Last Person Thread #4

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I just realized last night.... that some of the people posting on MT do not have much of an education.... I permanently ignored one yesterday.... I could no longer take his idiocy. Also it would not surprise me if he was of the belief that yelling...makes you sound of the 3 amoebas down..... 2 to go.....however...1 of them has been fairly quiet of late.....
You know, I have just pursued MT and I came across one who I am pretty sure should be permanently ignored... I have to actually believe that there is absolutely nothing of worth that this person will ever post to put them on my ignore list .... after 10 years on MT there is only one person who is on my ignore list that will never come off, even though that poster is long gone....... I am now of the belief there should be another....I think the only reason I have not put this person there is that there are times when their absurdity, ineptitude and prepossession needs to be pointed out....and I doubt they will even understand those words...... but that is besides the a few of the posters posts and you know..... I have had enough asinine posts for one day...and I think I have had enough of MT for today too

That made me smile.

There is one small benefit to reading some of the posts of some of the folks.....makes me think, "Wow, I must be one of the greatest Martial Artists in the world." Never felt that before.

"Sea puppies" I so love that term.
I never seen a sea dog before but I could imagine it looks similar to this
I just watched the movie Steve Jobs. It was like a bad David Mamet play. Of course that would imply there are good David Mamet plays, so I digress.

And Jobs was such a nice guy. So at least it had that going for it.
Really weird when you read posts on FB about 'Holocaust Remembrance Day' with the 'Never again' tag line from people who support Trump with his anti everybody but white males platform....
Thats why I never bother to read anything on facebook. I see those posts and damnable "selfies" and think wow. I really am a brilliant man in comparison to these people :rolleyes:
got a text this morning, my boss asking me if I could come in to work. Didn't see it til 9 hours later (honest, I didn't look at the phone).
I think I would have had to decline...just did 3 days, headed into a 5 day stretch...doing 9 days in a row...I am no spring chicken anymore!
I'm going on a casting call on Tuesday for a two line part as a Boston Police officer in the Mark Wahlberg movie, Patriots Day (about the Boston Marathon bombing.)

The e-mail invite said "Please look as much like an officer at your audition as possible". I don't know what the hell that means. Maybe I should just scowl and carry some dough-nuts?
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