun, silly thread, but it's time to knock it off. Probably impossible to find an uninvolved moderator, so take this as very firmly offered "advice", like passing a marked cop car and having the cop give you a slow down motion rather than stopping and citing you. Seems like maybe a nerve got touched accidentally. If you can't move on, use the ignore function.

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After my first jury experience cost me over $3,000 in lost wages, I thought maybe jury pools should be made up from retired and unemployed citizens. People that are employed get to continue to bring home their hard earned money and those that are not employed get the $15 jury payday. Win Win situation.
Your story, as told by you, could not have occurred. As I said, the mechanics of the process just wouldn't have allowed for it. I'm not saying you're making things up. I'm just saying I don't believe you. No offense.

That's pretty funny. And no offense taken, Steve.

It is exactly as it occurred. It's hard to forget, it was my first, very first, experience in a court of law. I've been in a lot of courtrooms, especially here in Massachusetts, dating back to the 1960s. (as part of a "Principles of Democracy" course in school). If you rally want some stories, that you also wouldn't believe, I could recount some of the cases of the Honarable Elijah Adlow. Now, there was a Judge. And there was a show and a half. You wouldn't have believed him either, Steve.

A Day in Court | News | The Harvard Crimson
@Steve - as an add on, Steve, if you ever get friendly with a Judge, especially an older Judge, go drinking with him. There is no human being on earth that is more fun to drink with than an old Judge. I only wish I could recount all of their stories.
Folks. I don't know what's going well going on in what's supposed to be a fun, silly thread, but it's time to knock it off. Probably impossible to find an uninvolved moderator, so take this as very firmly offered "advice", like passing a marked cop car and having the cop give you a slow down motion rather than stopping and citing you. Seems like maybe a nerve got touched accidentally. If you can't move on, use the ignore function.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

EXACTLY.....and Thank you. I spend most of my time in this thread these days to avoid this sort of thing
That's pretty funny. And no offense taken, Steve.

It is exactly as it occurred. It's hard to forget, it was my first, very first, experience in a court of law. I've been in a lot of courtrooms, especially here in Massachusetts, dating back to the 1960s. (as part of a "Principles of Democracy" course in school). If you rally want some stories, that you also wouldn't believe, I could recount some of the cases of the Honarable Elijah Adlow. Now, there was a Judge. And there was a show and a half. You wouldn't have believed him either, Steve.

A Day in Court | News | The Harvard Crimson
Lol. Not talking to you, buka.

I've been thinking about this, and I believe what really irks me about this prevailing elitist attitude towards jury duty is the implication that the people who are on trial are all guilty, and that the attorneys all want idiots who will believe a lie. What you guys are describing is a court system where everyone who is on trial is guilty and trying to get away with a crime, and are hoping for a jury of dumbasses. That's an incredibly cynical view of the entire process, and I'm glad that it hasn't been my experience so far.

It's coming through loud and clear that you guys are not objective. Do you think it's possible that this lack of objectivity was clear at the time, as well?

Steve, are you insulting me by calling me non objective? As I do not believe my post was in anyway an insult to you or anyone else. Just a statement of experience. That is like saying being called Sand N, and Camel Jockey, and Wet Back, (* which I have been called a lot in my life *) did not happen because you believe racism does not exist near you. Or like I ate today , and there is no world hunger, or that there is no global climate changes as I am fine today. My post as stated does not prove all cases. I stated "I" and that was my experience. So I do not believe I have insulted you. Just curious. As I hope a discussion can occur with different points of view.

I am very objective. Just ask anyone I dated or married. It drives them nuts.

And in a DUI, they are charged, for usually having a road side breathalyzer value over some limit defined by the legislation. So the Legislation or elected officials set a law in place. Then the executive branches go out and enforce those laws.. Those found in violation get their day in court, and the is done by the third part of our government. Some of the other cases were Driving under no license or suspended license. Kind of hard to not say not guilty.

