Last Person Thread #4

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some people couldn't care less about their furry friends (mines my avatar pic - he's called jake and he's a red/white border collie)

people that leave their dogs in cars tin ovens should be locked away in corrugated iron box --- for sure they'd leave it a thinner, would be the end of obesity possibly ?


cute dog :)
thankyou i'll pass on your comments to him --- although his ego is rather large already and i'd just hate to make it bigger lol ;)
trying to get my legs to remember how to function again - so damn stiff after yesterdays workout at MT and i've only got today to get it ready for tomorrow afternoons session lol ;)

trust me to think that going to MT and TKD classes 3 times a week a piece would be a good idea lol ;)

trying to get my legs to remember how to function again - so damn stiff after yesterdays workout at MT and i've only got today to get it ready for tomorrow afternoons session lol ;)

trust me to think that going to MT and TKD classes 3 times a week a piece would be a good idea lol ;)


Keep at it donna it will get better... :)

Also, nice dog pic. Give jake a pat on the head from us.
sensei reckons that he can make it work properly --- whatever that means lol ;)

keep at it - i've been training for too many years not to - it's become a way of life for me, it's not about it being muay thai or TKD - i just got this compulsion in me that says I HAVE TO GO TO TRAINING lol ;)

i gave jake a pat on the head plus a tummy rub for you all --- i must be getting soft in my old age lol :)

Xue I hope that eye checkup goes well. Here is crossing my fingers that it is just a minor thing or just needing new glasses!

i should wear classes... i need to wear glasses for far distances but i don't, only when i drive because i don't want to get a ticket when I'm pulled over...

best of luck with eye checkup, hope all goes well
oops, no... i seen what drinking does to my grandpa (sometimes he gets drunk if he hears the TV, radio or anything making noise is talking to him) and he will have a long conversation with it too... he will sit there for 45 minutes believing the TV is a living person...

no i just accidentally clicked the wrong button and didn't think much of it
sounds really nice :)

i'm on roast chicken and veg and a vit/min tablet plus a pint of strawberry milkshake - delish :)

sometimes i wish that i had someone to cook for but then again the invasion of my space would prolly do my nut so i'll settle for splitting a chicken with my doggie :)

Managed a nice comfortable 8:14 pace for 3.4 miles today. Not bad for the beginning of week 8. And (miraculously) I don't feel like I have died and gone to hell every time I run now.
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