Last Person #5

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Recently finished reading a book on Japanese influence on European and American fashion and style through the course of several centuries.

Currently reading Dumas' The Count of Monte Christo, The Glittering World by Alexander Grin, Straub/King's Talisman, and Ursula Le Guin's The left hand of darkness. All of those are re-reads, but the last two were a long time ago, so it's almost like reading them for the first time.

And, of course, I am reading the two books I am currently translating. Soon to be three - who the hell are we kidding?

Do you suppose I might have a slight reading addiction problem?
Back to work today after two months off. Oh, woe is me.
It's.... survivable. I think. Seriously, when I was laid off and was out of work for six months, it was a stressful time. But, at the same time, I did enjoy the freedom. The only thing that cramped my style was that whole thing about needing money to pay for things. ;)
I am in laptop purgatory....

What are you dealing with today?

5 laptops; 3 PC, 2 Mac
2 laptops will be fixed as soon as I rebuild the image for them, my image server died and took all the backups, on an external HD, with it...not sure how, but it did
1 laptop; every time I fix one issue, it pops up with another one that was not apparent until the previous issue was fixed, gave up trying and I am uninstalling everything I can and reinstalling. This is all tied directly to Office O365 by the way. Also having issues with Microsoft Update, think I finally got that one straightened out
Mac 1 - user hound me to update, I do, and now he is nowhere to be found
Mac 2- really no big deal, just need to do an install and the user is not here today
5 laptops; 3 PC, 2 Mac
2 laptops will be fixed as soon as I rebuild the image for them, my image server died and took all the backups, on an external HD, with it...not sure how, but it did
1 laptop; every time I fix one issue, it pops up with another one that was not apparent until the previous issue was fixed, gave up trying and I am uninstalling everything I can and reinstalling. This is all tied directly to Office O365 by the way. Also having issues with Microsoft Update, think I finally got that one straightened out
Mac 1 - user hound me to update, I do, and now he is nowhere to be found
Mac 2- really no big deal, just need to do an install and the user is not here today
Have a cookie?
5 laptops; 3 PC, 2 Mac
2 laptops will be fixed as soon as I rebuild the image for them, my image server died and took all the backups, on an external HD, with it...not sure how, but it did
1 laptop; every time I fix one issue, it pops up with another one that was not apparent until the previous issue was fixed, gave up trying and I am uninstalling everything I can and reinstalling. This is all tied directly to Office O365 by the way. Also having issues with Microsoft Update, think I finally got that one straightened out
Mac 1 - user hound me to update, I do, and now he is nowhere to be found
Mac 2- really no big deal, just need to do an install and the user is not here today
O365 (and, more signficantly, C2R installer) are a pain the butt.

My laptop was doing what you said the third one was - and I resorted to the same fix. I hate takes me weeks to get everything back how I want it.
Ok, you IT gurus....
I know I need to find Carol (thank Dog for facebook)

My PC is nearing the end of it's lifespan, in regard of windows support (I hated 10, and opted to return to 7 after the involuntary update, leaving me with broken speech recognition, etc and probably a lot of things I have not noticed)

Would changing it over to a different OS save it from a premature death?
Ok, you IT gurus....
I know I need to find Carol (thank Dog for facebook)

My PC is nearing the end of it's lifespan, in regard of windows support (I hated 10, and opted to return to 7 after the involuntary update, leaving me with broken speech recognition, etc and probably a lot of things I have not noticed)

Would changing it over to a different OS save it from a premature death?

Likely no, it would not extend its life if it has old hardware that is going bad. But Microsoft support is only for the OS, not for the PC. The PC support would be from the name on the PC
And would your old PC support a new OS?
And Windows 10 Enterprise is a good OS
Likely no, it would not extend its life if it has old hardware that is going bad. But Microsoft support is only for the OS, not for the PC. The PC support would be from the name on the PC
And would your old PC support a new OS?
And Windows 10 Enterprise is a good OS
10 wiped out a lot of the programs, pardon me, apps, I actually use.
I suppose I could delete a bunch of unused crap, and free up some space....
but upgrading the OS, I am not seeing it.
I dislike it enough on the laptop.

so, I gues I don't know what I want...
10 wiped out a lot of the programs, pardon me, apps, I actually use.
I suppose I could delete a bunch of unused crap, and free up some space....
but upgrading the OS, I am not seeing it.
I dislike it enough on the laptop.

so, I gues I don't know what I want...

Check to see if the programs you are running (programs works for me, I;m an old PC guy who took way to many "programming" classes) are compatible with Windows 10 before you upgrade.

And you are running Windows 7 correct. Windows 7 support is done but Microsoft won't end security updates for your Windows 7 PC until Jan. 14, 2020. A lot of enterprise folks (business/office) are still running Windows 7 and are not rushing to jump to Windows 10.
The issue was really that I did not want to upgrade. It snug itself through.
the speech recognition was shot ever since.
I was using it, but can manage without, sooo
but non of my games like 10...
And now with Avast doing funky things, I lose more of them, too....
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