Yet, as when I made a left had turn onto a divide highway. There were no left hand turn signs from the two lane road to the divided 4 lane road. they were all in a place to be seen from the initial stop. Not the stop in the middle. So I assumed it was to stop people from turning the wrong way into oncoming traffic. I made the left hand turn and a police officer pulled me over and gave me a ticker. I told him thank you and then say him court where I explained my situation. the Judge decided that my objective point of view was very valid and had the officer take an action item to get a sign up in less than 24 hours and I was to go with no fine.

I went to a friends house, and everyone was parked in the street and the lawn. So I parked in the lawn as it was the last spot left. One of the street spots was a large industrial truck parked there for a nearby warehouse. I got a ticket in the morning. Once I saw the ticket I moved the vehicle and as the truck was gone I could see the sign that said no parking in the lawn. So I explained this to the judge and he let me go, and decided that more signage in the area was required as well.

In college, I had just started there and I did not know all the faculty parking. I parked in a lot and got a ticket. Once again a truck unloading had blocked the signage. I explained this and they let me go with a warning form the magistrate.

Now none of these are Jury worthy, yet, I am in front of the judge and pretty much I am trying to prove my innocence. Or my reasoning for my actions and to see if the judge decides is they were reasonable.

I have been on other jury selections before. I always get dismissed, after the first question of what is your occupation. 100% Dismissal rate.

So, while my data may be subjective, I also saw that they did the same for others in the same education band. Note: Education is not an indication of intelligence.

I was also a witness to a vehicle homicide. that is where someone dies in an auto accident. After the prosecution asked me their questions, the judge held up the defense question, to ask me questions himself. He stated it was very rare to get someone so objective and detailed oriented to be a witness. the Defense did not argue as the Judge was doing his job for him and could always appeal for procedural reasons later. I gave more details and descriptions about the roadways nearby and then proceeded to the defense. His first question was what was on the corner, I said a story and a half to two story tall building with no windows and given the description of the angles of the road ( think two road divided into one way streets in and around an expressway ) and that visibility was x feet to the first lane and the y feet into the third lane. I described that he got out of the car and that while I could not hear him as I was turning my car and radio off to get out and help, he was already out and trying to see if they were ok in the other car.

He got timed served and as the widow believed it was a true accident and not negligence and that the lights that had been timed for as long as I could remember for 20 plus years were out of sync enough to have aided in the accident. :(

The system is not rigged. yet it is. I read where a Benton Harbor Mi Police Officer went out and found a victim to make his drug dealer and he served four years and after he was out the officer was convicted and found guilty but only served 18 months for sending innocent people to prison for falsifying reports and evidence.

So, I do not understand why you are upset with me and others for stating what has happened to and around us.
I think I started the whole rigmarole on this thread, a thread that should have posts of lighthearted, short, interesting and mixed subjects. My bad.

On to other things - I made rib eye crostini with bourbon caramelized shallots, goat cheese mouse and thin sliced radishes marinated in stone ground mustard, honey and champagne vinegar yesterday.
Damn, almost fell down we ate so much.
I think I started the whole rigmarole on this thread, a thread that should have posts of lighthearted, short, interesting and mixed subjects. My bad.

On to other things - I made rib eye crostini with bourbon caramelized shallots, goat cheese mouse and thin sliced radishes marinated in stone ground mustard, honey and champagne vinegar yesterday.
Damn, almost fell down we ate so much.
Sounds good. Nom Nom
My cousin, years ago, was looking at colleges in Boston. She parked her car in the street and started to walk inside. She noticed a public works truck parked at the corner, but thought nothing of it. She went inside to talk to various people in the college, whom she had appointments with. When she came out she had a ticket for parking in a no parking zone. And there was a no parking sign, right of the front, passenger side, of her car. And it was a brand new sign too. That is what the Publics works guys were doing there, making that entire section of the street a no parking zone. The judge was stern, but did let her go with no fine.

Your post made me remember that.

Oh and today, she literally has multiple teaching certifications, speaks several languages, has 3 MS degrees and 2 PhDs, but none of her education came from that college
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