Last Person Thread #4

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My vision


I knew I had the beginnings of them but one seems to have gotten worse fast.

They want to wait to make sure they did not miss something because of the rapid vision loss, and I am to young ((I'm to young for something again and its cataract surgery, happy happy joy joy) to have this happen (at least that is what they think) but everything looks fine. If nothing pops up out of the ordinary it looks like surgery this summer
My vision


I knew I had the beginnings of them but one seems to have gotten worse fast.

They want to wait to make sure they did not miss something because of the rapid vision loss, and I am to young ((I'm to young for something again and its cataract surgery, happy happy joy joy) to have this happen (at least that is what they think) but everything looks fine. If nothing pops up out of the ordinary it looks like surgery this summer

hope all goes well!!
My vision


I knew I had the beginnings of them but one seems to have gotten worse fast.

They want to wait to make sure they did not miss something because of the rapid vision loss, and I am to young ((I'm to young for something again and its cataract surgery, happy happy joy joy) to have this happen (at least that is what they think) but everything looks fine. If nothing pops up out of the ordinary it looks like surgery this summer

There are better ways to get you the 'you are not old' getting carded buying booze, you know!

(keeping fingers crossed)
Does anybody else think that 'you are f*$^ing stupid' should be a valid response outside of South Park?

Had that feeling for a couple of weeks, when on another forum somebody came up with a 'say something <insert hot button here> in 4 words game....
well just finished another strawberry milkshake with maximuscle muscle builder in it tasted not too bad actually but i gotta bulk up cos i've been scheduled to fight in 2 weeks time which should be fun.

to be perfectly honest i thought that my fighting days were well and truly over after all the serious injuries that i've had over the years but my sensei reckons that that'll just make me concentrate harder :)

so going to dojo tonight at 7:30 should be good fun cos i'm really loving going back into near full time training again :)

just need to get fighting fit from now on :)

the stupid one is the one that reads to much into things and comes up with a suitable answer before the question has been asked ;)

the stupid one is the one that reads to much into things and comes up with a suitable answer before the question has been asked ;)


spoken like a fortune cookie. ;)

Nope, the stupid one is someone who refuses to remedy ignorance and is proud of it.
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I do not suffer from the illusion of thinking I am fast. I darn well know I am just plodding along. I only run against myself...and frequently lose.

its only bad if you give up, as long as you put in the effort that's all that matters :D
You just think he's a dog, in reality he's a cat in a Great Dane suit....

well than i guess that's a really hyper cat (my sisters have cats) there usually boring... spend a lot of time sitting, sleeping, eating... and usually stare too. my sisters cats sit there with a tired looking stare.
well than i guess that's a really hyper cat (my sisters have cats) there usually boring... spend a lot of time sitting, sleeping, eating... and usually stare too. my sisters cats sit there with a tired looking stare.

well, mine sleep about 80-90% of the time...the res they bounce off the wall... :D
i'll stick with my dog - he hates cats ;) he hates anything with 4 legs and fur really and he's not too friendly with people either but hell he's mine and i can live with him being this way :)

tonights muay thai session was shocking - guy in charge really didn't have too much of a scooby tbh --- gunna have scout round to see if there's somewhere else i got 2boxing clubs on my doorstep so might go there instead..............decisions, decisions.............

Just got in from day one of the Pacific Jewel Natonals. My guy got his butt kicked.

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He tried.

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